5. Collection Contract Online

During batch processing in Collections Module, the corresponding queue ids are assigned to the asset contracts and the collection reference number gets generated. In case of any error during the batch process and if the queue and collections agents are not mapped, you can manually assign it. The collection reference number for these exceptional queues can be created in the ‘Collections Online’ screen.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Collections Online

This section contains the following topics:

5.1.1 Capturing Collection Reference

The features of ‘Collections Online’ screen are given below:


Batch program takes care in automatically closing the collection record if no due for assets and auto closure is checked.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDONONL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Collection reference number is generated by the system.


Select a valid collection product for which you want to generate a collection reference number.

Asset Reference Number

Specify the CL account number for which you need to map to collections.

In new mode, after supplying the Asset reference number and the product, click ‘P’ button to update the details of the selected combination.

The following details get displayed.

Allow Manual Collection Agent Assignment

Check this box to indicate that assigning collection agent manually is allowed.

Allow Manual Queue Assignment

Check this box to indicate that assigning collection queue manually is allowed.

Auto closure

Check this box to indicate that automatic closing of the collection product is allowed.

There will be ‘##’ symbols against the queue and collections agents when a collection is created manually. You can manually assign it through the screen CNDCNQCH (Manual Queue change.) and subsequently the Collection agent assignment using the screen CNDCAASG (Collection Agent Assignment).

Parent Collection Reference Number

Specify the parent collection reference number from the adjoining option list.

Wait for the Child Collection to Close

Check this box to indicate that the parent collection contract should wait till the child collection is closed. If this box is unchecked, then the parent contract will be closed even if the child collection is in active status.


During EOD the collection contract gets created based on this check box checked or un­checked at the collection product level.

Asset Details

The following asset details also get displayed:

5.1.2 Events Button

Click ‘Events’ button to view the events that got fired on this collection reference number.

The following events detail gets displayed:

5.1.3 Interactions Button

Click ‘Interactions’ button to view the interactions that happened for this Collection reference number.

The following interaction details are displayed here:

5.2 Collection Interactions

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Recording Customer Interactions

While booking a new interaction (Event CNIB/CNEX) for a collection reference number a new interaction Sequence number is generated. You can record the customer interactions during collection process by the agent in the ‘Collection Interactions’ screen.

In case of external collection agency, you can upload the recordings from ASCII file for bulk uploads or through the Gateway for single upload. Interaction for each loan is recorded separately. While saving the interaction execution, system validates the result code and next action code based on the Action-Result-Next Action Mapping.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDCOLIN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can record the interactions between the customer and the collection agent here. The interaction sequence number is generated by the system.

Collection Reference

Specify the collection reference number of the collection process for which you are recoding the details

The following details get displayed:

In the case where the Action code does not require an approval, upon save itself system will accept the result code/date and next action code/date. If all the data are supplied CNEX Event will be fired directly and CNIB will not be fired. If Result is “WAITING”, CNIB will be fired and Execution needs to be carried out using button ‘Liquidate’. On supply of result and next action codes, Execution event CNEX will be carried out.

After the event CNIB is fired processing stage is updated as ‘Initiated’, if the action code entered by the user requires an approval. In this case the result code, result date, next action and next action date are not accepted by the system while saving the interaction. After the authorisation, Approval (CNAP) event is fired provided you have the approval rights. Bulk Approval is also possible from the screen CNDINAPQ. Authorized records are available for execution. The processing stage after authorization is “Approved”/”Rejected”. In case of the approved records, click ‘Liquidate’ and if all the data is supplied execution is fired and the Processing stage gets changed to ‘Executed’.

During amend the interaction subsequence number get incremented by one. During authorisation, if the next action is ‘REMINDERMSG’ and the next action date is current date the CNMS event gets fired.

5.2.2 Asset Tab

Click ‘Asset Details’ Tab to view the asset details.

The following asset specific details are displayed here:

5.2.3 Interaction Details Tab

Click ‘Interaction Details’ Tab to view the interaction details.


You can capture the following interaction details here.

