5. TD Additional Details

5.1 Introduction

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.2 Capturing Additional Details

You can capture additional details for the account by clicking the following buttons in the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen:

Button Function
Interest This invokes the ‘IC Special Conditions Maintenance’ screen.
Charges This invokes the ‘Account level charges conditions’ screen.
Linked Entities This invokes the ‘Linked Entities’ screen.
Restrictions This invokes the ‘Products and Transaction Codes Restriction’ screen.
MIS This invokes the ‘Management Information System’ screen.
Statement This invokes the ‘Statement Details’ screen.
Joint Holders This invokes the ‘Linked Entities’ screen
Fields This invokes the ‘User Defined Fields’ screen.
Account Signatory This invokes the ‘Signatory Details’ screen.
TD Payout Details This invokes the ‘Term Deposit Payout Details’ screen.
Change Log This invokes the ‘Customer Address Change Log’ screen.
Interest Payout Details This invokes the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen.
Rollover History This invokes the ‘rollover History’ screen.
Denominated Deposit This invokes the ‘Denominated Deposit’ screen.
Rollover Details This invokes the ‘TD Rollover Details’ screen. 

5.3 Specifying Interest Details

Click ‘Interest’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘IC Special Conditions Maintenance’ screen.

You can specify the following details:

Branch Code

The Branch Code to which the account belongs (for which you are defining special conditions) is displayed in this field.


The account number of customer (for which you are defining special conditions) is displayed in this field.

Calculation Account

Specify the account for which interest will be calculated. The TD account populated will be the calculation account.TBy default, it will be same as the customer account. However you can change it.

Interest Booking Account

You can select the account for booking interests on transaction processed at your bank.

At the time of creating an IC product, if you have maintained the booking account type as Interest (in the ‘Interest and Charges – Product Definition’ screen), the Interest will be liquidated into the Interest Booking account. By default, the TD account is defaulted as the interest booking account. However, you have the option of booking interest to a different account belonging to another branch also. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the adjoining option list. You can select the appropriate account. Interest will then be liquidated into the selected account.

Charge Booking Account

You can select the account for booking charges on transactions processed at your bank

At the time of creating an IC product, if you have maintained the booking account type as Charge (in the ‘Interest and Charges – Product Definition’ screen), the charge will be liquidated into the Charge Booking account. By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the ‘Charge Booking Account’ field). However, you have the option of booking charge to a different account belonging to another branch also. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the adjoining option list. You can select the appropriate account. Charges will then be liquidated into the selected account.

Interest Statement

Check this box to indicate that you would like to generate an interest statement for the account. The Interest Statement will furnish the values of the SDEs and UDEs and the interest rule that applies on the account.

Interest Start Date

Specify the date from which the interest accruals of TD account begins. You can specify the date as of booking the TD or any date in the future. If you specify a date in future, the system will post entries for account opening (DEBK event) on the account opening date with the value date as interest start date. It will start interest accrual calculation on the date specified in this field and post entries for IACR event.

Charge Start Date

For the account for which you are defining special conditions, you must specify the date from which you would like to apply charges. Charges for this account will be calculated according to the special conditions that you define subsequently.

By default, charges on an account would be applied when the free banking period (if any) elapses. This means that the Charge Start Date is arrived at by the System by adding the Free Banking Period days (if any, specified for the Term Deposit used by the account) to the Account Opening Date. If no Free Period has been indicated for the account class used by the account, the Charge Start Date is defaulted to the Account Opening Date (that is, charges on the account would be applied right from the account opening date) and displayed in the Special Conditions Maintenance screen.

You can override the default Charge Start Date and specify the desired start date for charge application.

Interest Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the Interest/Charge Booking Account and Interest/Charge Booking Branch fields). However, you have the option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch also. You can select the Interest/Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list provided for Interest/Charge Booking Account. You can select the account from this list. Interest/Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Interest booking account will be validated with the interest booking branch on save. If interest book account branch and interest booking branch are different, then the system displays an error, ”Booking account not valid for branch.”


Dr Cr Advices

You can indicate whether you want to generate an interest liquidation advice for a customer account. Check this box to indicate that the system must generate payment advices when interest liquidation happens on an account. The advices are generated in the existing SWIFT or/and MAIL format. No advices will be generated if you leave this box unchecked.

Charge Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed. However, you have the option of booking charge to a different account belonging to another branch also. You can select the Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list provided for Charge Booking Account. Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Rate Chart Allowed

The system defaults this preference from account class and it indicates that the system should calculate TD interest based on the LDMM float rate maintained in the ‘LD MM Floating Rate input’ screen (CFDFLTRI), If it is checked, the system will pick interest rates based on different tenors, amount slab, currency and effective date for a TD. The system does not allow you to amend it.


During account creation for TDs, if ‘Rate Chart Allowed’ is checked, the system does not allow IC rate code. During IC calculation, if the rate code is maintained for the UDE then the system derives the interest rate from the Rate Maintenance done in ‘LD MM Floating Rate input’ screen (CFDFLTRI).

Continue Variance on Rollover

This is defaulted based on the Interest and Charges product. However, you can modify this. If you have modified this, then during save, the system will prompt that ‘Continue variance on Rollover Flag is modified’. You can proceed.

Check this box to enable continued variance on rollover. If you check this, then the system will default account variance as current value to the rollover deposit for the next cycle.

If you do not check this, then the account variance will not be carried forward to next rollover cycle.

Interest Rate Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to indicate that the system should arrive at the interest rate of a new deposit using the deposit amount/principal balance of other active deposits, under the same account class, customer and currency.

The cumulation of the amount for arriving at the interest rate is done at the account level during the save of the below events:


Refer the section ‘Calculating Interest Rate Based on Base Amount’ in this User Manual for details about arriving at interest rate based on cumulative amount.

Consolidated Charge Account

Specify the account for posting consolidated charges. The adjoining option list displays all valid accounts maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.


Specify the term deposit currency.

Product Details

Specify the following details:

Product Code

Specify an interest product in order to allow calculation of interest. When you apply an interest product on the account, interest for the account will be calculated according to the interest rule attached to the product.

Multiple interest products can be attached to TD account class. But, a TD can be created with one interest product attached. Charge product is not supported for TD accounts.

UDE Currency

Specify the UDE currency for the product that you apply on the account. UDE values that you specify for the account subsequently will be taken to be in this currency.

Waive Interest

This box is unchecked by default. However, you cannot waive interest on a TD. Leave this box unchecked.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box to indicate that interest rate change advice has to be generated for the account at EOD. The system generates interest rate change advices for accounts when the interest rate changes as part of EOD. For those accounts, when interest rate changes the details are handed off for rate change advice generation and the same is generated in the pre determined SWIFT format as per MT 935.

