About Conceptual Model Entities

A conceptual model includes the following entities:

  • Customer facing services, which represent your services from a customer perspective. See "About Customer Facing Services" for more information.

  • Resource facing services, which represent a technical view of a service. See "About Resource Facing Services" for more information.

  • Resources, which represent the entities that are required to configure the service. See "About Resources" for more information.

  • Products, which represent your commercial products. See "About Products" for more information.

  • Locations, which represent physical locations. For example, in a Broadband service, the DSL RFS for a DSL service can be associated with a location to represent the address of the customer.

  • Actions, which are requests to perform work. Actions describe how conceptual model entities change, cause change, or retrieve information. Actions are associated with customer facing services, resource facing services, and resources. See "About Conceptual Model Actions" for more information.

  • Action parameter bindings, which enable you to:

    • Identify the conceptual model entities, such as a resource or a resource facing service, that contribute to the creation of technical actions.

    • Bind the attributes defined for the conceptual model entities and components (the source data) to parameters defined for technical actions (the target data).

    See "About Action Parameter Bindings" for more information.

  • Domains, which are groups of entities and actions that you can use to organize and filter conceptual models. See "About Domains" for more information.

  • Functional areas, which are the logical layers of an installation and can be commercial, service, and technical layers. These layers are supported by an Order and Service Management order type or by an external order management system. See "About Functional Areas" for more information.

  • Provider functions, which are processing components that perform a defined set of tasks based on their role in a solution. Design Studio includes the configuration for some provider functions, such as Calculate Service Order, Design and Assign, Calculate Technical Order, and Activation. See "About Provider Functions" for more information.

  • Fulfillment patterns, which determine the high-level functions that are required to process an action or conceptual model entities. Fulfillment patterns include any number of fulfillment functions. See "About Fulfillment Patterns" for more information.

  • Fulfillment functions, which represent the work to be performed against an action. Fulfillment functions can be augmented with conditions to determine whether the function is to be performed against an action. See "About Fulfillment Functions" for more information.

About Customer Facing Services

Customer facing services represent the commercial view of the services that you provide to your customer (a service represents the way that a product is realized and delivered to a customer).

You can use the same customer facing service to fulfill different but similar product offers. For example, the same Broadband_Internet_Access service can be used to fulfill a Broadband product and a Broadband_Bandwidth product. You map the data elements defined for customer facing services to data elements defined on products. Additionally, you associate customer facing services with resource facing services (as components). For example, you can associate with a CFS the resource facing services available to fulfill the service, such as DSL or DOCSIS.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about customer facing services.

Related Topics

Designing Conceptual Models

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Customer Facing Service Editor

About Resource Facing Services

Resource facing services describe how customer facing services are configured. For example, you can provision a customer facing service named Broadband_Internet_Access using multiple resource facing services, such as DSL, Fiber, or DOCSIS. You determine the resource facing service used to provide the commercial-level services during service design.

Resource facing services are technology-specific; however, resource facing services are not specific to a vendor. They can include resources or finer-granulated resource facing services. Resource facing services are represented in Design Studio for Inventory as Service specifications and as Service Configuration specifications.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about resource facing services.

Related Topics

Designing Conceptual Models

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Resource Facing Service Editor

About Resources

Resources define the technical components of a solution. A resource is a specific object in the network and in the inventory that can be consumed, referenced, or shared by a service when provisioning a resource facing service. Resources can be physical, such as a port, or logical, such as bandwidth. Examples of resources include IP addresses, VoIP phones, and DSLAM ports.

Resources are realized as Design Studio for Inventory resource entities. See Design Studio Concepts for more information about resources.

Related Topics

Designing Conceptual Models

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Resource Editor

About Products

Products are entities that represent something that your business sells. A product type defines a set of product characteristics, validation rules, and relationships. For example, you might create products for Broadband, Broadband_Bandwidth, and Email products.

You can create products in Design Studio or (if your products exist in a separate product catalog) you can import products into Design Studio. After you create or import products, you can create or review the associated attributes in the Product editor.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about products.

When working with products, see the following topics:

About Locations

Locations define geographic references that are relevant to services or resources. Locations can be specific places, such as a residence or a business, or more general places, such as a city. Locations are realized as Design Studio for Inventory Place specifications.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about locations.

Related Topics

Designing Conceptual Models

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Location Editor

About Conceptual Model Actions

Design Studio includes the definitions for two action families, service and technical:

  • Service actions represent requests to change a customer facing service in the technical inventory. These actions are used during product-to-service mapping and during run-time design and assign activities. Service actions include a group of action codes, each of which can be performed against the associated entity.

  • Technical actions represent the information sent to delivery systems. Technical actions usually include a single action code.

You can create your own action families by creating additional functional areas. See "About Functional Areas" for more information.

Conceptual model entities are the targets, or subjects, of actions. You associate actions with entities to indicate that the action or group of actions can be performed against the associated entity.

You can create your own actions, or your can configure Design Studio to create actions automatically when you create new conceptual model entities. Actions that Design Studio create automatically are considered mandatory.

Customer facing services are associated with service actions only. By default, when you create customer facing services, Design Studio automatically creates a mandatory service action and associates the service action with the CFS. You can associate resource facing services and resources with one service action or with multiple technical actions.