Action Code

Specify the action which is executed as a part of interaction

Action Date

Specify the date of execution of the aforesaid action

Result of Action

Specify a valid result code from Action-Result-Next Action maintenance

Result Date

Specify the result date in case the customer did not respond on the same date of action.

Next Action

Specify a valid next action as per the Action-Result-Next Action maintenance

Next Action Date

Specify the date of execution of the next action.

Delinquency Reason

Specify delinquency reason for the account going into overdue as per the Customer.


Specify the hour of the interaction with the customer if available.


Specify the minutes of the interaction with the customer if available.

Customer Email

Specify the email id of the customer if available.

Mobile Number

Specify the mobile number of the customer if available.

Interaction Place

Specify the interaction place with the customer if the action is a personal visit.

Total PTP

Specify the total amount, the customer promises to pay if the result of action is PTP.


Specify the comments related to the interaction you have recorded if any.

5.2.4 Promise to Pay Details Tab

Click ‘Promise to Pay Details’ Tab to view the PTP details.

The following details of promise to pay are displayed here:

This record is processed on next action date specified during the interaction.


CNMS (Collection reminder message) diary event gets fired in the underlying Collection Reference during BOD batch run.

5.2.5 Legal Proceedings Tab

Click ‘Legal Proceedings’ Tab to view the legal proceedings for the asset.

You can specify all the legal proceedings details for the selected asset reference number:

5.2.6 Asset Details Button

Click ‘Asset Details’ to invoke the ‘Collection Asset Details’ screen.

You can view the asset details here. Viewing Asset Payment History

Click ‘Payment History’ to invoke the ‘Asset Payment History’ screen. You can view the asset payment history details using this screen.

System displays the following details here:

System displays the summery of asset payments in ‘Asset Payment Summery’ section:

System displays the payment details of individual components in ‘Asset Payment Details’ section: Viewing Collection Interaction History

Click ‘Interaction History’ to invoke the ‘Collection Interaction History’ screen. You can view the collection interaction history details using this screen.

System displays the following details here:

System displays the interaction history of the selected asset in ‘Interaction Details’ section: Viewing Customer Contact Details

Click ‘Customer Contacts’ to invoke the ‘Customer Address Details’ screen.

System displays the following details here:

System displays the customer address of the selected asset reference number:

Click the ‘Detail’ button to invoke the ‘Customer Address’ screen.

5.2.7 Viewing the Summary of Interaction Record

You can view the summary of collection interaction record in the ‘Summary interaction record’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSCOLIN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


To view the summary of collection interaction record, you can perform a search based on any of the following.

Collection Reference

Select collection reference number from the options maintained.


Select a valid customer from the options maintained.

Collection Agent

Select a valid collection agent from the options maintained.

Interaction Sequence Number

Select a valid interaction sequence number from the options maintained.

Action code

Select a valid action code from the options maintained.

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records based on criteria you have selected. The following details of the record get displayed.

5.2.8 Operations on Collection Interaction Record

You can perform the following operations on collection interaction record (if any function under the application toolbar is disabled, it means that the function is not allowed for the record):

Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.

5.3 Collection Reminder Messages

This section contains the following topics:

5.3.1 Creating Collection Reminder Messages

During the collection process, there could be an action item which requires a reminder message to be sent from the system. The reminder details can be created as a diary based on the action date and the reminder date based on the details of interaction with the customer.

When a Customer Interaction is recorded by a Collection agent, a record is automatically created in the collection ‘Collection Reminder Messages’ screen depending on the next action code. If the message should be send manually, you can generate it using the manual option and the message date can be given manually.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDCLDRY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can map reminder messages to the action codes here. The branch code gets defaulted to the screen. The Message Sequence Number gets generated by the system.

Collection Reference Number

Select the collection reference number associated with the message for which you want to map reminder.

The following details of the selected collection reference number get defaulted here:

Interaction Details

The interaction reference number and details are captured here.

Interaction sequence number

Specify the interaction sequence number if have opted for manual input. If opted for automatic input, the interaction sequence number gets defaulted.

The date of interaction gets defaulted.

Message Details

The message details get defaulted here.

Message Date

Specify the date on which the message has to be generated.