If the advice format is maintained in MAIL / FAX formats, then message type UDECA will be used

The advice tag used for interest rate change is ‘RTCHG_ADVICE’. The advice format for interest rate change as per MT935 is given below:

Status Tag Field Name Content/Options No.
M 20 Transaction Reference Number 16x 1
O 23 Further Identification 16x 2
O 25 Account Identification 35x 3
M 30 Effective Date of New Rate 6!n 4
M 37H New Interest Rate 1!a12d 5
O 72 Sender to Receiver Information 6*35x 6
M = Mandatory, O = Optional


You can temporarily stop applying an IC product on a TD by un-checking this box. The product will cease to be applied on the term deposit. You can make the product applicable again by checking this box.

Effective Date

Indicate the following details:

Effective Date

The ‘Effective Date’ of a record is the date from which a record takes effect. You can maintain different values for a UDE, for different effective dates, for an account. When interest is calculated on a particular day for an account with special conditions applicable, the value of the UDE corresponding to the date will be picked up.

Typically, you would want to open records with different Effective Dates if the values of UDEs vary within the same liquidation period.


Typically, you would want to open records with different effective dates if the values of UDEs vary within the same liquidation period.

If this box is unchecked, then on save system displays the error message "Special condition not maintained for the account”.

UDE Values

Specify the following details.

User Defined Element ID

Specify the UDE for which value is given. The adjoining option list lists all UDEs maintained for the Interest Rule. You can select the appropriate one.

UDE Value

Specify the value of the UDE. For a fixed interest rate, you can specify a numeric value.


UDE ID/variance and UDE value/variance of previous rollover dates cannot be modified..

Rate Code

If you want to use a floating rate instead of a fixed rate, you should specify a valid IC rate code. The system will pick up the applicable rate based on the branch, currency and effective date combination maintained for the rate code in the ‘Interest & Charges Rate Input’ screen (ICDRATMA). For a given tenor, the system picks up the applicable rate as per the effective dates defined for the rate code. If a floating rate has to be used instead of fixed rate, IC rate code defined in the screen ‘ICDUDVAL’ will be defaulted to the TD account. On every rate change for the effective dates, the system will apply new rate to TD account effective from that date.

In the corresponding IC rule, you need to ensure that UDE Type is maintained as ‘Rate’ for interest rate pick-up for this account.If at the IC Rule, the UDE Type is maintained as "Rate as Rate Code”, then the rate for IC rate code will be resolved and defaulted to TD account and rate pick-up will happen only during events (Book / Liqd / Roll).

TD Rate Code

Specify the rate code to be used for TD calculation. The adjoining option list displays all rate codes maintained using the ‘LD MM Floating Rate Input’ screen (CFDFLTRI). You can select the appropriate one. You can use TD rate code only when you have checked ‘Rate Chart Allowed’ option for the account class that is linked to the IC product.

In the corresponding IC rule, you need to ensure that UDE Type is maintained as ‘Rate as Rate Code’ for interest rate pick-up for this account.

Refer the chapter ‘Annexure B – IC Rule Set-up’ in this User Manual for further details about IC rules.


Specify the variance in the interest rate. This is the variance alone. The effective rate will be the sum of the TD rate code and the variance that you specify here. You can modify it anytime.


5.4 Specifying Charge Details

Click ‘Charges’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Account level charges conditions’ screen. This screen is not applicable for Term Deposits.

You can specify the following details:

Branch Code

The Branch Code to which the account belongs (for which you are defining special conditions) is displayed in this field.


The Account number of customer (for which you are defining special conditions) is displayed in this field.

You can click the ‘Default’ button to default the Charge Products and the corresponding details applicable for the account. You can then modify these values to define the special conditions.

5.4.1 Specifying Product Details

Specify the following details:

Product Code

The system defaults a product when you click the ‘Default’ button at the time of account creation. You must modify it to identify the Charge product using which the applicable charges would be collected.


The charges would be collected in the currency defined for the selected charge product, and this currency is displayed on the screen.

Minimum and Maximum

You must indicate the charge amount range, representing the minimum and maximum charge that can be applied for the account.

Free Items

You must indicate the number of free items for which the customer will not be charged.


By default, each charge consolidation charge setup that you set up is enabled and active. You can also disable the setup by checking the ‘Open’ box.

Waive Charges

You can choose to waive charges for an account.

5.5 Specifying Linked Entities

Click ‘Linked Entities’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Linked Entities’ screen.

Specify the following details:


Select the customer from the option list with whom you want to establish the relationship with the account that you are maintaining.


In this field, the system displays the name of customer that you have selected in the previous field. You cannot change the description.


By default, the system will select the customer of the account as the Primary Holder. This is a pre-shipped relationship and you will not be allowed to change the relationship.

Include Relationship

Check this box to indicate that relationship should be inherited for all transactions.

5.6 Specifying Restrictions

Click ‘Restrictions’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Products and Transaction Codes Restriction’ screen.

Specify the following details:

Product Details

Indicate the following preferences.

Special Condition

By default, the restrictions maintained at the account class level will be displayed here. When you define product restriction attributes for an account itself, rather than for the account class to which it belongs, it is referred to as a Special Condition. You can apply special conditions by selecting the option ‘Applicable’. If you opt to define special conditions for an account the ‘restrictions’ defined for the Account Class, to which the account belongs, will NOT apply to this account. If you wish to continue with the account class restrictions, opt for ‘Not Applicable’.

Product List

Specify the restriction type here. The options available are:


You can select the products and specify the type of transaction (Dr, Cr or both) that you would like to allow/disallow for each product. In contracts involving the selected products, the accounts would be used for processing the selected type of transaction. For instance, assume that for the account A1, you have allowed ‘Dr’ for the product ABCD. This would mean that if a Dr entry for the product ABCD is passed to the account, A1, it would go through but in case a Cr entry is passed for this product, then the system will display a message indicating that the transaction is restricted for the account.


The system displays the description for the product code that which you have specified


During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on the account based on the product code. If you have indicated to allow ‘Dr’ Transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a debit entry, the system will seek an override. If the message has been configured as an ‘override’ instead of an ‘error’, you will be able to continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing appropriate reasons for the same. Otherwise you cannot continue with the transaction.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.


During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on the account based on the product code. If you have indicated to allow ‘Cr’ transactions for the product ABCD, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will seek an override. If the message has been configured as an ‘override’ instead of an ‘error’, you will be able to continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing appropriate reasons for the same. Otherwise you cannot continue with the transaction.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

Transaction Details

Indicate the following preferences.

Special Condition

By default, the restrictions maintained at the account class level will be displayed here. When you define transaction code restriction attributes for an account itself, rather than for the account class to which it belongs, it is referred to as a Special Condition. You can apply special conditions by selecting the option ‘Applicable’ at the account level. If you opt to define special conditions for an account the ‘restrictions’ defined for the Account Class, to which the account belongs, will NOT apply to this account. If you wish to continue with the account class restrictions, opt for ‘Not Applicable’.

Transaction List

Specify the restriction type here. The options available are:

Transaction Code

Likewise, you can maintain restrictions for transaction codes as well. Transaction code based restrictions are allowed only for entries initiated from the Data Entry module. Otherwise you should use product code based restriction.


