To update the existing Oracle schema for Developer and all the objects, two scripts must be run.  One script, AlterSystemObjects, requires system administrator privileges.  It updates the tablespace, the schema owner and the application user schema that has access to the schema where the Developer objects are created. The second script, AlterSchemaObjects, updates the schema objects necessary to run Developer. This script should be run by the schema owner account created from the previous installation of Developer.


If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server, the SQL scripts are intended to be run by an SQL administrator with either sysadmin or a combination of securityadmin and dbcreator privileges. The database objects creation does not necessarily require these privileges and could be performed by the user with db_owner privileges of the database. This would require modifications to the SQL scripts.

ProcedureTo upgrade the Oracle database manually and then upgrade the server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. To update the schema using the AlterSystemObjects.sql script located in \db scripts\ORACLE\Developer\Upgrade in the software installation files, enter the following at the command prompt:

    Standard SQL*Plus syntax:
    sqlplus -s <ORACLE_ADMINISTRATOR>/<ORACLE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD>@<SERVER_INSTANCE> @"<SCRIPT_LOCATION>\<SCRIPT_NAME>" variable_value1 variable_value2 ... variable_valueN

    Note: The -s parameter runs SQL*Plus without SQL*Plus messaging.
    Warning! The values must be in this order to run correctly. 
    Run the following:
    The variables that need to be replaced are:
    <ORACLE_ADMINISTRATOR> - administrator user login with credentials to create tablespace, user, and so on.
    <ORACLE_ADMINISTRATOR_PASSWORD> - password for the Oracle administrator
    <SERVER_INSTANCE> - name of the Oracle server instance where the tablespace and users will be created
    <SCHEMA_OWNER> - user to be created that is the schema owner
    <SCHEMA_USER> - the application user that is create to have access to the Developer schema
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlplus -s system/password@xe @"E:\Setup\db scripts\ORACLE\Developer\Upgrade\AlterSystemObjects.sql" ODServer ODServer_app 
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script. After the schema is created, enter exit and press ENTER to return to the prompt in the Command Prompt window.
  4. Next update the schema objects by running the AlterSchemaObjects.sql script. The script contains variables that are replaced with the text supplied for the values.

    Warning! The values must be in this order to run correctly.

    Standard SQL*Plus syntax:
    sqlplus -s <SCHEMA_OWNER>/<SCHEMA_OWNER_PASSWORD>@<SERVER_INSTANCE> @"<SCRIPT_LOCATION>\<SCRIPT_NAME>" variable_value1 variable_value2 ... variable_valueN

    Note: The -s parameter runs SQL*Plus without SQL*Plus messaging.

    Run the following:


    The variables that need to be replaced are:
    <SCHEMA_OWNER> - user created that is the schema owner
    <SCHEMA_OWNER_PASSWORD> - password set for the schema owner
    <SERVER_INSTANCE> - name of the Oracle server instance where the tablespace and users are created
    <SCHEMA_OWNER> - user created that is the schema owner
    <SCHEMA_USER> - the application user that has access to the Developer schema

    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlplus -s ODServer/password@xe @"E:\setup\db scripts\ORACLE\Developer\Upgrade\AlterSchemaObjects.sql" ODServer ODServer_app
  5. Confirm the parameters and run the script. After the script runs, enter exit and press ENTER to return to the prompt in the Command Prompt window.
  6. Enter exit and press ENTER to exit the Command Prompt window.

ProcedureTo upgrade the Microsoft SQL Server database manually and then upgrade the server:

  1. From the Windows Start menu, open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Update the database objects by running the AlterDBObjects.sql script. The script contains variables that are replaced with the text supplied for the values.
    Warning! All variable names must be referenced for the script to run successfully.
    Standard sqlcmd syntax:
    Note: The -E parameter means use an entrusted connection to the SQL Server. To use a login and password, use -U <LOGINID> and -P <PASSWORD> parameters.
    Run the following:
    sqlcmd -E -S <SERVER_NAME> -i AlterDBObjects.sql -v DBOwner="<DATABASE_OWNER>" -v DBName="<DATABASE_NAME>"
    The variables that need to be replaced are:
    <SERVER_NAME> - the server instance to connect to
    <DATABASE_OWNER> - database user to be created that is the primary owner of the database
    <DATABASE_NAME> - the name of the database to be updated
    Enter the fully qualified path of the script file.
    Example with default install parameters:
    sqlcmd -E -S "sqlserver" -i "E:\Setup\db scripts\MSSQL\Developer\Upgrade\AlterDBObjects.sql" -v DBOwner="ODServer" -v DBName="ODDevContent"
  3. Confirm the parameters and run the script.
  4. Close the Command Prompt window.

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