Message Status

The message status can be selected as per the current state of collection interaction from the following options:

Generation Mode

Specify the mode of message generation as auto or manual.

The media of reminder message gets defaulted here as per the maintenance. Incase the default media is null; ‘Mail’ gets selected as media.

Additional Text

Specify the additional information about the reminder message.


The medium of communication gets defaulted from the Media/Address maintenance. You can amend the details here.

You can save the mapping of reminder message and interaction details. CNMS event gets fired with Collection Event Number while generating message. No operations are allowed after authorizing a reminder message.

5.3.2 Viewing the Summary of Reminder Message Record

You can view the summary of collection interaction reminder record in the ‘Summary Reminder Message Record’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSCLDRY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

To view the summary of collection reminder message, you can perform a search based on any of the following.

Authorisation Status

Select the authorisation status of the collection reminder message as:

Record Status

Select the record status of the collection reminder message as:

Collection Reference

Select collection reference number from the options maintained.

Collection Agent

Select a valid collection agent from the options maintained.

Message Date

The date on which message is generated for the customer.

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records based on criteria you have selected. The following details of the record get displayed.

5.3.3 Operations on Reminder Message Record

You can perform the following operations on collection interaction record (if any function under the application toolbar is disabled, it means that the function is not allowed for the record):

Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.

5.4 Collection Queue Change

This section contains the following topics:

5.4.1 Changing Collection Queue for Loans

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can manually change the collection queue of a particular loan. You can use ‘Collection Queue Change’ screen to change the existing collection queue and apply new collection queue.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDCNQCH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

For every manual collection queue change a unique queue change reference number will be generated with the maker id, checker id details stored against each such reference number.


Specify any comments related to this queue change here, which can be used while retrieving information in the summary screen.


You can query this screen on the following details.

Asset Reference Number

Specify a valid asset reference number to perform a query based on it.

Customer ID

Specify a valid customer id to perform a query based on it.

Collection Queue

The collection Agent can be assigned only within the collection Agent group linked to the Queue. Specify a valid collection queue value to perform a query based on it.


Specify a valid asset product code to perform a query based on it.

Loan Status

Specify the loan status to perform a query based on it.

Minimum Total amount over due

Specify the minimum amount overdue to query the asset records with the total amount Overdue greater than or equal to this amount.

Minimum Overdue Days

Specify a minimum number of overdue days to query the asset records with total number of overdue days greater than or equal to this number.

Minimum Overdue Schedules

Specify a minimum number of overdue schedules to query the asset records with total number of overdue schedules greater than or equal to this number.

Customer Category

Specify the customer category to perform a query based on it.

Customer Credit Rating

Specify the customer credit rating to perform a query based on it.


If you have mentioned the minimum amount overdue this field is mandatory. Specify the asset currency to perform a query based on it.

Click ‘Query’ button to perform query based on the selected values. The following values get displayed below in the multiple entry blocks of the screen:

New Collection Queue

Specify the new assign queue to the each asset retrieved.


The event CQAS (Collection Queue assignment) is fired for all the Collection contracts list­ed after the save.

Apply to All

Select this box if the particular queue selected should be applied to all.

Click ‘Apply’ button to apply the selected queue to be applied to all the asset references queried. And your access to the selected queue is validated while saving the queue change.


You cannot amend the record after the authorization.

5.4.2 Viewing the Summary of Collection Queue Change Details

You can view the summary of collection queue change details in the ‘Summary Collection Queue Change’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSCNQCH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can query the Collection Queue Change details here.

Queue Change Reference

Select a valid Collection Queue Change reference number from the list of options available.


Select valid comments for Collection Queue Change from the list of options available.

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records based on criteria you have selected. The following details of the record get displayed.

5.4.3 Operations on Collection Queue change for Loans Record

You can perform the following operations on collection queue change maintenance record (if any function under the application toolbar is disabled, it means that the function is not allowed for the record):

Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.

5.5 Broken Promise Fee Reversal

This section contains the following topics:

5.5.1 Reversing Broken Promise Fee

During EOD batch run broken promise fee is collected from the customer if he defaults a PTP (promise to pay) policy. However, if required the fee collected can be reversed through ‘Broken Promise Fee Reversal’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDBPFEE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can reverse the fee of broken fee here.