The system displays the description for the transaction code that you have specified


During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on the account based on the transaction code. If you have indicated to allow ‘Dr’ transactions for a particular transaction code, and attempt to post a credit entry, the system will seek an override. If the message has been configured as an ‘override’ instead of an ‘error’, you will be able to continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing appropriate reasons for the same. Otherwise you cannot continue with the transaction.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.


During transaction processing, the system will validate whether any restrictions are placed on the account based on the transaction code. If you have indicated to allow ‘Cr’ transactions for a particular transaction code, and attempt to post a debit entry, the system will seek an override. If the message has been configured as an ‘override’ instead of an ‘error’, you will be able to continue the transaction, despite the restrictions, by providing appropriate reasons for the same. Otherwise you cannot continue with the transaction.

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

5.7 MIS Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.7.1 Specifying MIS Details

Click ‘MIS’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Management Information System’ screen.

Specify the following details:

Branch Code

The current logged-in branch code is displayed here


The TD account number is displayed here.

MIS Group

For an account, the transaction type of MIS class will be picked up from the account class.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code. You can also select the appropriate one from the adjoining option list, which displays all valid rate codes maintained in the system.

Calc Method

Specify the method to be considered for MIS related component computation.

Rate Type

If you have indicated that rates maintained for the individual account should be picked up for MIS refinancing you have to specify the Rate Type that is to be used. The options available are:


Specify the spread that should be applied if rate type is selected as ‘floating’ type.

Pool Code/Account Level

Define the Pool Code/Account Level to which the account class or product belongs.

Pool Code

For an account, the pool code will be picked up from the account class.

Transaction MIS Group

For an account, the transaction type of MIS class will be picked up from the account class.

Composite MIS Group

The composite type of MIS class will be defaulted from those defined for the customer.

Cost Code

For an account, the cost codes will be picked up from the account class.

5.7.2 Viewing Change Log

Click ‘Change Log’ button on the ‘Management Information System’ screen and invoke the ‘Change Log’ screen. If MIS reclassification occurs, through changing of the MIS codes for the ‘Customer Type’ of MIS classes, the system will store the changes made, in the Customer MIS ‘Change Log’ screen.

Here you can view the following details:

Branch Code

The current logged-in branch code is displayed here.


The system displays the TD account number.

Change Log Details

You can view the following details:

5.7.3 Viewing Transfer Log

Click ‘Transfer Log’ button on the ‘Management Information System’ screen and invoke the ‘Balance Transfer Log’ screen. When MIS reclassification occurs with respect to a customer, account or contract, the balances in a GL associated with the old MIS code in each case are transferred to the GL for the new MIS code, if the option of transferring MIS balances upon reclassification has been set in the ‘Chart of Accounts’ screen for the GL.

Here you can view the following details:


The system displays the TD account number.

Balance Transfer Log Details

You can view the following details:

5.8 Specifying Statement Details

Click ‘Statement’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Statement Details’ screen.

You can specify the following details:

Primary A/C Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not want a statement for this account at all.

Generate Stat. Only On Movement

Check this box to indicate that an account statement should be generated for the account only when there has been a movement of funds into the account or when funds have been transferred out of the account.

For instance, let us assume that on the August 21, 2001, you have set the account statement generation frequency as Daily for the account LI020804. On the September 5, 2001, there has been no movement of funds in the particular account. If you have opted for the Generate Only on Movement option, the system will not generate a statement message for September 5, 2001.

If you choose not to enable this option, account statements will be generated regardless of whether there has been a movement of funds or not.


You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not want a statement for this account at all.


The system displays the account number for which you are setting the statement details.


You can specify the frequency for generating the account statements. To specify the frequency of the statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list is displayed:


For a weekly statement you specify the day of the week on which account statements should be generated and for fortnightly and monthly statements the dates of the month. To specify for weekly statements, click on the adjoining drop-down list. The following list of days will be displayed:

To specify for monthly statements enter a number between 1 and 31 (corresponding to the system date).

If you set the statement date to 30, then account statements will be generated on:

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:

For a fortnightly statement, you could specify 1 and 15

For all other cycles, account statement will be generated on the last day of that cycle.

Secondary A/C Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not want a statement for this account at all.

Tertiary A/c Statement

This refers to the type of statement to be generated periodically by the system, for this account. You can specify whether you want a detailed or summary statement or if you do not want a statement for this account at all.

Statement Account

Specify the account for which the statement has to be generated. The adjoining option list displays all valid accounts maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Exclude Same Day Reversal trns from Stmt

If you do not wish transactions booked and reversed on the same day to be reflected in the account statement, you can specify the preference here. This feature is applicable only for the customer account legs and not for the related GL legs. Also, reversals made through the DE module will not be considered for exclusion.

This specification is defaulted from the account class linked to the account. You can change it for a specific account.

5.9 Specifying Joint Holder Details

Click ‘Joint Holders’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Joint Holders’ screen.

Specify the following details:

Account Number

The system displays the account number here.

Customer No

The system displays the customer account number.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code of the current branch.

List of Joint Holders

You can add the joint holder details in this section if the selected account type is ‘Joint’. Maintain the following details:

Customer Number

Specify the customer Id for the joint holder. The adjoining option list displays the list of all valid customer numbers. Select the appropriate one.

Customer Name

The system displays the customer name based on the selected customer number.

Joint Holder Type

Indicate the type of authority. Select the appropriate one from the drop-down menu. The options are:

Start Date

Specify the date from which the joint holding of the account begins.

End date

Specify the date on which the joint holding of the account ends.


5.10 Capturing User Defined Fields

All User Defined Fields (UDFs) linked to the function ID ‘STDCUSTD’ are displayed in the ‘User Defined Fields’ screen.

Invoke this screen by clicking ‘Fields’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen.

Here you can specify values for each UDF.

Refer the User Manual titled ‘User Defined Field’ for details about defining UDFs.Click ‘Fields’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘User Defined Fields’ screen.

5.11 Specifying Account Signatory Details

Click ‘Signatory’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Signatory Details’ screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Branch code

The system defaults the current branch here.

Account Number

This is the account number to which signatories are to being linked.

Account description

The system displays the description for the account you have selected.

Account Currency

The system displays the account currency.

Minimum Number of Signatories

Specify the minimum number of signatories necessary to endorse an instrument involving the account.


If the linked or replicated signatories are less than the specified minimum number, system will display an error message.

Account Message

Specify a brief description about particular signatories. It can be related to the name, number and the type of signatory your customer is. You can specify a maximum of 4000 characters as account message length.

For instance you can capture a message like - "This signatory is a joint account holder with rights to sign instruments only up US 8000". Account Signatory Details Tab

Customer No

Enter the customer signatory you want to link to the account

You can link a customer signatory to an account either by:


If the signatory ID that you specify has not been maintained, the System displays an over­ride. On confirming the override, you will be allowed to save the signatory details. An error message is displayed if you enter a duplicate Signatory ID. Each time you capture a new Signatory ID at the account level you must identify the relationship of the signatory with the customer.

