You can create reports with filters, which limit the reporting data to specific values, such as a specific outline or date range. Depending on your reporting needs, you can specify a fixed and unchangeable filter value, or you can set the report to prompt the user for filter values each time it is viewed. For example, you could create a report that always shows data for a certain playback mode or outline section or a report that allows users to choose a playback mode or outline item. If a report is set to prompt the user for filter values, the Report page opens displaying fields in which the parameter values can be set. Parameter selections can include a date range, one or more user names, an outline item, or a playback mode. 

A single report can include multiple filters. If no values are selected for a filter, the report is processed using all data. For example, if you enter only a user name and no date range for a report that filters on both user names and dates, the report will include data from all dates in the database when gathering information about the specified user(s).

Note: The message "No data to report" appears if no data is available for the specified parameter values. However, you can return to the report list and rerun the report with different parameter values, if desired.

Warning! Although you do not need to enter filter values when running a filtered report, doing so can cause a problem if you are viewing a formatted report with a large amount of data.

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