The New User button may appear on the Login page, which allows you to create a new user account. The user account can be used to log in and access any content that is available to all users, but the user is not be enrolled in any Knowledge Paths.


The new user page contains fields in which you can enter the necessary information to create a Knowledge Center account. A red asterisk appears to the left of each mandatory field, including Last Name, First Name, and Username. If usernames are automatically generated, this field is automatically populated once you complete the First Name and Last Name fields. Fields without an asterisk to the left are optional.


If there is more than one workgroup at a company, you need to select a workgroup when creating a new account. The Workgroup list only appears if more than one workgroup is available.

The administrator may have defined custom user fields that you can complete, such as Office or Date of Hire. These fields can be designated as optional or required.


 ProcedureTo create a new user:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to the link supplied by your administrator.
  2. Click New User.
  3. If the Workgroup field is present, select the workgroup in which you want to create the new user.
  4. Enter the user's last name in the Last Name field.
  5. Enter the user's first name in the First Name field.
  6. Enter a username for the user in the Username field.
    If usernames are automatically generated, this field is automatically populated once you complete the Last and First Name fields.
  7. (Optional) Enter the user's email address in the E-mail Address field.
  8. Enter a password in the Password field.
  9. Enter the same password in the Confirm Password field.
  10. Click Login.
  11. On the Login page, use the new username and password you just created to log in.

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