Customer Name

The system displays the name of the corresponding customer

Account Message

You can capture information about particular signatories. These messages could pertain to the name, number and the type of signatory your customer is. For instance you can capture a message like - "This signatory is a joint account holder with rights to sign instruments only up US 8000".

Signature ID

Specify the signatory identification number.

Signatory Name

The system displays the corresponding name of the signatory ID specified.

Signatory Type

Specify the signatory type.

Approval Limit

Specify the amount up to which the account signatory can approve for debits.

Signatory Message

The system displays the message corresponding to the signatory. Amount Based Signatory Instruction Tab

You can maintain account signatory instructions for different amount slabs in this tab.Click on ‘Amount Based Signatory Instruction, tab to invoke the following screen:

Amount Slab Details

To Amount

Specify the slabs by setting a ‘To Amount’. The amount slab will start from zero and the first value entered will set the slab from zero to that amount. The amounts will be arranged in ascending order.For next slab, an amount above the previous ‘To Amount’ will be considered as the ‘From’ value.

For example, If the ‘To Amount’ entered are as below

To Amount

Then the maintenance will indicate the below amount slabs:

From Amount To Amount
0 10,000
Above 10,000 100,000
Above 100,000 1,000,000

Account Signatory Instruction Options

For each amount slab, you can define different conditions in this section.

Condition Id

Specify a unique Id for condition to be set.


Give a brief description for the condition id.

Required Signatories

You can define different conditions for the amount slabs in this section.

Signature Type

Select the signature type required from the option list.The list displays the signature types as maintained in static type maintenance screen.


The signature type cannot be repeated for a condition.

Required No. of Signatories

Specify the number of signatories for each signatory type.This number should be less than or equal to the total number of signatories maintained under the signatory type.


The Amount Based Signatory Instructions tab will be enabled in the following RT screens only if the value of param ‘AMOUNT_BASED_SV’ is Y in CSTM_BRANCH_LOC_PAR­AMS. All Signatures/Images button

Click on ‘All Signatures/Images’ button to view ‘Customer Signature/Image Consolidated View’ screen.

The following details will be displayed in the above screen

The ‘Signature/Image’ tab displays nine signatures/Images for a signature id in a single pane with three signatures/Images in a row.

If there is more than one signature id linked to a customer account, then they would be displayed in different pages.

Each image is provided with the following buttons:

5.12 TD Payout Details

This section contains the following topics:

5.12.1 Indicating TD Payout Details

Click ‘TD Payout Details’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘Term Deposit Payout Details’ screen to capture the parameters for automatic pay-out.

Here you can capture the following details:

Branch code

The system defaults the current branch here.


This is the parent TD account number.


The system defaults the TD currency.

5.12.2 Term deposit Tab

This tab is displayed by default on invoking the screen. Here you can capture details for creation of a child TD as part of pay-out of the parent TD.

Customer No

The system defaults the customer number. However, the customer no can be changed and a different customer can be provided for child TD creation.

Branch code

The system defaults the current branch here.


The system defaults the TD currency.

Default From

Indicate whether the details should be picked up from the parent TD account or the account class, by choosing one of the following options:

Account Class

Specify the account class, if you have selected the ‘Default From’ as Account Class.

If you select the ‘Default From’ as Account, then on clicking of ‘P’ button, the system will default the interest and deposit details from the parent TD account. Or if you select the ‘Default From’ as Account Class, then on clicking ‘P’ button, the system will default the interest and deposit details from the account class selected. For the child TD, you will have to capture interest calculation and pay-out preferences. You can do this by clicking ‘Interest’ button on the screen.

Refer the section ‘Capturing Payout Interest Details for Child TD’ in this chapter for details about capturing interest preferences for Child TD in case auto pay-out by rollover option is selected.

5.12.3 Bankers Cheque/DD Tab

Click ‘Banker’s Cheque/DD’ tab to capture cheque related details if you have opted for TD pay-out through a banker’s cheque.

Here you can capture the following details:

Cheque Details

Specify the following details.

Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.


The system displays the TD currency. You cannot modify it.

Payable Branch

Specify the payable branch for the cheque. The adjoining option list displays all branch codes linked to the specified bank code. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Type

Instrument type of the TD will be defaulted here based on the payout type value selected in the main screen, if you have selected ‘Payout Type’ as ‘Demand Draft’ or ‘Bankers Cheque’.

Beneficiary Details

Specify the following details.

Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number

Specify the passport number or identification card number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.


Specify the description for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

5.12.4 Specifying PC Details

Click ‘PC’ tab to capture pay-out details if you have opted for TD pay-out through PC transfer to another account.

The following details are captured here:


Specify the following details.

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counterparty Account

Specify the account name of the counter party for the pay-out.


Specify the currency of the counter party for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Details

Specify the following details.

Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number

Specify the passport or identification card number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.


Specify the description for the pay-out.

The system will process TD payout through PC transfer using a bridge GL that is specified for the account class in the ‘Deposit Account Details’ screen.

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Deposit Details’ in the chapter Term Deposit Maintenance’ for details about the bridge GL

5.12.5 Capturing Payout Interest Details for Child TD

As mentioned before, if you have opted for creation of a child TD on maturity of the parent TD, you need to specify interest details of the child TD. Click ‘Interest’ button on the ‘Term Deposit Payout Details’ screen and invoke the ‘Term Deposit Interest’ screen.

In this screen, the system defaults all the parameters maintained for the parent TD. However, you can modify them.

This screen comprises two tabs viz:

5.12.6 Interest Tab (interest preferences for Child TD)

You need to capture the following details here:

Interest Tab

You can capture the following interest-related details.

Calculation Account

Select the calculation account of the child term deposit from the option list. All the CASA accounts and the current TD account for which child TD is to be created will be available for selection in the option list.

Interest Booking Account

You can select the accounts for booking interests on transactions processed at your bank.

Charge Booking Account

You can select the accounts for booking charges on transactions processed at your bank.

Interest Statement

You can also indicate if you would like to generate an interest statement for the account. The Interest Statement will furnish the values of the SDEs and UDEs and the interest rule that applies on the account.

Consolidated Charge Account

Specify the account. The option list consolidated change account

Dr Cr Advices

You can indicate whether you want to generate an interest liquidation advice for a customer account. Check the ‘Debit/Credit Advices’ box to indicate that the system must generate payment advices when interest liquidation happens on an account. The advices are generated in the existing SWIFT or/and MAIL format. No advices will be generated if you leave this box unchecked.

The preference you have made in the Customer Account Class screen will be defaulted here. However, you can choose to change your preference to generate or suppress these Advices.

Interest Start Date

The system displays the Maturity date of the parent TD as the interest start date for the child TD. However, you can modify it. Interest for this account will be calculated according to the special conditions that you define subsequently.

Charge Start Date

For the account for which you are defining special conditions, you must specify the date from which you would like to apply charges. Charges for this account will be calculated according to the special conditions that you define subsequently.

