After the service pack is installed, updates must to be applied to the library. The first client to log into the server after the service pack is installed to the client will be prompted to apply the library updates. Remaining clients should have the patch applied, but it is not necessary to launch each subsequent client to apply the library updates (the library will already be updated).


To install a service pack, exit the Developer and the Knowledge Center and launch the self-extracting executable file. This file automatically extracts the files and launches the installer. If a Security Warning appears, click Run. You are then prompted to choose the language for the Installer, and the Install Wizard appears. During installation, you proceed through these screens in the Install Wizard.

  1. Welcome: The Welcome screen identifies the name of the service pack. You can click Cancel if you decide that you do not want to install the service pack.
  2. Application Selection: Choose Developer.
  3. Choose Destination Location: Displays the default location where the application is currently installed. Confirm that this location is correct or change the location to where the application is currently installed.
  4. Ready to Install: The Installation Wizard is ready to update the application. Click Back to review or modify any settings.
  5. Setup Status: This screen appears while the files are being installed.
  6. InstallShield Wizard Complete: During the update a file might be in use by the operating system on the computer; this will require a reboot to complete the installation. Also, make sure to run Windows update to get the latest patches from Microsoft.

If you are the first client to be installed, continue with the steps below to apply the updates to the library. Otherwise, stop here.


ProcedureTo apply the updates to the library:

  1. Launch the Developer client.
  2. The Developer automatically detects that the library update is available. Click OK to run the update.
  3. When the update is complete, the Library Update Complete message appears. You can click the View activity log link to see detailed results of the update. Click Close when you are finished. Click OK to close the message.

ProcedureTo verify that the service pack has been installed on the client without launching Developer:

  1. Navigate to the folder where the client is installed.
  2. Open the BinaryUpdates folder.
  3. The folder contains empty text files with the same name as any installed service packs. The text files are not created until the service pack is actually installed, so if one does not exist for a specific service pack, it has not been applied on the client.

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