31. Tanking of Maintenance Records

The maintenance records that are created or modified in the system can be tanked till they get authorized, so that it is possible to undo the modifications, if needed, before the records are authorized. The maintenance log also will store the changes till they get authorized. The new or the modified records are written to the static tables only after authorization.

This chapter contains the following section:

31.1 Tanking Records

This sections contains the following topics:

31.1.1 Tanking New and Modified Maintenance Records

You can enable tanking of the creation and modification of maintenance records by selecting the ‘Tanking Required’ option provided at the function Id level. You need to enable the ‘Tanking Required’ option in RAD tool as well.

You can enable ‘Tanking Required’ option for individual function Ids in ‘Function Description Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘SMDFNDSC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

To enable tanking of maintenance records for a function Id you need to select the function Id in this screen and then select the ‘Tanking Required’ checkbox.

For more details on this screen, refer Security Management System user manual.


Tanking of records has been enabled only for the following function Ids:

31.1.2 Tanking New Records

During the creation of a new record, if ‘Tanking Required’ option is enabled, the system tanks the details of the newly created record till the record gets authorized. Any query on this data retrieves this stored information.

31.1.3 Tanking Modified Records

All modifications to unauthorized records get tanked and the modified data gets written to actual tables only after authorization. In this case, the record remains in ‘Authorized’ status in the actual table and the unauthorized modifications will be kept pending for un-tanking. The most recent modifications will be shown in both summary and detailed screens with the Authorization status as ‘Unauthorized’.

31.1.4 Closing a Record

You can close a record only if it is in ‘Authorized’ state, without any unauthorized modifications pending for un-tanking. Closure is possible only for records that are in ‘Open’ status. When you close a record, the system tanks this and the record gets actually closed only after the closure gets authorized.

31.1.5 Re-opening a Record

You can re-open a record only if it has been closed and the closure is authorized. Re-opening of a record gets tanked till it gets authorized and the actual re-opening happens after the authorization.

31.1.6 Authorizing a Record

All unauthorized modifications get displayed when you click ‘Authorize’ menu option. You can select a modification number and the records get authorized till that modification. These records are un-tanked and their status gets updated as ‘Authorized’. You can authorize the modifications partially, if required.

31.1.7 Deleting a Record

All unauthorized records will be available for deletion. You can select a modification number and system deletes all unauthorized modifications from the selected modification number. If the modifications getting deleted are made by a user other than the current user, the system displays an error message.

31.1.8 Viewing Summary of Records

All summary screens display data retrieved from both the summary data source and the table that contains the unauthorized tanked records.

31.1.9 Modifying Tanking Preferences

You can modify the tanking preferences specified for a function Id, if required. This modification is possible only if all records related to that function Id are in ‘Authorized’ status.