By default, charges on an account would be applied when the free banking period (if any) elapses. This means that the Charge Start Date is arrived at by the System by adding the Free Banking Period days (if any, specified for the account class used by the account) to the Account Opening Date. If no Free Period has been indicated for the account class used by the account, the Charge Start Date is defaulted to the Account Opening Date (that is, charges on the account would be applied right from the account opening date) and displayed in the Special Conditions Maintenance screen.

You can override the default Charge Start Date and specify the desired start date for charge application.

Interest Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the Interest/Charge Booking Account and Interest/Charge Booking Branch fields). However, you have the option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch also. You can select the Interest/Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list provided for Interest/Charge Booking Account. You can select the account from this list. Interest/Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Charge Booking Branch

By default, the customer’s account in the current branch will be displayed in this screen (in the Interest/Charge Booking Account and Interest/Charge Booking Branch fields). However, you have the option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch also. You can select the Interest/Charge Booking Branch from the option-list available. The accounts maintained in the selected Booking Branch will be available in the option-list provided for Interest/Charge Booking Account. You can select the account from this list. Interest/Charge will be liquidated into the selected account.

Consolidated Charge Branch

Select the charge booking branch from the option-list available. You have an option of booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch. The accounts maintained in the selected booking branch are available in the option-list provided. The system liquidates the Interest/Charge into the selected account

Product Code

Specify the product code.

UDE Currency

Specify the UDE currency for the product that you apply on the account. UDE values that you specify for the account subsequently will be taken to be in this currency.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box to generate the UDE change advice.

Waive Charge

This box is unchecked by default. However, you cannot waive charge on a TD. Leave this box unchecked.


Check this box to make the product applicable again. More than one product may be applicable on an account class at the same time. You can temporarily stop applying a product on an account class by ‘closing’ it. You can achieve this by un-checking the box ‘Open’. The product will cease to be applied on the account class.

Continue Variance on Rollover

This is defaulted based on the Interest and Charges product. However, you can modify this. If you have modified this, then during save, the system will prompt that ‘Continue variance on Rollover Flag is modified’. You can proceed.

Check this box to enable continued variance on rollover. If you check this, then the system will default account variance as current value to the rollover deposit for the next cycle.

If you do not check this, then the account variance will not be carried forward to next rollover cycle.

Interest rate based on cumulative amount

Check this box if child TD account has to be considered for cumulation. Cumulation is applicable only for rate chart allowed TDs.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date of a record which is the date from which a record takes effect. The system displays the maturity date of the parent TD. However, you can change it.


Specify the open records with different Effective Dates if the values of UDEs vary within the same liquidation period.


Specify the UDE ID for the account.

UDE Value

Specify the values for a UDE, for different effective dates, for an account. When interest is calculated on a particular day for an account with special conditions applicable, the value of the UDE corresponding to the date will be picked up.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code for the account. TD rate code is not applicable for Child TD.


Specify the variance in the interest rate. This is the variance alone. The effective rate will be the sum of the TD rate code and the variance that you specify here. You can modify it anytime.

5.13 Deposit Tab (Deposit Preferences for Child TD)

Click ‘Deposit’ tab to capture deposit-related details of the child TD, if you have opted for creation of a child TD on maturity of the parent TD.

The system defaults all the parameters maintained for the parent TD in this screen. However, you can modify them.

You need to capture the following details here:

Deposit Tenor

Select the deposit tenor type. The following options are available.

The tenor should be specified within the minimum and maximum tenor limits maintained at the account class level. The tenor months cannot be greater than 11 months and if tenor months is specified, the tenor days cannot be greater than 30 days.


This indicates the number of years in the original tenor.


This indicates the number of months in the original tenor.


This indicates the number of days in the original tenor.

If the maturity date falls on the holiday, the system adjusts it to next working day.

Rollover Tenor

The deposit tenor has following options as below,


This indicates the number of years in the rollover tenor.


This indicates the number of months in the rollover tenor.


This indicates the number of days in the rollover tenor.

The tenor should be specified within the minimum and maximum tenor limits maintained at the account class level. The tenor months cannot be greater than 11 months and if tenor months is specified, the tenor days cannot be greater than 30 days.

The tenor is represented in terms of years, months and days. For example, if the deposit tenor is 185 days, it should be represented as 0 years, 6 months and 5 days. You need to specify the values in the appropriate fields.

Maturity Date

The system defaults the maturity date from the default tenor from the account class. However, you can modify this date. On this date the term deposit account gets

Auto Rollover

Check this field to automatically rollover the deposit you are maintaining. You have to indicate ‘Rollover Type’ on selecting this option

Close on Maturity

Check this box to close the term deposit account on maturity date and transfer the amount as per the pay-out details maintained for the child TD.

Move Interest to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the interest amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product in the accounting roles on grace period end date. If you select this option, you will need to check the box ‘Move Principal to Unclaimed’.

Move Principal to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the principal amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product in the accounting roles and liquidate the interest amount to the interest booking account on grace period end date. If you select this option, the principal liquidation account should be the term deposit account.

Rollover interest rate based on cumulative amount

Check this box to opt for cumulation at the time of rollover.Next Maturity Date

On selecting the rollover for the TD account, the system defaults the next maturity date from the previous tenor of the deposit.

Deposit Tenor

The system calculates the tenor of the deposit account to the difference between Interest start date and Maturity date and displays it. In case of change in maturity date, the system changes the value of this field.

Rollover Type

Indicate the components that should be rolled over by choosing one of the following options:

Rollover Amount

If a special amount is to be rolled over, you have to specify the amount (less than the original deposit amount) in this field.

Payout Type

Indicate the method for initial funding during account creation.

Choose one of the following options:


Specify the percentage of the amount that be rolled over.

Offset Branch

The system populates the branch code of the account from which fund is transferred to TD account.This field returns the branch code if the account is selected and NULL is returned if GL is selected.


Specify the account number/ GL from which the fund is transferred to TD account. If it is Pay-In mode in GL then the system displays only GL’s and if the Pay-In mode is Account then only accounts are displayed in the option list.


Specify remarks about the transaction. Specifying Pay-out Parameters for Child TD

Click ‘Payout Parameters’ button on the ‘Term Deposit Interest’ screen and invoke the ‘Payout Parameters’ screen. Here you can specify pay-out preferences for the child TD.

This screen comprises two tab viz: Bankers Cheque Tab (for auto pay-out of Child TD)

By default this tab is displayed on invoking the screen. You need to capture the following details in case you want to redeem the child TD using a banker’s cheque.

Cheque Details

Specify the following details.

Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.


Specify the currency in which the cheque is drawn.

Payable Branch

Specify the payable branch for the cheque. The adjoining option list displays all branch codes linked to the specified bank code. You can select the appropriate one.

Beneficiary Details

Specify the following details.

Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/ IC Number

Specify the passport or IC number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.


Specify the description for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out. PC Tab for Child TD

Click ‘PC’ tab to capture payment details if you want to redeem the child TD through a PC transfer to another account.

