3 DIVArchive Operations

You can perform various DIVArchive operations (as assigned by the System Administrator) on selected objects. The operations are available in context menus, using mini icons on the displayed objects, or through the Assets menu in the navigation tree on the left of the screen. You can also perform several DIVArchive operations through DIVAdirector Server Drop Folders.The results of the DIVArchive operations remain the same, regardless of how they were initiated. Every DIVArchive operation command is issued by the DIVAdirector Server and sent to the DIVArchive system. DIVAdirector's Admin/Operation Status screen reflects the DIVArchive operational status.The two operation initiation methods require different user roles as follows:

  • To initiate DIVArchive operations from the DIVAdirector UI, you must be part of the user group with the required access.

  • To initiate DIVArchive operations through a Drop Folder, you must be granted access to that folder. This permission is not set within DIVAdirector and is based on the Windows System account access rights applied to the given folder (local or shared).

Defining DIVArchive Operations Settings

The System Administrator configures the DIVArchive Operation settings using the administrative functions. Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for details.

Archive Operations

The DIVArchive Archive operation archives content to specified destination tape groups or disk arrays. The default parameters of the DIVArchive Archive operation are configured by the System Administrator. Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for details.

Local Archive

The Local Archive function allows objects from your client computer to be archived. The objects are uploaded to a designated location on the DIVAdirector Server computer that is actually a virtual folder specified as an archive source in DIVArchive. A normal archive request is sent to archive the files that have been uploaded to the archive source.Use the following procedure to perform a Local Archive:

  1. Navigate to Assets on the left of the screen and click Local Archive.

  2. Click Browse on the top right of the screen to open up a File Explorer dialog box.

  3. Using the File Explorer, select the files and folders (if applicable) to upload.

  4. Click Upload to start the upload to the designated Archive Source location on the DIVAdirector Server computer. A list of uploaded files will be shown in the Uploaded Files area on the right of the screen during the upload process.

  5. Enter the Object Name in the Object Name field.

  6. Select an Object Category from the Object Category list.


    The categories available are specified by the System Administrator.
  7. Enter any comments in the Comments field.

  8. Select the Media, Storage Plan, Quality of Service and Priority Level.


    These settings may not be available. The defaults settings will be used if they have been set to Use Defaults by the System Administrator.The Storage Plan is not used if DIVAdirector Server is using the DIVArchive API with a release level earlier than 6.5.
  9. Click Execute on the top right of the screen.


    Execute will only be available after all files have been uploaded.

Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for more information on configuring Local Archive settings.

Archive from Source

Objects located in DIVArchive sources are archived using a process similar to using the DIVArchive Control GUI. A source that is recognized by DIVArchive can be selected including the objects within the source to perform the archiving.

Use the following procedure to archive objects from a source:

  1. Enter the Object Name in the Object Name field.

  2. Select an Object Category from the Object Category list.


    The categories available are specified by the System Administrator.
  3. Enter any comments in the Comments field.

  4. Choose a File Path Root. This identifies a specific folder name (on the source) where the archived files exist.

  5. Choose an Archive Source (not all sources may be shown). The available sources are dependent upon the group permissions assigned by the System Administrator.

  6. Select the Media, Storage Plan, Quality of Service and Priority Level.


    These settings may not be available. The default settings will be used if they have been set to Use Defaults in the DIVArchive Settings tab.

    The Storage Plan is not used if DIVAdirector Server is using the DIVArchive API with a release level earlier than 6.5.

  7. Add any DIVArchive options necessary in the Options field. This is the same as the Options Parameter in the DIVArchive Control GUI.

  8. Enter a list of the names of files to be archived in the File List.

  9. Click Execute on the top right of the screen to initiate the archive operation.

Restore Operations

The DIVArchive Restore operation restores content to play-to-air servers or editing platforms. The default parameters of the DIVArchive Restore operation are configured by the System Administrator. Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for details.The essential settings for this operation are Destination and File Path Root. The Destination is specified in the DIVArchive settings. The File Path Root is optional. It specifies a specific folder name (within the destination) to restore files to; the setting is specified on the Restore screen.Use the following process to perform a typical DIVArchive Restore operation:

  1. Select the DIVArchive Restore menu item from the context menu, or click the Restore icon (resembles a refresh icon) from any displayed object. Multiple selections are allowed using the check boxes next to each thumbnail.

  2. A DIVArchive Restore dialog box will appear on the right of the screen.

  3. Select the check box for each object to be restored.

  4. Choose the Destination (not all destinations may be shown). The available destinations are dependent upon the assigned group permissions.

  5. Select any additional restore action desired (Publish or Publish Metadata Only).

  6. Specify the Quality of Service and Priority Level. These options will only be available if enabled for the group. The default settings are used if these options are not available.

  7. Click Execute on the top right of the screen to initiate the operation.


For Local Restore use the Local Restore area on the right of the screen instead of the Restore area for the settings.

The request is now sent to the DIVAdirector Server to check the status of the selected objects in the DIVArchive system, and specifies whether the object is Online or Externalized (its data tapes are ejected from the data tape robotic library). If the DIVArchive system indicates that some of objects are externalized, a list of the externalized objects will be displayed. When you click Execute, the selected objects that are not externalized are restored and the list of required tape barcodes is displayed for the externalized objects.The Restore screen also offers the ability to publish to Oracle DIVApublish and to perform a Local Restore.The option to publish requires a destination to be configured in DIVArchive pointing to the DIVApublish location that will receive the restored objects and metadata. After this is configured, this destination must be chosen as the location to publish within the Metadata Publish Settings tab. If the Publish Metadata Only check box is selected, the objects are not restored to the DIVApublish location and only metadata is sent to the destination.The Local Restore option allows a DIVArchive Restore operation to a destination that exists on the DIVAdirector Server computer. The DIVArchive system must be configured to point to a virtual folder on the DIVAdirector Server computer.Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for information on configuring Publish and Local Restore settings.

