7. Defining Discount Accrual Fee Classes

7.1 Introduction

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can define the different types of charges or fees that apply on a product as ‘classes’. A charge class is a specific type of charge component (E.g. Charges for amending the terms of finance).

When defining a product, you merely have to attach the required classes. In this manner, a contract processed under a particular product acquires the classes (components) associated with the product.

A discount accrual fee class can be made applicable for finances and bills processed in Oracle FLEXCUBE. To apply a discount accrual fee, you should first define attributes for each of the components.

This chapter contains the following sections

7.2 Steps Involved in Processing Discount Accrual Fees

This section contains the following topics

7.2.1 Defining a Discount Accrual Fee Class

A discount accrual fee class specifies the accrual parameters for profit, charges and fees. You can define the attributes of a discount accrual fee class in the ‘Discount Accrual Class Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Discount Accrual Class Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘DADACRCLL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Before defining the attributes of a discount accrual fee class, you should specify the following:

Class Code

Specify a unique identifier for the class.


Enter a brief description for the class. A description would help you easily identify the class.


Specify the module to which the class is associated.

7.2.2 Specifying Accrual Preferences

When building a discount accrual fee class, you define the following attributes:

Discount Accrual Required

Specify whether Discount accrual should be performed for the class.

Accrual Frequency

Specify the frequency at which discount accrual should be performed. This can be either Daily or Monthly. For monthly accruals, the discount accrual will be done on the last day of the month.

Acquisition Type

The Acquisition Type determines whether the initial cash flows for a C contract can be more (Premium) or less (Discount) or equal (Par) to the bill amount. The ‘Acquisition Type’ is determined by the cash flows of profit, charges and fees for which 'Consider as Discount' option is checked.

The drop down list comprises of the following values:

If the incoming cash flows of all the above components are greater than outgoing cash flows considering Incoming flow as Positive (In case of bills), the acquisition type is considered as Discount. If the incoming cash flows of all the above components are less than outgoing cash flows considering Incoming flow as Positive (In case of bills), the acquisition type is considered as Premium.

If the incoming cash flows of all the above components are equal to outgoing cash flows considering Incoming flow as Positive (In case of bills), the acquisition type is considered as Par.


The acquisition type of a contract can change from premium to par/discount or otherwise depending on the charges getting liquidated during the life cycle of the contract.

Handling of Foreclosure

Specify how foreclosures with respect to the contracts using the class must be handled. You can opt for the completion of pending accruals, or refund. In case the ‘Acquisition Type’ is ‘Par’, there are no refunds. Only the pending accruals are completed.

7.2.3 Associating Discount Accrual Components To Products

After building discount accrual fee classes you can associate the class with finances or bills products. You can invoke the ‘Islamic Bills and Collections Product Definition’ screen by typing ‘IBDPRMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Click the ‘Discount Accrual’ button in the ‘Islamic BC Product Definition’ screen to invoke the ‘Discount Accrual Preference Association’ screen.

To associate discount accrual fee class with a product, click the ‘Default From Class’ button in the ‘Discount Accrual Preference Association’ screen. Select the appropriate discount accrual fee class from the list of classes. The attributes defined for the discount accrual fee class defaults to the product.

You have the option to modify the attributes defined for the class, to suit the requirement of the product you are creating. Alternatively, you can choose to define the discount accrual details for the product.

The system derives the acquisition type based on the following criteria:

Product Type Inflow/Outflow Acquisition Type
Asset Inflow>Outflow Discount
Asset Inflow<Outflow Premium
Asset Inflow=Outflow Par

An asset here is an IBC contract and Inflow/Outflow could pertain to the charges and discounted profit associated with a contract.

Now, if the acquisition type derived by the system for a contract and the acquisition type of the discount accrual class linked at the product are different, system does not allow saving of a contract.

7.3 Events and Accounting Entries for Discount Accrual

When defining the accounting entries for the Finances and Bills modules you must identify the events and accounting entries that are required for discount accrual fee accounting. One of these is the YTM based Discount Accrual (YACR) event. It is meant to indicate the periodic discount accruals for the contract.