The following details are captured here:


Specify the following details.

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party

Counterparty Account

Specify the account name of the counterparty for the pay-out.


Specify the currency for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Details

Specify the following details.

Beneficiary Details

Specify the details of the beneficiary

Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary

Passport/IC Number

Specify the Passport/IC Number of the beneficiary


Give a brief description for the payout.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the address of the beneficiary.

5.14 Viewing Change Log

Click ‘Change Log’ button on the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen and invoke the ‘View’ screen.

Here you can view the following details:

5.15 Interest Payout Details for Banker’s Cheque / DD and PC

This section contains the following topics:

5.15.1 Capturing Interest Payout Details for Banker’s Cheque / DD and PC

You can capture interest payout details for Banker’s Cheque / DD and PC in the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen.

You can capture the following details:

Branch Code

Branch code of the current branch is defaulted here.


Account number of TD is defaulted here from the main tab.


Currency code of the TD account is defaulted here.

5.15.2 Banker’s Cheque / DD Tab

On invoking the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen, this tab is displayed by default. You can specify the following details:

Cheque /DD Details

You can specify the following cheque or DD details here:

Bank Code

Specify the bank code. The adjoining option list displays all the bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch

Specify the branch from which the interest is payable. The adjoining option list displays all the bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Type

The system displays the instrument type.


The system displays the currency.

Beneficiary Details

You can specify the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name

Specify the beneficiary name.

Passport Number

Specify the passport number of the beneficiary.


Enter a brief description of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the beneficiary address.

5.15.3 PC Tab

Click ‘PC’ tab on the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen. The following screen will be displayed.


You can specify the following counterparty details here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the counterparty bank code. The adjoining option list displays all the counterparty bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Counterparty Account

Specify the counterparty account. The adjoining option list displays all the counterparty bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.


The system displays the instrument currency.

Beneficiary Details

You can specify the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name

Specify the beneficiary name.

Passport Number

Specify the passport number of the beneficiary.


Enter a brief description of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address

Specify the beneficiary address.


The system supports the following payout options for interest payout:

If payout details are maintained for interest component then interest liquidation happens on the basis of payout details maintained for interest component. However, if payout de­tails are not maintained for interest component then interest liquidation happens on the ba­sis of interest book account specified.

If payout type is chosen as Account or GL for interest component then interest liquidation happens on the basis of offset account mentioned in the ‘Term deposit payout details’ multi grid. If payout type is chosen as Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque or Payments and Col­lections for interest component then interest liquidation happens on the basis of payout de­tails maintained in the ‘Interest Payout Details’ sub screen.

Interest payout through as Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque or Payments and Collections happens through the same bridge GL used for principal payout.

The system does not support payout option as Term Deposit.

Interest payout is not supported if rollover type is interest or principal and interest. For In­terest rollover type interest liquidation will be done based on the interest book account.

5.16 Viewing Rollover History Details

You can view Rollover History details in TD Rollover History screen. Click on ‘Rollover History’ to invoke this screen.

The following details are defaulted in the above screen:



On rollover, the adjusted rollover tenor of the TD account is updated in the fields Tenor Years, Tenor Months and Tenor Days.

If the rollover tenor is 1 year, 5 months and 7 days, then the rollover history is updated as

5.17 Specifying Document Details

You can capture the customer related documents in central content management repository through the ‘Document Upload’ screen. Click ‘Documents’ button to invoke this screen.

Here, you need to specify the following details:

Document Category

Specify the category of the document to be uploaded.

Document Type

Specify the type of document that is to be uploaded.

Document Reference

The system generates and displays a unique identifier for document reference.


Specify the additional information, if any.


Click ‘Upload’ button to open the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen. The ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen is displayed below:

In the ‘Document Upload’ sub-screen, specify the corresponding document path and click the ‘Submit’ button. Once the document is uploaded through the upload button, the system displays the document reference number.


Click ‘View’ to view the document uploaded.

5.18 Specifying Denominated Deposit Details

You can capture denominated deposits details in the ‘Denominated Deposit’ screen. To invoke this screen click the button ‘Denominated Deposit’ on ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Denomination Allocation Details

The following denomination allocation details are captured here:

Denomination ID

Specify the denomination id here. Alternatively you can also select the denomination ID from the adjoining option list. The list displays all denomination ids allowed at the account class level.

Denomination Description

This is defaulted from the account class level.

Denomination Value

This is defaulted from the account class level.


Specify the required units here.

Total Amount

The Total Amount which is Denomination value x Units is displayed here.

Certificate Status Query/Modification

After a deposit is opened, you can perform a query or modification on the certificate status of a deposit. Select the type of query or modification that you want to perform on the certificates from the following options:

Certificate Number

Select the certificate number from the adjoining option list for which the status has to be changed or queried on.

Denomination Value

This is defaulted from the account level.

Issue Date

The date of issuance of the certificate to the deposit is displayed here.

Current Status

The current status of the certificate is displayed here

New Status

You can select the new status of the certificate from the adjoining drop-down list. The following options are available for selection:


Only valid certificate status which are allowed to be modified manually will be available in the drop down

Status Change Date

The status change date is defaulted here

Status Change Reason

Specify the reason for status change of the certificate. You can enter up to 225 characters.

Bulk Status Change

Select the appropriate bulk status change option from the drop-down list:


Only valid certificate status which are allowed to be modified manually will be available in the drop down

Bulk Status Change Reason

Specify the reason for status change of the certificate. You can enter up to 225 characters.

Click ‘Populate’ button. System calculates and displays the following details:

Denomination Allocation Pending Amount

This indicates the amount for which the denomination is yet to be allocated.

Certificate Allocation Pending Amount

This indicates the amount for which the certificate is yet to be allocated.

Term Deposit Amount

This indicates the deposit amount.

Deposit certificate statuses are available for modification as detailed below. Certain status changes are based on occurrence of events on the term deposit account.

Current Certificate Status Action Status of the existing certificate after the action Status of the new certificate
Issued Account not opened due to unsuccessful pay-in transaction Cancelled
Amount Block to the deposit certifi­cate Amount Blocked
Re-denomination of the certificate Modified Re-denominated
Redemption of the deposit ( partial or full) Redeemed
Rollover of the deposit Cancelled **.In ICDBADHC screen on trying to issue new certificate with ‘Rollover Issu­ance’ as 'Y' ,then the status of the old certifi­cate will get changed as “Cancelled”. Else the previous status only will be retained. Rollover Issue
Certificate lost /damaged Lost/Damaged Duplicate
Re-denomi­nated Amount Block to the deposit Amount Blocked  
Re-denomination of the certificate Modified Re-denominated
Redemption of the deposit ( partial or full) Redeemed  
Rollover of the deposit Cancelled **.In ICDBADHC screen on trying to issue new certificate with ‘Rollover Issu­ance’ as 'Y' ,then the status of the old certifi­cate will get changed as “Cancelled”. Else the previous status only will be retained. Rollover Issue
Certificate lost