Conceptual model service actions are realized in Design Studio for Inventory projects as rulesets. Conceptual model technical actions are realized in Design Studio for ASAP project as service actions (CSDLs) or in Design Studio for Network Integrity projects as scan actions.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about actions.

Related Topics

Designing Conceptual Models

Creating Actions

Configuring Actions

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Action Editor

About Action Parameter Bindings

Action parameter bindings enable you to map attributes defined for conceptual model entities and components (the source data) to parameters defined for technical actions (the target data).

The mapping information, or binding, is contained in an Action Parameter Binding (APB) entity. APB entities enable you to identify source data elements in a conceptual model and define how they contribute to the generation of technical action data elements.

For example, you may have a Network Address Template Resource entity defined with multiple technical actions. You can create an action parameter binding to map the source data from the conceptual model (data defined on Network Address Template Resource entity or elsewhere in the conceptual model) to the data that is required by a set of technical actions.

At run-time, action parameter binding configuration facilitates the analysis required during the Calculate Technical Actions (CTA) provider function, enabling CTA to determine the differences between a requested service configuration and the current service configuration. After the delta is determined, CTA can identify the technical actions required to affect the necessary changes in the network.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about how action parameter bindings contribute to the Calculate Technical Actions provider function. See the Oracle Communications RSDOD Reference Solution Developers Guide for more information about generating CTA metadata.

Related Topics

Creating Action Parameter Bindings

Action Parameter Binding Editor

About Domains

A conceptual model domain is a group of entities and actions that you can use to organize and filter conceptual models. For example, you can create a domain called Alcatel DSLAMs that contains the resources (the Alcatel devices) that can be used as a DSLAM. You can include conceptual model entities in multiple domains, and you can create a hierarchy of domains that include subdomains. Subdomains can decompose into smaller groupings (for example, into broadband products and broadband services). Domains can be used as subdomains, and subdomains can be shared across multiple domains.

You can filter the Solution view to display domains and view and navigate among only those entities that are associated with domains.

You do not convert Domain entities into application entities in Design Studio. Rather, Domain entities help you organize, filter, and navigate conceptual models.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about domains.

Related Topics

Domain Editor

About Functional Areas

Functional areas are the logical layers of an installation and can be commercial, service, and technical layers. These layers are supported by an Order and Service Management order type or by an external order management system.

When configuring functional areas, you specify whether the functional area supports actions. If it does, you indicate which conceptual model entities support the type of actions defined by the functional area and whether these actions are multi-instance. For example, the Service functional area supports actions, but only on customer facing services, resource facing services, and resources. The Technical functional area supports actions also, but those actions can be associated only to resource facing services and resources.

Functional areas are associated with a list of action codes. Each action code, such as Remove, Modify, Add, and so forth, represents by an action that can be performed on a conceptual model entity. When a new action of the type defined by the functional area is created, all of the action codes defined in the functional area are added to the new action.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about functional areas.

Related Topics

Creating Functional Areas

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

Functional Area Editor

About Provider Functions

Provider functions are processing components that perform a defined set of tasks based on its role in a solution. Design Studio includes the configuration for some provider functions, such as Calculate Service Order, Design and Assign, Calculate Technical Order, and Activation.

Provider functions accept conceptual model entities or the actions that are associated with those entities as input and generate conceptual model entities or their actions as output. The output that provider functions generate is used as input by other, downstream provider functions. Calculate Service Order accepts Product entities as input and generates the service actions associated with customer facing service entities as output. This output is required as input by the Design and Assign provider function, which will generate output that is required by the Calculate Technical Actions provider function.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about provider functions.

Related Topics

Provider Function Editor

About Fulfillment Patterns

Fulfillment patterns define a set of high-level functions that can be performed to process an action or conceptual model entity. For example, a fulfillment pattern can define the functions that are required to process conceptual model entities and actions for provisioning, billing, or installation. In OSM, you associate fulfillment patterns with the processes that execute the order items.

You can associate any conceptual model entity or action to a fulfillment pattern. For example, you can associate multiple products to one fulfillment pattern, which enables you to introduce new products with minimal configuration in Design Studio. Fulfillment patterns realize as OSM fulfillment patterns.

Fulfillment patterns contain any number of fulfillment functions, which are functional-level order components.

Related Topics

Fulfillment Pattern Editor

Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities

About Fulfillment Functions

Fulfillment functions are operations that can be performed to process an order item. In the context of the conceptual model, the line item is an action or a product. After you create fulfillment functions, you associate them with fulfillment patterns. You also associate actions with fulfillment patterns, and the fulfillment pattern associated with any action determines which fulfillment functions can be associated with the action.

Fulfillment functions can be realized as OSM Order Component specifications. In OSM, line items are sent to a fulfillment pattern, which includes a set of order components that can be used to process the line item. The order components represent work that needs to be done against the line item. The fulfillment pattern determines which order components are to be used based on the conditions and dependencies defined in OSM. Each order component can have dependencies to other components (for example, one component may require that another be completed first).

Related Topics

About Conceptual Model Entities

Fulfillment Function Editor

Configuring Actions