The following are guidelines for a Siebel Administrator to introduce a new menu item in Siebel Applications for the users to launch the Player in a context-sensitive manner. The recommended method is to ensure that the solution works as desired in a test environment, and then apply the changes to the production environment.


Important Upgrade Note: If you have already implemented this feature using version and patch 18104838 of this product, then you must repeat all the steps in this section for the current solution to overwrite the scripts. Also, the siebel7_ias_agent.html and siebel7_ias_agent.js files should be removed from the Siebel server as they are no longer needed.


Prerequisites to implement and test help integration in Siebel:

  1. Siebel Tools must be installed and configured.
  2. Siebel Web Client is installed with remote access configured on the developer machine.
  3. A URL where the Player content will be deployed. This is needed for the menu item to launch the Player content.
  4. To complete the Siebel server customization steps, the content of the siebel7\agent directory is needed from the Developer installation folder. This directory is referenced below as <Siebel scripts directory>.
  5. Before functional testing of the help integration implementation, the Player should be deployed to the web server.

To add the UPKContentURL property in the Siebel Web Client:

  1. Select Administration - Application in the Site Map.
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Add a new record named UPKContentURL and set the value to the Player content URL. Be sure that the URL ends with a slash character.

To add the service initialization in the Siebel Web Client:

  1. Select Administration - Runtime Events in the Site Map.
  2. Select the Action Sets tab of the Runtime Events administration page.
  3. Click New to add a new action set and set the name to UPK-Init.
  4. Scroll down to the action set records and add a new record with the following properties:
    Name: UPK-ServiceInit
    Action Type: BusService
    Sequence: 1
  5. Scroll down to the More Info section and set the following fields to the specified values:
    Business Service Name: UPKService

    Business Service Method: UPKServiceInit
  6. Click Menu and Save Record in the More Info section.
  7. Select the Events tab of the Runtime Events administration page.
  8. Click New to add a new event record with the following properties:

    Sequence: 1
    Object Type: Application
    Event: WebLogin
    Action Set: UPK-Init
  9. Click Menu and Save Record in the Events section.

The menu item is created using a Siebel server Business Service and should be applied to the Siebel server.


To add the In-Application Support menu item to the Help menu:

  1. Open Siebel Tools and login as a developer.
  2. Select menu View/Options...
  3. Select the Object Explorer tab in the Development Tools Options dialog.
  4. Ensure Command and Menu items are selected in the Object Explorer Hierarchy.
  5. Click OK to save the options.
  6. Select the Project tree item in the Object Explorer's Types panel.
  7. Add a new record to the project list using the Edit/New Record menu.
  8. Type UPK in the Project’s Name column; ensure the Locked column is checked.
  9. Select Business Service in the Object Explorer panel.
  10. Add a new record to business services list using the Edit/New Record menu.
  11. Type UPKService in the Business Services' Name column; set the Project to UPK.
  12. Open the Business Service tree item in the Object Explorer's Types panel.
  13. Select the Business Service Method item.
  14. Add a new record to the business service methods using the Edit/New Record menu.
  15. Type UPKServiceInit to the Business Service Method’s Name column.
  16. Add a new record to the business service methods using the Edit/New Record menu.
  17. Type UPKServiceMethod to the Business Service Method’s Name column.
  18. Right click on UPKService row header in the business services list.
  19. Select the Edit Server Scripts menu.
  20. Select the File/Import menu and browse for the <Siebel scripts directory>.
  21. Select UPKService_ServerScript.js and click Open.
  22. Click the Save toolbar button.
  23. Right click on UPKService row header in the business services list.
  24. Select the Edit Browser Scripts menu.
  25. Select the File/Import menu and browse for the <Siebel scripts directory>.
  26. Select UPKService_BrowserScript.js and click Open.
  27. Click the Save toolbar button.
  28. Select File/New Object menu.
  29. Select Command in the New Object Wizards dialog.
  30. Select Command in the New Object Wizards dialog.
  31. Select Command in the New Object Wizards dialog.
  32. Select Command in the New Object Wizards dialog.
  33. Select the Business Service option.
  34. Select UPKService in the business services list.
  35. Enter UPKServiceMethod in the Method to be invoked field; click Next.
  36. Unselect Execute this command in a new window option; click Next.
  37. Click Finish.
  38. Select the Menu tree item in the Object Explorer's Types panel.
  39. Select the Generic WEB Menu project row in the Menus list.
  40. Ensure Object Locked column is checked for the selected row.
  41. Open the Menu tree item in the Object Explorer's Types panel.
  42. Select the Menu Item item.
  43. Add a new record to the menu items list using the Edit/New Record menu.
  44. Type Help - UPK Sep in the Name column; set the Position to 7.199.
  45. Add a new record to the menu items list using the Edit/New Record menu.
  46. Type Help – UPK in the Name column; set Caption - String Override to any name at your choice to displayed, for example: In-Application Support, Help or Learn; set Position to 7.200; set Command to UPKServiceMethod.
  47. Navigate to the next record to save the changes.
  48. Test and verify the changes in the local environment.
  49. Check in the menu, UPK and all other locked projects to the server.

After the previous steps are applied a new menu item called In-Application Support should appear in the Siebel Help menu. You can test whether the menu item is functional by selecting it and verifying the URL that opens. If the Player content is already deployed to the location specified by UPKContentURL, then you can also check that the applicable topics are shown.


Language Segmentation

If you need a solution for multiple languages, then compile and deploy the server changes for each language and configure content segmentation in the main Player to which the UPKContentURL refers. See Configure Content for more information.



The following message can appear when the user is logged into Siebel Web Client:

The following message can appear when a user activates the new menu item in the Siebel application:

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