Deploying Cartridge Projects from the Environment Perspective

You deploy Oracle Communications Design Studio cartridge projects from the Environment perspective.


Design Studio is not intended for automated deployment or production environment deployment. See Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information about deploying cartridge projects to production environments.

Before you can deploy cartridge projects from the Environment perspective, you must create at least one Environment project, which enables you to organize your environment attributes. See "Working with Environment Projects" for more information.

To deploy cartridge projects from the Environment perspective:

  1. Build the cartridge project.

    Builds detect errors in cartridge projects. You must resolve all errors in a cartridge project before you can deploy the cartridge project.

  2. Determine which entities, libraries, and resources to include in the cartridge project.

    See "Packaging Projects" for more information.

  3. Select Studio, then select Show Environment Perspective.

    An Environment perspective is a collection of views that enable you to create and manage the attributes associated with your environment. You use the Environment perspective to deploy and undeploy cartridges to one or more environments and to control and manage all of your environments. See "Working with Perspectives" for more information.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Create a new run-time environment if no environments exist. See "Creating Run-Time Environments" for more information.

    • Select an existing run-time environment to which to connect.

    The Cartridge Management view displays the selected environment information obtained from the most recent queried state.

  5. Test the run-time environment connectivity.

    See "Testing Run-Time Environment Connectivity" for more information.

  6. Define any environment-specific variables for the test environment.

    When you create Cartridge projects, some of the information you provide may depend on a specific environment. Model variables are placeholders for environment-specific values that can be defined at the time of deployment. See "Working with Model Variables" for more information.

    Cartridge management variables control attributes of the deployment and attributes of the project behavior after you deploy to the target environment. See the list of application-specific topics in the note below for more information.


    Some Design Studio applications require that you define cartridge management variables before you deploy cartridges. The following topics provide more information:
  7. In the Cartridge Management view, select the cartridge projects to be deployed.

    If you select multiple projects, they are deployed individually, based on any existing dependencies. Oracle recommends that you deploy all run-time dependent projects to the run-time environment prior to or concurrent with any project that references them.

  8. Click Deploy.

    Design Studio queries the environment for the current state of the deployed cartridges, and validates dependencies before deploying the cartridge projects. If a cartridge project defined as a run-time dependency does not exist in the target environment, Design Studio displays a warning. See "Project Editor Dependency Tab" for more information about defining dependency types.

    If the deployment fails, a message describing the reason for the failure and how to correct it appears in the Console view. If an error occurs during a deployment in which you have selected multiple projects, the system stops deployment for all subsequent projects. If you cancel the deployment, the system attempts to cancel the current deployment, and then cancels all subsequent deployments.

  9. (Optional) Click Query.

    You can query the environment at any time to view the current system state.

Creating Run-Time Environments

You create a Design Studio run-time environment to contain the run-time environment connection parameters.

To create a run-time environment:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Environment Perspective.

    The Environment perspective appears.

  2. Right-click in the Environments view and select New Environment.

    The Studio Model Entity wizard appears, with the project name selected by default.


    Studio Environment entities must be saved in an Environment project. If no Environment projects exist in the workspace, Design Studio prompts you to create one. See "Creating Environment Projects" for more information.
  3. In the Project field, select the appropriate project for the environment.

    See "Creating Environment Projects" for more information about creating new projects.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the run-time environment.

    The name must be unique among environment entities within the same namespace.

  5. (Optional) Select a location in which to save the run-time environment configuration.

    By default, Design Studio saves the environment configuration to your default workspace location. You can enter a folder name in the Folder field, or select a location different from the default. To select a different location:

    1. Click the Folder field Browse button.

    2. Navigate to the directory in which to save the entity.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Click Finish.

    The new run-time environment entity appears in the Environment view.

  7. In the Environment view, right-click the environment to which you want to connect and select Open.

    The Studio Environment view appears.

  8. In the Address field, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server IP address (or the fully qualified domain name if DNS is enabled) and port necessary to connect to the run-time environment.


    If you are using an IPv6 URL address, you must be deploying over a network that supports IPv6. The IP address you enter must be in standard IPv6 form. The final four nodes can be omitted if the nodes are all zeroes. For example:
    • [10:20:0:0:0:0:0:0] or [10:20:0:0]

    • [26AB:FFFF:800:50:0:0:0:0] or [26AB:FFFF:800:50]

    • [CD:47:2:9999:0:0:0:0] or [CD:47:2:9999]

    See "Studio Environment Editor Connection Information Tab" for more information about the Address field.

  9. (Optional) In the Cluster/Server field, enter the name of the cluster or server on which the target application resides.

    See "Studio Environment Editor Connection Information Tab" for more information.

  10. (Optional) Enable SSL connections.

    Before you deploy cartridges from Design Studio using an SSL connection, you must enable SSL in the WebLogic server to ensure that the Cartridge Management web service accepts the SSL connection. See Design Studio System Administration Guide for information about enabling SSL.

  11. Click Save.

Related Topics

Deploying Cartridge Projects from the Environment Perspective

Working with Model Variables

Studio Environment Editor

Testing Run-Time Environment Connectivity

You can test a connection to a run-time environment before you deploy cartridges.

To test a connection to a run-time environment:

  1. In the Environment perspective Environment view, right-click the Design Studio environment that you want to test and select Test Connection.

    The Test Environment Connection dialog box appears.

  2. Enter your WebLogic user name and password.

    See Design Studio System Administration Guide for information about setting up Design Studio users.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio displays the login result, which determines what information appears in the Cartridge Management view.

    If the login is successful, Design Studio displays information about the state of synchronization among the cartridges in the workspace and cartridges in the run-time environment. If login fails, it displays only cartridges from the workspace.

Related Topic

Deploying Cartridge Projects from the Environment Perspective