Collection Reference Number

Specify the collection reference associated with the broken promise fee.

Click ‘query’ button to view all the details of broken fee collected related to the specified collection reference number. The following details get displayed:

Fee Details

You can view the following fee details here.

You can click Reverse from the menu to pass the reversal entries. An event Reversing Broken Promise Fee (RFEE) gets fired. After the fee has been reversed the reversal event sequence number and the date of reversal gets defaulted.

5.5.2 Viewing the Summary of Reversal of Broken Fee Record

You can view the summary of broken fee reversal record in the ‘Summary broken fee reversal record’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSBPFEE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Collection Reference

Select collection reference number from the options available.

Fee Event Sequence Number

Select a valid fee event sequence number from the options available.

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records based on criteria you have selected. The following details of the record get displayed.

5.6 Interaction Approval Queue

This section contains the following topic:

5.6.1 Processing Collection Interaction Queues

You can process the interaction processing approvals using the screen ‘Interaction pending Approval Queues’. The following types of approvals for the interactions which are in the initiated stages can be processed here:

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDINAPQ’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The records can be approved or rejected in bulk. Bulk reference numbers are generated for storing the audit log. The two events which can be fired here are ‘CNAP’ or ‘CNRJ’ which are auto authorised.

5.7 Collection Agent Dashboard Screen

This section contains the following topics:

5.7.1 Viewing Collection Agent Dashboard

You can view the collection activities across the queues for an agent. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDDASH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Agent Id

Specify the identification number of the agent from the adjoining option list.


You can access only allowed agents’ details in the dashboard.

System displays the following details:

For further information on generic attributes about collection agent, please refer the same user manual.

5.7.2 Plan Activity Button

You can track the daily activities for an agent across the queues. You can invoke this screen from the ‘Collection Agent Dashboard’ by clicking on the ‘Plan Activity ‘button.

You can specify any or all of the following details and click on ‘Query’ to view the daily activities for the agent.

System displays the following information based on the query:

5.8 Plan Activity

This section contains the following topic:

5.8.1 Viewing the Plan Activity

You can query the process of collection through ‘Plan Activity’ screen. You can view the details in the screen though you cannot perform any operations.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDCADSH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can query the screen using F7 & F8. After the screen is displayed you can press F7 you can get all the fields enabled to enter the data for querying.

You can perform the query here.


Specify the following details to perform query.


Specify the branch code to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Product

Specify the collection product code to query the collection details based on it.

Asset Product

Specify the asset product code to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Status

Specify the collection status to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Queue

Specify the collection queue to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Agent Group

Specify the collection agent group code to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Agent

Specify the collection agent code to query the collection details based on it.

Collection Reference

Specify the collection reference number to query the collection details based on it.

Asset Reference

Specify the asset reference code to query the collection details based on it.


Specify the customer code to query the collection details based on it.

Minimum Overdue

Specify the minimum sum of the overdue amount of principal and main interest components for the asset.

Minimum Principal Overdue

Specify the minimum overdue of the principal component for the asset.

Minimum Interest

Specify the minimum overdue amount for the main interest component for the asset.

Unique Identifier

Specify the unique identifier for the asset owner.

Next Activity

Specify the next planed interaction activity for the asset.

Customer Name

Specify the name of the customer.

Next Activity Dates

Specify the next due date for the planed activity.

After specifying the values in the screen, click ‘Query’ button or press F8 to perform the query. The following list of assets under collections process conforming to the query criterion is displayed:

Click ‘View Collection Details’ to view the following collection details.


The following details are displayed:

Collections List


On click of “Interaction Details” button, the Customer Interaction Screen (CNDCOLIN) is launched for the Collection Reference number and Interaction Reference number selected.

Click ‘View Asset Details’ to view the basic asset details.

The Asset Reference Number and Due Details as of Date are displayed from the parent screen.

