6. Reports

The following are the reports you can generate for the Signature Verification module:

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 CIF and Account Signatory Details Report

This section contains the following topics:

6.1.1 Generating CIF and Account Signatory Details Report

The CIF and Account Signatory Details report gives you the details of customers for whom customer signatory details have been maintained.

Option for which the Report can be Generated

You can select the following option based on which the report can be generated. You can generate the report for any one CIF or ALL CIF’s.

Specifying the CIF

While generating the report you can specify whether you want the signatory details of just one customer or all the customers hose details have been maintained.

6.1.2 Contents of the Report

The report option that you selected while generating the report is printed at the beginning of the report.

Apart from the header the following information is provided for each customer signatory. Body of the Report

The report is sorted on the CIF number.

Field Description
Customer number This is the customer for whom the signatory details are being reported.
Branch This is the branch to which the customer account to which the sig­natory is attached.
Account number This is the account number involved in the transaction for which signatures have been verified.
Currency This is the currency of the customer account for which signatures have been verified.
Minimum number of signatories This is the minimum number of signatories required to endorse the instrument involving the account for which you have verified signatures.
Customer signatory ID Each customer signatory is allotted a serial number. This is the number allotted for the signatory whose details are being reported.
Signatory type When the customer signatory details are captured, a Signatory Type is allotted to each signatory. The type of the signatory being reported is shown here. It could be: Joint Holder (JH), Account Holder (A), Guarantor (G), and Others (O).
Solo-sufficiency (Y\N) When the customer signatory details are captured, you would have specified that a single signature would be sufficient if the sig­natory signs. This definition for the signatory involved will be shown here.
Signatory message This is the signatory message related to each account signatory whose signatures have been verified.
Approval limit A signatory will be allotted a limit, which will be the amount up to which the signatory has got authority to authorize debit transac­tions. The limit allotted for the signatory whose details are reported will be shown here.

6.2 Online Verification Details Report

This section contains the following topics:

6.2.1 Generating Online Verification Details Report

This report gives details about signature verifications done during the day.

Option for which the Report can be Generated

You can select the following option based on which the report can be generated. You can generate the report for any one module or all the modules.

Specifying the module name

While generating the report you can specify whether you want the details of signature verifications done throughout the day for all the modules or for any one specific module.

6.2.2 Contents of the Report

The report option that you selected while generating this report is printed at the beginning of the report. Apart from the header the following information is provided for each signature that was verified. Body of the Report

The report is sorted on the Module name.

Field Description
Module This is the module (Loans, Money Markets, Letters of Credit, etc.) for which signature verification was done.
Contract refer­ence number This is the reference number of the contract that was involved in the signature verification.
Event reference number This is the number allotted to the event on the contract, for which verification was made.
Instrument code This is the code of the instrument for which verification was made.
User Id This is the user ID of the person who verified the signatures of account signatories for the account.
Authorizer ID This is the user ID of the person who authorized the verification.
Exception This is the override message that was displayed during verification.

6.3 Exception Report

This section contains the following topics:

6.3.1 Generating Exception Report

The report gives details of overrides accepted during transaction processing.(for example, Available Balance * for * is less than the Min balance for the A/c Class, Signature Verification not done, etc. You can specify the period for which you require the report when you invoke the report function. In the Application Browser, this report is available under the Signature Verification module.

To invoke this screen type ‘SVROV in the field at top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

6.3.2 Contents of the Events Log

The contents of this report are discussed under the following heads:


The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the ID of the user who generated the report, the date and time at which it was generated, the branch date, the modules covered in the report.

Body of the report

The following details are displayed in the report.

Field Description
Module The module of the report
Contract Ref No The contract reference number of the transaction
Event Sequence No The sequence number of the event
Instrument Code The instrument code of the transaction
User Id The Id of the user who generats the report
Auth Id The Id of the person who authorized the transaction
Exception Override message
BC (Bills and collection) The exceptions generated for the module