Rollover Issue Amount Block to the deposit Amount Blocked  
Re-denomination of the certificate Modified Re-denominated
Redemption of the deposit ( partial or full) Redeemed  
Rollover of the deposit Cancelled **.In ICDBADHC screen on trying to issue new certificate with ‘Rollover Issu­ance’ as 'Y' ,then the status of the old certifi­cate will get changed as “Cancelled”. Else the previous status only will be retained. Rollover Issue
Certificate lost Lost/Damaged Duplicate
Duplicate Amount Block to the deposit Amount Blocked  
Re-denomination of the certificate Modified Re-denominated
Redemption of the deposit ( partial or full) Redeemed  
Rollover of the deposit Cancelled **.In ICDBADHC screen on trying to issue new certificate with ‘Rollover Issu­ance’ as 'Y' ,then the status of the old certifi­cate will get changed as “Cancelled”. Else the previous status only will be retained. Rollover Issue
Certificate lost Lost/Damaged Duplicate
Amount Blocked Removal of amount block to the deposit Issued / Rollover Issue/Duplicate/ Re-denominated  
Lost/Dam­aged User marked the certificate Lost/ Damaged by mis­take Issued / Rollover Issue/Duplicate/ Re-denominated  
Modified User marked the certificate Modified by mistake Issued / Rollover Issue/Duplicate/ Re-denominated  

The following table shows the status reasons that are factory shipped for the statuses which are changed automatically.

Automatic Status Change Action Due to which the status is changed Status Change Reason -Updated Automatically
Cancelled Account not opened due to unsuccessful pay-in transaction Pay-in transaction unsuccessful  
Amount Blocked Amount Block to the deposit certificate Hold description for the hold code will be displayed.  
Redeemed Redemption of the deposit
(partial or full)
Deposit Redeemed
Cancelled Rollover of the deposit Deposit Rollover
Issued / Roll­over Issue/Duplicate/ Re-denomi­nated Cancel Amount Block removed  

For denominated deposits you can do both automatic and manual rollover (including force rollover) only on the entire principal portion.During rollover, there will be no automatic re-issuance of certificates.

In case the certificate is required to be re-issued after rollover the ICDBADHC screen will be used. You can check the ‘Rollover Issue’ box and then the status of the original certificate will be changed automatically to ‘Cancelled’ and the status change reason will be updated as ‘Deposit Rollover’. The status of the new certificate will be ‘Rollover Issue’. You are not allowed to re-denominate the certificate during the rollover issue.

5.18.1 Denomination Allocation

Before allocation of the denominations the ‘denomination allocation pending amount’ and ‘term deposit amount’ will be equal and once the denominations are allocated on click on the ‘Populate’ button, the ‘Denomination Allocation Pending Amount’ field will display the difference between the Term deposit amount and the total of the total amount field (i.e. Term Deposit Amount – Total of the Total Amount field). If you fail to click the ‘Populate’ button, then on ‘Save’ the fields are updated.

There will be a validation for the ‘Denomination Allocation Pending Amount’ to be ‘Zero’ on save of the deposit. If the validation fails then system displays an error message like:

Allocation of Denomination is not done for the full term deposit amount’

You can change the denomination before allocating the certificates from the ‘Term Deposit Certificate’ (ICDBADHC) screen by unlocking the ‘Deposit Account Booking’ (STDCUSTD) screen. But if the denominations are to be changed after allocating the certificates from ‘Term Deposit Certificate’ (ICDBADHC) screen, the process of re-denomination has to be followed.


The settlement account for the interest cannot be the same TD account.

5.19 Rollover Details

You can capture Rollover Details in the ‘TD Rollover Details’ screen. To invoke this screen click the button ‘Rollover Details’ on ‘Deposit Account Booking’ screen.

You can specify the following details here:

Rollover Details

Rollover Type

Select the component that should be rolled over. The options are as follows:


In case of Discounted Interest, only Principal can be rolled over. The ‘Cumulative’ option is not allowed. The interest computed during deposit booking with discounted option will be paid to the interest booking account. When ‘Amount block’ option is checked at the product level, the amount block will be created on the TD account to the extent of the credited discounted interest. This amount block will use the Hold Code which has ‘Hold Type’ as Discounted TD in the ‘Hold Maintenance’ screen. This is to safeguard the bank from withdrawal of interest by the customer. The amount block created automatically by the system can be manually removed in case of premature closure. Closure is allowed on the amount blocks manually and amendment of these amount blocks is not allowed. TD amount blocks will be available in the ‘Amount Block Input’ screen.


If 'Close on Maturity' option is checked and there is an amount of TD blocked, then the TD will be forcibly rolled over on the maturity date. However, the maturity instruction on the TD account will not be altered.

Rollover Amount

Specify the special amount to be rolled over.

Add Funds

Check this box to add additional funds for rollover.

Add Amount

Specify the additional amount to be considered for rollover in TD account currency.


'For Rollover Type, ‘Special Amount’, ‘Add Funds’ and ‘Add Amount’ fields will be auto populated.

Rollover Tenor

Select the rollover tenor for the TD account. This is mandatory if ‘Auto Rollover’ box is checked. The options are as follows:

The default account class tenor is displayed as tenor in days, months and years which you cannot change. However, you can change the default option during rollover. When you save it, the system displays an override message ‘Re-pick account class tenor on rollover restrictions exists at account class’.

If ‘Re-pick up Account Class Tenor on Rollover’ is checked at the account class level, then by default, this option is selected. If you select this option, then the following are applicable:

On rollover, the system displays the original tenor of the TD in terms of days, months and years. However, you can change the default option during rollover. When you save it, the system displays an override message ‘Re-pick account class tenor on rollover restrictions exists at account class’. If ‘Re-pick up Account Class Tenor on Rollover’ is unchecked at the account class level, then by default, this option is selected. If you select this option, then the following are applicable:

The tenor should be specified within the minimum and maximum tenor limits maintained at the account class level. If it is not within the minimum and maximum limit, then the system will display an error message "Rollover tenor does not fall in the range of minimum and maximum tenor allowed”. The rollover tenor for independent tenor should not be null.

On save, system updates the ‘Next Maturity Date’ accordingly.


System validates that the rollover tenor is within the minimum and maximum tenor allowed for the account class. If this validation fails, then system displays the error message, “Roll­over tenor does not fall in the range of minimum and maximum tenor allowed”.

The next maturity date will be adjusted based on the holiday treatment at account class level. The tenor in ICDREDMN screen will remain the same after holiday adjustment. On query from STDCUSTD after rollover, Deposit tenor will be populated with the holiday ad­justed tenor and original tenor with the actual tenor before holiday adjustment.


Specify the number of years in the rollover tenor.


Specify the number of months in the rollover tenor.


Specify the number of days in the rollover tenor.

Rollover Interest Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to arrive at the rollover interest rate of a new deposit using the cumulative amount of other active deposits, under the same account class and currency.


Payin Details

Select the Payin Details for debiting the additonal amount for rollover from the drop down list. The list displays the following values:

If the offset account provided has limits attached, then on save the system will display a mes

sage as “The limits/Collateral attached is used for Payin.”


Specify the percentage of payout for each payout option specified.


Specify the amount to be transferred to TD.

Offset Branch

The system displays the branch code of the account to which fund is transferred from TD account.

Offset Account

Specify the account number/ GL from which the fund is transferred to TD account on rollover. This field will return the branch code if the account is selected and NULL will be returned if GL is selected. If pay-out mode is GL then the system displays only GLs in the option list.


5.20 Maintaining Amount Blocks

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to facilitate creation of manual amount blocks and closure of the same for TD accounts. You can maintain the amount blocks using ‘Amount Block Input’ screen. To invoke this screen type ‘STDAMBLK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following details:


Specify the TD account that needs to be blocked. The adjoining option list displays all active, open and authorized TD accounts that are available for blocking.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ in the Core User Manual.

Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details maintained at 'Deposit Booking' screen.


System defaults the currency of the specified account.


Specify the amount details. The amount to be blocked cannot be greater than the available balance in TD account.

Amount Block Type

Select the type of amount block from the drop-down list. Following are the options available in the drop-down list:


The amount block type should always be 'FLEXCUBE' for the manually blocked amounts. From front end, the system will not allow you to create, modify or close a record which has 'Amount Block Type' as 'Loan'.

Auto deposits created under the Auto Deposit account class (mapped in CASA account class -> Auto Deposit subsystem -> Account class field) cannot be blocked using this screen. However, deposit created manually under this Auto Deposit account class in STDCUSTD can be blocked.

Amendment of block amount not supported for Discounted Deposits and Mudarabah Sweep Deposit.

Hold Code

Specify the hold code. The hold codes are maintained in the 'Hold Maintenance' screen. Specify the reason for amount block here. In case of discounted TDs, the hold code and description will be automatically defaulted.

Amount Block Number

The system displays the amount block number when the new operation is initiated.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date from when the block becomes effective. The effective date can be current / future dated. If you do not specify the effective date, system defaults the current date here.

Expiry Date

Specify the expiry date. If you do not specify the expiry date, on save, system defaults the current date here. The block will be released on EOTI of the specified expiry date.

The record status will remain as open until the block record is closed. This is irrespective of amount block expiry; however, you cannot modify the amount block after the expiry date.

Reference Number

Specify the reference number.

Hold Description

The system displays the description for the hold code specified.


Specify remarks, if any.

Denominated Deposit Certificate Details

Amount blocking of a denominated certificates can be done using ‘TD Amount Block Input’ screen. In case of manual TD amount block, you can designate the denominated certificates supporting the block. Once a certificate is designated for block, the status of the certificate will be modified to 'Amount Blocked' from issued, re-denominated, rollover issue or duplicate status automatically.

Specify the following details for capturing amount block details for denominated deposit certificates:

Select All

Check this box to select all certificates for the account.

Certificate Number

Select the certificate number from the option list. The list displays all active certificates issued for the account.

Certificate Status

This indicates the current status of the certificate selected.

Certificate Amount

This indicates the amount of the certificate.


Check this box to block a certificate.

5.20.1 Viewing TD Summary

You can view a summary of all term deposit accounts in the system, using the ‘Deposit Account Summary’ screen.

To invoke this screen type ‘STSCUSTD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any one or all of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

Double click on a record to invoke the detailed screen.

5.21 Deposit Instructions

This section contains the following topics:

5.21.1 Specifying Deposit Instructions

You can give instructions for processing auto created deposits. The values you specify here will override the parameters you have maintained in the Account Class maintenance.

Invoke the ‘Term Deposits Instruction Maintenance’ screen from the Application Browser to maintain the deposits instructions specifically for the auto created deposits. Type ‘ICDINSMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can set the terms and a condition for a deposit as follows:

Account Number

Specify the account number of the term deposit. The adjoining option list displays all valid TD accounts maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Account Class

The system defaults account class of the CASA account.


The system defaults the customer of the CASA account.

Sweep Branch

Specify the branch where the sweep-to account resides. The adjoining option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Sweep to Account

Specify the account to which the sweep is carried out. The adjoining option list displays all valid accounts maintained in the sweep to branch. You can select the appropriate one.


Specify the amount which to be swept to 'Sweep To Account'.

Minimum Required Balance

Specify the minimum balance required for creation of auto deposit. Only the amount above this limit will be used for auto creating deposits.

Source Code

Specify a code assigned for the sweep.

External Reference Number

The system displays the identification number of the transaction in the source system.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code of the branch where the TD account resides.

Sequence Number

The system generates a sequence number for the instruction you are maintaining and displays it here.

Account Currency Code

The system defaults the CASA account currency.

Deposit Account Class

The system defaults the Default Auto deposit account class specified in CASA account class. However, you can modify, if needed. The adjoining option list displays all active ,authorized and allowed list of auto deposit account classes specified in CASA account class. Select the appropriate one.

Deposit Currency

Specify the currency in which the auto deposit should be created. The adjoining option list displays all valid currency codes maintained for auto deposit account classes which are active and authorized. You can select the appropriate one. If you want to restrict auto deposit in account level, delete the defaulted AD account class and save the account.


The system displays the default tenor maintained for the linked account class in terms of Years, Months, and Days.

Sweep Multiple of

Indicate the number in multiples of which the sweep should be carried out.

Start Date

Indicate the date from which instructions should be valid, using the adjoining calendar.

Retry Till Date

Indicate the date post which the instructions will be rendered invalid. Any failed sweeps after this date will not be picked up for processing the next day.

While saving term deposit instructions;

5.21.2 Specifying UDF Values

All User Defined Fields (UDFs) linked to the function ID ‘ICDINSMT’ are displayed in the ‘User Defined Fields’ screen. Invoke this screen by clicking ‘Fields’ button on the ‘Term Deposits Instruction Maintenance’ screen.

Here you can specify values for each UDF.

Refer the User Manual titled ‘User Defined Field’ for details about defining UDFs.

5.21.3 Viewing Instruction Summary

You can view summary of all instructions using the ‘Term Deposits Instruction Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ICSINSMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any one or all of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

Double click on a record to invoke the detailed screen for that record.

5.22 Input and Authorization Limit Validation for TD and RD

The role level limit set up for a user in ‘Role Limits Maintenance’ (SMDRLMNE) screen is applicable for Term Deposit and Recurring Deposit transactions. If the user has auto authorization rights, while saving the transaction, input limit is validated first. If the input amount is within the input limit then subsequently the authorization limit is validated.

At the time of input/authorization of a deposit transaction, if there is a breach of limit then system displays a configurable override message.


Limit validation is applicable only for the following types of deposits:

Limit validation is not be applicable for the following types of deposits:

Limit validation is applicable for the following types of transactions:

The role level limit control is applicable for the Term/Recurring Deposit transactions made through the following screens: