1 Introduction

Oracle DIVAdirector is a tool for interacting with existing Oracle DIVArchive systems. The User Interface (UI) is delivered graphically through a web browser.

System Overview

DIVAdirector provides a multiorganizational, multigroup, multiuser and multi-task environment for DIVArchive users. It has powerful tools to locate content by searching any metadata field available. You view content with the built-in media player, and can precisely find the frames being searched for using the player controls. Once the content is discovered, the full resolution video to be restored may be scheduled, a Shot List may be built, and content can be sent to an editing application or a defined DIVArchive Source/Destination.

User Interface Concepts

The DIVAdirector User Interface (UI) screen consists of the following elements:


Displays the logo, a basic search box and login information at the top of the screen.

Navigation Menu

Consists of a panel bar on the left of the screen that includes the following items:


You can create, execute, view and save a Query. Queries may be basic single keyword search, or an advanced search - allowing for search criteria to be specified on up to five fields in addition to the basic single keyword search.

Work Bins

You organize multiple video clips in a single location using Work Bins.

Shot Lists

You create, view, and edit lists of video clips in a Shot List.


Displays a list of options pertaining to DIVArchive operations.


You can perform (minor) administrative tasks.

Main Content Area

The main content area is the major portion of the screen. It displays information based on items selected in the Navigation Tree on the left of the screen.

DIVAdirector Main Content Area