Asset Details

Following asset details are displayed here:

Due Details

The following due details are displayed here:

5.9 Collection Agent Assignment

This section contains the following topic:

5.9.1 Assigning Collection Agent for a Loan

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can change the collection agent, if a particular collection agent fails to collect the loan amount due in the ‘Collection Agent Assignment’ screen. You can assign new agent through ‘Collection Agent Assignment’ screen. When you assign a new collection agent the interactions recorded for the old agent gets cancelled.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDCAASG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can query the screen based on the following fields:

Customer ID

Specify the customer ID of the customer whose loan amount is due.


Specify the asset product for which the amount due.

Asset Reference number

Specify the asset reference number as per the collection assignment.

Collection Reference number

Specify the collection reference number of the amount due.

Asset Amount From

Specify the starting amount range for which you want to change the collection agent.

Asset Amount To

Specify the amount limit for which you want to change the collection agent.

Collection State

Specify the collection status of the loan for which you want to change the collection agent.

Collection Agent Group

Specify the collection agent group for which you want to change the collection agent.

Minimum Total Amount Overdue

Specify the total outstanding amount of a loan for which you want to change the collection agent.

Minimum Overdue Schedules

Specify the limit of overdue schedules of a loan for which you want to change the collection agent.

Minimum Overdue Days

Specify the limit of overdue days of a loan for which you want to change the collection agent.


Specify the currency of a loan for which you want to change the collection agent.

Collection Agent Now

Specify the current collection agent of a loan for which you want to change the collection agent.

Click ‘Query’ button to perform a query based on any of the fields above. The bellow grid displays the following details of all the records matching the selected criteria.

Apply to All

Check this box and click apply button to assign the new collection agent to all the records with the selected criteria.


Specify any comments related to this new collection agent assignment here.

While authorizing the new collection agent assignment, as event ‘CASG’ (Collection Agent Re-Assignment) is fired in all the underlying Collection contracts. A unique assignment reference number is generated which can be used to identify the bunch of contracts for which the assignment has been done in a particular lot. You cannot perform any operation after the authorization.

5.9.2 Component Wise Balance Details Button

Click ‘Component Wise Balance Details’ button to view component wise due details of the asset reference number selected in the ‘Collection Agent assignment’ screen.

You can view the details of assets from the Oracle FLEXCUBE in the ‘component wise balance’ screen.

5.9.3 Processing Collection Agent Fee

In the intermediary module, total liquidated amount paid as collection agent fee is available as an SDE for the definition of collection agent fee. The payment reversal is also handled through another SDE for the reversal amount. The liquidation process also happens in intermediary module.

Element Description
LOAN_COLLECT­ED_AMT This SDE will return the sum of the amount collected by the intermediary (collection agent).
LOAN_COL­L_REV_AMT This SDE will return the sum of the reversed amount, which was collected by the intermediary (collection agent) but reversed.

Refer intermediary module to know more details on collection agent fee definition, fee reversal and liquidation

5.9.4 Viewing the Summary of Collection Agent Assignment Record

You can view the summary of collection agent assignment record in the ‘Summary Collection Agent Assignment’ screen.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSCAASG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Assignment Reference

Select assignment reference number from the options available.


Select a valid maker id of the record from the options available.

Effective Date

Select a valid date from the calendar option from available

Click ‘Search’ button to view the records based on criteria you have selected. The following details of the record get displayed.

5.9.5 Operations on Collection Agent Assignment Record

You can perform the following operations on collection agent assignment record (if any function under the application toolbar is disabled, it means that the function is not allowed for the record):

Refer to the manual on Common Procedures for details of these operations.

5.10 Customer Restrictions

This section contains the following topics:

5.10.1 Restricting User – Agent Access

You can restrict the agent access for the user using ‘User Agent Access’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNDUSRAG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

User Id

Specify the user Id from the adjoining option list for whom the agent access is restricted.

User Name

Specify the name of the user.

Agent restrictions

Agent Id

Specify the agent Id from the adjoining option list.

Agent Name

Specify the name of the agent.


Check this box to indicate that the agent access is allowed for the user.

5.10.2 Viewing User - Agent Details

You can view the agent details using ‘User Agent Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CNSUSRAG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

The system displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records: