9. Processing Outgoing Messages

Here, the procedure involved in generating an outgoing message is explained. To recall, you have already maintained:

In each module of Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can define products. While defining products you also indicate the messages that should be associated with an event in the life cycle of a contract involving the product.

A contract goes through several events during it’s life-cycle. A message for an event is triggered for generation when the event is authorized.

For example, you have defined a product to cater to short term loans. You have indicated that the following messages should be generated when events take place:

Event Message
INITIATION Initiation Advice
LIQUIDATION Liquidation Advice

When you initiate a short-term loan involving the product an Initiation Advice will be triggered for generation. Similarly, if you make a repayment on the loan, the liquidation advice defined for the event will be triggered for generation.


In this context advices and messages are commonly referred to as messages.

Depending on the product - message - customer details that you have set up, Oracle FLEXCUBE determines the address and the media through which the message should be transmitted.

If a message is to be transmitted through mail, it has to be printed. If the message is to be transmitted through Telex, you will have to enter the testword (if it is required for the message). The messages that are to be transmitted through media like Telex and SWIFT will be sent by the Media Control System (MCS) which is connected to the node in which the database of your branch is installed.

A message that is triggered for generation can be sent in the background or can be generated on-line. An outgoing message will be processed based on the preference that you state.


The messages that are triggered by an automatic event like the generation of a tracer for an LC, billing notice and delinquency notice for a loan, etc., will be put in the Outgoing Browser by the automatic function itself. This is because events triggered by an automatic function do not require authorization.

This chapter contains the following sections:

9.1 Outgoing Messages Browser Summary

This section contains the following topics:

9.1.1 Generating Messages from Outgoing Browser

If the background message process is not running, all the messages that are triggered for generation will be displayed in the Outgoing Message Browser from where you can generate the message.

You can generate messages from the Outgoing Browser at any time in the day. You can invoke the ‘Outgoing Message Browser Summary’ screen by typing ‘MSSOUTBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Viewing Outgoing Messages

You can view features of the outgoing messages based on any of the following criteria.

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all outgoing messages satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each outgoing message:





RTGS Message type and its description are shown in the table below:

Message Description SWIFT Message
CUST_TSFR_RTGS Used when a Pay message generation is for a corporate and sent through the RTGS Network. MT 103
BANK_TSFR_RTGS Used when a message belongs to an interbank deal and sent through the RTGS Network. MT 202
DIRDR_RTGS Used when a direct debit message is sent through the RTGS Network. MT 204
COVER_RTGS Used when a cover payment is sent through the RTGS Network. MT 202


9.1.2 Performing Operations on an Outgoing Message

The operations that you can perform on an outgoing message are determined by the rights that you are assigned with, at Security Management System (SMS) level. If a function in the Outgoing Browser is disabled, then the function is not allowed for the record.

Check the box against the message(s) for which you need to perform an operation and then click the corresponding operation. The action performed will require authorization, if maintained at the Messaging Branch Preferences level.

The following operations can be performed on the outgoing messages:


Click to generate an outgoing message. You can generate un-generated and repaired messages.

When you click ‘Generate’, the system checks the contract status for which the message is generated and will not generate a message in the following condition:


Click if you need to temporarily stop generating an outgoing message. Authorizing Supervisor can view details and then release the messages or change their status to Carry Forward, which in turn can be released on further authorization.


Messages with Hold status must either be carried forward or released, before you execute the EOD processes at the branch; else the system displays an error message. However, if the message is cancelled, then the system will not display error message, though the status is ‘Hold’.


Click if you need to cancel an outgoing message. You can cancel messages with ‘Un-generated’ and ‘Hold’ status.

TW Input

Click if you need to input testword for Telex messages which were moved to ‘Repair’ status.

Change Node

Click if you need to change the node from which an outgoing message is generated.

In a distributed environment, the database of one or more branches of your bank will be located at a node or a server. Hence a Media Control System will be installed and defined specifying the node at which it is installed.

When you click ‘Node’, the system displays the details of the individual message providing an option to change the ‘Node’. Select the node you need to change from the adjoining option list.


MCS status at the node in which the database of your bank is installed should be passive.

Change Address

Click if you need to change the address to which an outgoing message has to be sent. Enter the new address to which the message should be sent and click ’OK’ to save.


Change of address can be done only before a message is generated.


Click if you need to print an outgoing message. When you click ‘Print’, option will be provided to select spool or print on-line.

Messages that are transmitted through mail and those cancelled should be printed. You can also choose to print the details of messages transmitted through other media types.

The system provides an option to spool the advices in PDF format. When you click the ‘Print/Spool’ button, you can view the selected advice in PDF file. You can also view the SWIFT tag description.


Click if you need to reverse the last action you performed on an outgoing message at ‘Outgoing Messages Browser’ level

Change Priority

Click if you need to change the priority, for sending a payment message which is yet to be generated.


In the Background, Oracle FLEXCUBE generates messages on the priority basis.


Click if you need to regenerate and resend a message which was generated and sent.


Click if you need to release a message which is on hold.


Click if you need to reinstate cancelled outgoing messages.

TW Auth

Click if you are provided rights to authorize testword entered for a Telex message. While authorizing you have to reenter the testword.

Change Media

Click if you need to change the media through which a message is transmitted, before it would be generated. Media of transmission of a message is changed if there is a failure of the medium at the recipient’s end.


The selected media through which a message is transmitted should be available to the re­cipient.

Change Branch

Click if you need to send an outgoing message from another branch. Select the branch to which the message needs to be moved from the adjoining option list.

You change the branch of a message for the following reasons:


Click if you need to view the contents of a generated outgoing message. Viewing multiple messages is not supported.


Click to authorize, if you are provided authorization rights for an operation at the Messaging Branch Preferences level. Messages should be authorized before sending them.


Click if you need to hand-off a generated message to MCS to save the date in an ASCII format.


Click if you need to view the details of a generated outgoing message. Viewing details of multiple messages is not supported

On-line Auth

Click to authorize online, if you are provided online authorization rights for an operation at the Messaging Branch Preferences level. Messages should be authorized before sending them.


Click if you need to send a copy of an outgoing message to another customer involved in a contract. You will provide the following to options:

Carry Forward

Click if you need to Carry Forward an outgoing message which is on ‘Hold’ for subsequent days.


Messages which have been Carried Forward can be put back on Hold.

BIP Advice

Click if you need to generate advice in PDF format.


You can generate BIP advice messages for Branch advices by maintaining ‘BRANCH_ADV_TYPE’ as ‘BIP’. Generation of these BIP advices is similar to ‘Host’ advices.


If an advice is not generated, then the system generates, spools, and moves it to the client work station.

9.2 Bulk Monitor

You can monitor the messages and executions in bulk using 'Bulk Monitor' screen. To invoke this screen, type 'MSSBLKMN' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters.

Once you have specified the search parameters, click 'Execute Query' button. The system displays the following details of the records that match the filter criteria.

You can view the details of each record in the results. Double-click a record from the results to view the details in 'Bulk Monitor Detail' (MSDBLKMN) screen.

This screen displays the following details of the record.

You can regenerate the files by clicking 'Regenerate' button. You can also bulk a selected bulk preference ad-hoc using 'Initiate Adhoc Bulking' button.

9.3 Bulking and SWIFTNet Operations Monitor

This section contains the following topics:

9.3.1 Monitoring Bulking and SWIFTNet Operations

You can monitor the bulking and SWIFTNet operations being processed in the system using 'Bulking and SWIFTNet Operation Monitor Summary' screen. To invoke this screen, type 'MSSBSWOP' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the operations based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have set the search parameters, click 'Search' button. The system displays all valid operations that match the search criteria. You can monitor the following details of each operation.

9.3.2 Managing Connectivity Operations

You can start or stop the connectivity operations from 'Connectivity Operation Manager' screen. To invoke this screen, type 'MSDCNMGR' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details to search for the connectivity.

Connectivity Line

Specify the connectivity line name. The option list displays all valid connectivity lines maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Operation Mode

Select the operation mode based on which you need to filter the connectivity line search. You can select one of the following operation modes.

Once you have specified the above details, click 'Search' button. The system displays the connectivity lines based on the search parameters specified, with the following details.

You can select one or more connectivity lines that you wish to manage, by checking the adjoining check-box. Following buttons are available on the screen to manage the operations.

9.4 Outbound File Browser

You can use the outbound file browser for searching and viewing the outbound files. To invoke the screen, type 'MSSFLBRW' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the above details, click 'Execute Query' button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria. You can double-click a record to view the details in the 'Outbound File Browser Details' (MSDFLBRW) screen.

You can view the following details in this screen.

You can resend the selected file from this screen using the 'Resend' button.

9.5 Inbound File Browser

You can use the inbound file browser for searching and viewing the inbound files. To invoke the screen, type 'MSSIFBRW' in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the above details, click 'Execute Query' button. The system displays the following details of records that match the search criteria.


9.6 BIP Advice File Format

This section contains the following topics:

9.6.1 Maintaining BIP Advice File Format

You can maintain BIP advice file format using BIP Advice File Format screen. You can invoke the ‘BIP Advice File Format’ screen by typing ‘MSDADFTP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Branch Code

Specify branch code for which you need to maintain BIP advice file format, from the adjoining option list


Specify branch code for which you need to maintain BIP advice file format, from the adjoining option list

Advice Message Type 

Specify advice message type of the BIP advice file format, from the adjoining option list.

Advice File Format

Select a valid file format in which you would prefer to generate the BIP message, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following:

9.7 PDE Detail

This section contains the following topics:

9.7.1 Processing Outgoing Messages with PDE Trailer

System identifies outgoing messages with a PDE (Possible Duplicate Emission) trailer and parks it in the PDE queue. From the PDE queue you can opt to either release the message with/without the PDE trailer or reject the message. You can release or reject an outgoing message with a PDE Trailer using the PDE Detailed screen. You can invoke the ‘PDE Detailed’ screen by typing ‘MSDETPDE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The following details of the message are displayed in the above screen:

You need to capture the following information in the above screen:


Select the status of the message from the drop-down list. The options available are:

In order to view the details of the record click ‘Detail’ button. The details of the record are displayed in the ‘PDE Detail’ screen.

The following details of the message are displayed:

9.7.2 Viewing Outgoing Messages with PDE Trailer

You can view all the PDE messages parked in the PDE queue using the ‘PDE Summary’ screen. You can invoke the PDE Summary screen by typing ‘MSSETPDE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

In the above screen you can query for a record based on any of the following parameters:

Based on the query, the following details of the record which match the query parameter are displayed:

In order to view the details of each record select the record and click ‘Detail’ button. The details of the selected record are displayed in the ‘PDE Detail’ screen.

For more details on PDE validations on outgoing messages refer section ‘Performing PDE Validations on SWIFT Messages’ in ‘Maintaining Messaging Branch Preferences’ chapter of this User Manual