If you publish content for an HTML Web Site, the result is a tree of hyperlinked HTML files. Users can view the content via a browser. Exported content appears in a static version of Try It! mode suitable for posting to an Intranet or Internet site. With this method, users can view content without downloading a Web plug-in or installing content.

Note: The HTML Web Site is designed to meet accessibility requirements. The site meets the following requirements: it can be read by a screen reader such as JAWS; it is not color dependent; the font size can be changed by the user; it is fully functional without using a mouse; and it does not depend on an audio track for functionality.

Users access the content by launching the index.html page in the HTMLPages folder in the Publishing Content folder in the location where you published. This page displays a table of contents page showing the outline. Each topic has a link. If there is an attachment, a Concept link appears next to the topic name.

After users click a topic link in the table of contents page, the topic overview page opens with a Steps list that displays the text for each frame in the primary path. If you published the outline with the detailed action steps included, a Step # link appears under each step. The Step # link launches an HTML page for the frame (the detailed action page) that allows users to navigate a static version of Try It! mode. The detailed action page for each frame contains a graphic showing the recorded target application screen with the action listed below the image. One action appears in each page, and a red border indicates the action area for the frame. To navigate through the topic, users can either click in the action area or click the navigation hyperlinks that appear below the graphic. Hyperlinked text appears below the frame to view any attachments as appropriate. The text used for the links is the tooltip as defined by the content author. Alternative Actions, Alternative Paths, and Decision frames are included in the detailed action pages as well. In addition, a Keyword Index link appears on the Table of Contents page. After clicking this link, users see each keyword followed by a list of the topics in which it appears. The topic names on this page are hyperlinked to the appropriate topic. When publishing an HTML Web Site, you can choose to omit the detailed step content, which excludes the Step # link from Steps list.


Note: Alternative Actions, Alternative Paths, and Decision frames do not appear in the topic overview page; they only appear when a user navigates the detailed action steps.


The graphics are in .png format and are linked to each HTML document as appropriate.


The following areas do not appear in the HTML Web Site output:

The following publishing options are available for the HTML Web Site:

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