File Restore Operations

The DIVAdirector File Restore function allows individual files to be restored from inside of a complex, multi-file object archived in DIVArchive.Use the following procedure to perform a DIVArchive File Restore operation:

  1. On the Edit Metadata screen, click the Files tab.

  2. Use the file navigation tree to identify and select the desired files to be restored.

  3. Choose the Destination (not all destinations may be shown). The available destinations are dependent upon the group permissions assigned by the System Administrator.

  4. Specify the Quality of Service and Priority Level. These options will only be available if enabled for the group. The default settings are used if these options are not available.

  5. Click File Restore on the top right of the screen to initiate the operation.

The Partial Restore screen also offers the ability to perform a Local Partial Restore.The Local Partial Restore option allows an Oracle DIVArchive Partial File Restore to a destination that exists on the DIVAdirector Server computer. The DIVArchive system must be configured to point to a virtual folder on the DIVAdirector Server computer.Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for more information on configuring Local Partial File Restore settings.

Partial File Restore Operations

The Oracle DIVAdirector Partial File Restore function leverages the timecode-based Partial File Restore functionality of DIVArchive. The high-resolution media files are restored partially (parameterized by the given Shot List Timecode Range entry) onto a DIVArchive destination specified in the DIVArchive Operations dialog box.This operation is performed on all files contained in the object. The resulting file name syntax is governed by the PFR Name Format settings configured by the System Administrator.Use the following procedure to perform a DIVArchive Partial File Restore operation:

  1. In the Shot List Editor, either select the icon for the segment, or select the check boxes for multiple segments, and click Partial Restore above the List control.

  2. A DIVArchive Partial Restore dialog box will appear on the right of the screen.

  3. Select the check box next to each object to be partially restored.

  4. Choose the destination (not all destinations may be shown). The available destinations are dependent upon the group permissions assigned by the System Administrator.

  5. Specify the Quality of Service and Priority Level. These options will only be available if enabled for the group. The default settings are used if these options are not available.

  6. Click Execute to initiate the operation.

The request is sent to the DIVAdirector Server to check the status of the selected objects in the DIVArchive system, and specifies whether the object is Online or Externalized (its data tapes are ejected from the data tape robotic library). If the DIVArchive system indicates that some of objects are externalized, a list of the externalized objects will be displayed. When you click Execute, the selected objects that are not externalized are restored and the list of required tape barcodes is displayed for the externalized objects.The Partial Restore screen also offers the ability to perform a Local Partial Restore.The Local Partial Restore option allows a DIVArchive Partial Restore to a destination that exists in the DIVAdirector Server computer; the DIVArchive system must be configured to point to a virtual folder on the DIVAdirector Server computer.Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for more information on configuring Local Partial Restore settings.

Delete Operations

The DIVArchive Delete operation removes an object from DIVArchive. After synchronization between DIVAdirector and the DIVArchive system is performed, the object is also removed from DIVAdirector. Deleting a virtual object only causes the proxy to be removed from DIVAdirector and not DIVArchive.


DIVArchive contains instances that may be stored on different tapes. This operation deletes all instances of the object. To delete a specific object instance, instead of deleting objects as a whole, a Purge Drop Folder action must be used.

Use the following procedure to perform a DIVArchive Delete operation on an object:

  1. Select DIVArchive Delete from the context menu or click the Delete icon from any displayed object thumbnail. Multiple selections are allowed using the check boxes next to each thumbnail to select the objects to be deleted.

  2. When the DIVArchive Delete dialog box appears on the right of the screen, select the Priority Level for the delete process by either entering a number in the Priority field or using the up and down arrows.

  3. Click Execute on the top right of the screen to delete the selected objects.

Local Proxies

The Local Proxies screen allows proxies on a client computer to be dropped into the DIVAdirector Server's Proxy Drop Folder. Similar to the "Local Archive," the files need to be uploaded to the DIVAdirector Server before they are sent to the Proxy Drop Folder.

Use the following procedure to upload the files:

  1. Click Browse on the top right of the screen to open up a File Explorer dialog box.

  2. Using the File Explorer, choose the files to upload.

  3. Click Upload to start the upload to a temporary storage location on the DIVAdirector Server computer. A list of uploaded files will be shown in the Uploaded Files area during the upload process.

  4. Click Execute to allow the uploaded files to be dropped into the Proxy Drop Folder.

Local Metadata

Similar to the local proxies, local metadata functionality allows metadata CSV files to be dropped into the Metadata Drop Folder (rather than the Proxy Drop Folder). Use the same process as the "Local Proxies" to drop local metadata CSV files to the Metadata Drop Folder.

Operation Status

The operation status for each object within the DIVAdirector system may be viewed using the DIVAdirector Operation Status screen. Each request being processed has its own record on a new line and the current state of the request is listed in the State column.The following list describes the possible states for processing requests:


The request is pending.


The request is waiting to be processed.


The processing of the request has completed.


The request was aborted due to an error in DIVArchive.

Cancelled by User Action

The request was manually canceled by a user.

A Download option is available for completed Local Restore and Local Partial File Restore operations. The Download link allows locally restored and locally partial restored files to be downloaded and is only available for a certain time period. The availability time period is determined by the settings in the Admin/System/Defaults screen.

Various filtering options are available on the right of the main content area to filter the operation status results. To apply a filter, select the required criteria and click either Apply Filter or Refresh on the right of the screen. The display will automatically refresh every 30 seconds. Each refresh will consider the selected filter criteria.

Refer to the Oracle DIVAdirector Administrator's Guide for more information about the Operation Status screen.