1. Preface

1.1 Introduction

This manual is designed to help acquaint you with the Islamic Financing module of Oracle FLEXCUBE. It provides an overview of the module and guides you through the various steps involved in granting finances to the customers of your bank.

You can further obtain information about to a particular field by placing the cursor on the relevant field and striking the <F1> key on the keyboard.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:

Role Function
Back office data entry clerk Input functions for accounts
Back office managers/officers Authorization functions
Product Managers Product definition and authorization
End of Day operators Processing during End of Day/ Beginning of Day
Financial Controller/Product Manag­ers Generation of reports

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This manual is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter Description
Chapter 1 About this Manual gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.
Chapter 2 Islamic Financing—An Overview is a snapshot of the features that the module provides.
Chapter 3 Maintenances and Operations discusses the procedure to maintain details of the account necessary for disbursing the finance.
Chapter 4 Defining Product Categories and Products talks about defining the attributes specific to setting up a finance product.
Chapter 5 Types of Islamic Finances lists those product categories of Islamic Finance which are supported by Oracle FLEXCUBE and procedures to create the respective finance accounts.
Chapter 6 Account Creation talks about creating finance accounts.
Chapter 7 Branch Transfer of Finance explains the procedure to transfer the finance and commitment of a customer initiated or branch initiated transfers from one branch to another.
Chapter 8 Making Manual Disbursements describes the procedure to make a finance disbursement using the ‘Manual’ mode.
Chapter 9 Operations deals with the payments details and changes that you can effect on finance.
Chapter 10 Batch Processes deals with processing the batch operations.
Chapter 11 Defining Islamic Product Categories and Products explains the set-up for processing Islamic transactions like Mudaraba, Murabaha etc.
Chapter 12 Processing Vendor Payments explains how you can make payments to vendors while processing finance transactions.
Chapter 13 Islamic Financing Reports explains how to generate module specific reports depending on the modules for which you have access rights.
Chapter 14 Annexure A - Accounting Entries and Advices explains the types of accounting entries and advices generated at each stage in the lifecycle of finance.
Chapter 15 Retrieving Information in Oracle FLEXCUBE lists the possible reports that can be generated for the module.
Chapter 16 Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Related documents

You may need to refer to any or all of the User Manuals while working on the Islamic Financing module:

1.6 Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons.

Icons Function
  Add row
  Delete row
  Option List