The Accounting Roles that should be associated with the event YACR are:

Accounting Role Acquisition Type Product Type Description
EIMDISCRIA Discount Asset Effective Profit Based Discount To Be Accrued
EIMDISCINC Discount Asset Effective Profit Based Discount Accrued Till Date
EIMPREMPIA Premium Asset EIM Premium paid in advance
EIMPREMEXP Premium Asset EIM Premium Expense
EIMINTADJREC Par Asset EIM Profit Adjustment Receivable
EIMINTADJINC Par Asset EIM Profit Adjustment Income

The Amount Tags for the YACR event:

Amount Tag Description
EIMDISC_ACCR Net Discount Accrual amount for the processing day
EIMDISC_ADJ Discount accrual refund amount
EIMPREM_ACCR Net premium accrual amount for processing day
EIMINTADJ_ACCR Profit adjustment amount
EIMPREM_ADJ Premium accrual refund amount

The following entries should be maintained for the YACR event for assets (IBC contracts):

Accounting Role Amount Tag Dr/Cr Indicator


OLE_LINK2 The account head mapped to the accounting role EIMDISCRIA and account heads mapped to the subsystem specific RIA (Received in Advance) accounting roles should be maintained as the same account.

For discount accrual, you must also maintain the following accounting set-up for the Charge Liquidation event. The charge liquidation event is the event in the life of a bill contract at which the charge is going to be levied; you would have specified this while building a charge class or while attaching a charge class to the product. This is in addition to the normal accounting set-up that you would define for the LIQD event:

Accounting Role Description
component_RIA* Charge amount Received in Advance

* The component will be replaced by the appropriate Charge Rule.

Amount Tag Description
component_DISC* Charge Amount to be discounted
component_PIA Charge amount paid in advance

* The component will be replaced by the appropriate Charge Rule.

The following entries should be maintained for the charge liquidation event.

Accounting Role Amount Tag Dr/Cr
<Charge rule>_RIA <Charge rule>_DISC Credit
CUSTOMER <Charge rule>_DISC Debit
<Charge rule>_INC <Charge rule>_LIQD Credit
CUSTOMER <Charge rule>_LIQD Debit
<Charge rule>_PIA <Charge rule>_PREM Debit
CUSTOMER <Charge rule>_PREM Credit

Along with the normal accounting entry setup for the LIQD event, you must also maintain the following accounting entries:

Accounting Role Amount Tag Dr/Cr Indicator

7.4 Specifying Status Change Details for Discount Accru­al

You need to define the manner in which discount accrual is processed in the event of status changes. You must maintain the following details as part of status maintenance for bills:

You can specify the following roles as part of the transfer GLs:

Accounting Role Description
EIMDISCRIA Effective Profit Based Discount To Be Accrued
EIMDISCINC Effective Profit Based Discount Accrued Till Date
EIMPREMPIA EIM Premium Paid In Advance
EIMPREMEXP EIM Premium Expense
EIMINTADJREC EIM Profit Adjustment Receivable
EIMINTADJINC EIM Profit Adjustment Income

To recall, at the IBC product level, you maintain preferences pertaining to status change processing through the ‘Islamic Bills – User Defined Status Maintenance’ screen (which you invoke by clicking the ‘Status’ button in the ‘Islamic Bills and Collections – Product Definition’ screen). During the contract status change processing, the following are supported by the system based on the preferences maintained:

For more information, refer to the section ‘Aging Analysis for a Product’ in the chapter titled ‘Product Definition’ in the Products User Manual.

7.5 Processing for Discount Accrual Fees

The System provides a batch process for discount accrual. You can trigger the batch process through the ‘Discount Accrual’ batch screen. The YACR event is initiated, and the net discount accrual amount for the day is computed

7.5.1 Computation of Net Discount Accrual Amount for a Processing Day

The following details are stored in the system during discount accrual:


Catch-Up of discount accrual is done during an IBC contract rollover also.

The net discount accrual amount for a processing day is computed as follows:


7.5.2 IRR Calculation and IRR Re-calculation

IRR calculation does not happen in the below mentioned cases:

IRR recalculation happens during the following events with new effective date:


The above events pertain to bearing/arrears type of BC contracts.

For discounted/true discounted type of IBC contracts where the profit is collected in advance, IRR recalculation is done with a new effective date during the following events:

Additionally, IRR recalculation happens during the below mentioned events if charges are applicable on them:


IRR recalculation is undone during reversal of a partial prepayment.

IRR recalculation is not done during the following events:


Amendment of a bill amount is supported for collection bills and this does not form part of funding operations of the bank. It is also assumed that there will be no profit components on the collection bills.