This view provides launch information for all of the Learning Objects. 

Upgrade Note: For installations upgraded from Professional edition 6.1, this view replaces the KPVIEW_SUBJECT_AU_DETAIL view. Previous views still appear with their original column names to preserve any existing reports based on these views.

USER_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier for the user.

This field is a primary key.


USERNAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
The name that the user enters to log in to the server.


FIRST_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's first name.


LAST_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
User's last name.


LO_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
The unique identifier of the Learning Object.

This field is a primary key.


ASSESSTYPE (Oracle = number (3, 0)), (SQL = tinyint)
The value indicates the assessment type of the Learning Object.
0 = Learning object in the subject tree that is not a pre-assessment or post-assessment.
1 = Pre-assessment type
2 = Post-assessment type

This field is a primary key.


TRACK_DATE (Oracle = timestamp (6)), (SQL = datetime)
The date and time that the user accessed the Learning Object.


TIME_SPENT (Oracle = float), (SQL = real)
Indicates how much time (in seconds) the user has spent on the Learning Object.

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