If the Provide Feedback feature is enabled, you can post a comment about the topic or module to the author of the content. Provide Feedback only appears if there is a feedback monitor for the selected topic or module.

When posting a comment, you need to include a subject as well as the comment. When the comment is complete, you submit it to the author and the question is posted in the Feedback Details window. The View Existing Feedback link allows you to open the Review Feedback window. This window displays the existing comments you submitted for this subject.


Note: This feature is only available if the Player is launched through a knowledge path or the Player link in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center, or a modeless launch from an application. 


ProcedureTo provide feedback:

  1. Select a topic or module.
  2. Click Provide Feedback Provide Feedback.
  3. In the Feedback Details window, type a subject.
  4. Type your comment.
  5. Click Submit.

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