33. Annexure B - File Formats

As mentioned earlier, SWIFT provides a country-wise holiday list that can be uploaded into Oracle FLEXCUE using the ‘CCH’ source code. This file consists of the ‘HF’ and ‘HS’ records. HF and HS are the tag identifiers through which the currency code can be obtained.

This chapter contains the following section:

33.1 Upload File Formats

HF – Non-European countries

As mentioned before, the HF record comprises the holiday details for countries where ‘EUR’ is not the local currency. The currency code is obtained from the country code present in this record. The holiday record is then uploaded into the Oracle FLEXCUBE holiday upload table.

The HF record has the following format:

Position Description Length Type Mandatory Data
1 Tag Identifier 2 VAR­CHAR2 Y ‘HF’
3 Modification Flag 1 VAR­CHAR2 Y ‘A’ addition
‘M’ modification
‘D’ deletion
‘U’ unchanged
4 Country Code 2 VAR­CHAR2 Y ISO Country Code
6 Country Name 35 VAR­CHAR2 Y Country Name (first part)
41 Country Name 35 VAR­CHAR2 N Country Name (second part)
76 Date 8 VAR­CHAR2 Y Date of a Holi­day
84 Holiday type 1 VAR­CHAR2 Y Code indicating type of Holiday (see below)
85 Special holi­day info. 320 VAR­CHAR2 N Restrictions applicable if a holiday is not applicable country-wide, or is not a full day

HS – For European countries

The HS record comprises the Target holiday details for countries where ‘EUR’ is the local currency. The holiday record is uploaded into the Oracle FLEXCUBE holiday upload table.

The HS record has the following format:

Position Description Length Type Mandatory Data
1 Tag Identifier 2 VARCHAR2 Y ‘HS’
3 Modification Flag 1 VARCHAR2 Y ‘A’ addition
‘M’ modification
‘D’ deletion
‘U’ unchanged
4 Service Code 3 VARCHAR2 Y Value Added Service Code
7 Date 8 VARCHAR2 Y Date of a Holi­day
15 Holiday type 1 VARCHAR2 Y Code indicating type of holi­day(see below)
16 Special holi­day info 320 VARCHAR2 N Restrictions applicable if a holiday is not applicable coun­try-wide, or is not a full day