Composite Cartridge Editor

Use the Composite Cartridge editor to configure composite cartridge projects. When you create a composite cartridge, you assemble all the component cartridges that make up the solution into a single archive file and deploy the file to the OSM run-time environment.

To access the Composite Cartridge editor, click any composite cartridge entity in the Studio Projects view. The editor contains a number of different tabs. For details about the fields on each tab, see the following topics:

Composite Cartridge Editor Manifest Tab

Use the Manifest tab to manage entity-level dependencies in a composite cartridge. Design Studio uses the following top-level entity types to determine all entity-level dependencies in a composite cartridge project:

  • Order

  • Fulfillment Pattern

  • Order Recognition Rule

By default, all entities from all component cartridges that are referenced in the composite cartridge are included in manifest.


Design Studio populates the entity list based on project-level dependencies defined in the Dependency tab. If you have not defined any project dependencies, the entity list will be empty. See "Project Editor Dependency Tab" for more information.

Required Entities

Field Use
Entity Type Displays the top-level entity types that define the scope of the composite cartridge: Order, Fulfillment Pattern, and Order Recognition Rule.

Select an entity type to display the required entities from component cartridges that are referenced in the composite cartridge.

By default, all entities in all referenced component cartridges are included in the solution scope.

Entity List Displays the required entities for the selected entity type. If the cartridge is sealed or read-only, the entity list is read-only.

To exclude entities from the list, deselect the Include all from project check box, click Select, and from the selection list select only those entities that you want to include in the solution. For example, you may choose to exclude a new fulfillment pattern that is still in development and untested.

Once the list is populated, you can click Remove to remove entities or Open to open the corresponding editor.

Note: Excluding an entity in the Manifest tab removes it from the validation process only; packaging is not impacted. If the entity is referenced in the run-time environment, it will be available.

Include all from project By default, the check box is selected. The entity list is automatically populated with the entities from all referenced component cartridges.

To customize the entity list, deselect the check box and click Select to select one or more entities from the selection list.

Related Topics

Order and Service Management Project Editor

Composite Cartridge Editor Task Data Contribution Tab

Use the Task Data Contribution tab to define task data contributions to required tasks, such as creation tasks and query tasks, based on additional data modeled in the Composite Cartridge View editor.

When the composite cartridge builds, the task data and corresponding views will be available to the required tasks within the context of the solution.

Field Use
Task Data Contribution Displays a particular order, process, and task combination to which additional task data will be contributed. Additional task data is modeled in a Composite Cartridge View. (See "Adding Task Data to a Composite Cartridge View" for more information.)

Click Add to create a new entry in the Task Data Contribution list using the Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box. In the Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box fields, do any of the following:

  • Click Select to select each entity in succession from the selection list.

  • Click New to create a new entity if a suitable one is not available.

  • Select Open to configure a selected entity in the corresponding editor.

When you are finished in the Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box, click OK.

Click Remove to delete an existing task data contribution from the list.

Query Task Data Contribution Displays a particular order, role, and query task combination to which additional task data (modeled in a Composite Cartridge view) will be contributed. See "Adding Task Data to a Composite Cartridge View" for more information.

Click Add to create a new entry in the Query Task Data Contribution list using the Query Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box. In the Query Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box fields, do any of the following:

  • Click Select to select each entity in succession from the selection list.

  • Click New to create a new entity if a suitable one is not available.

  • Select Open to configure a selected entity in the corresponding editor.

When you are finished in the Query Task Data Contribution Selection dialog box, click OK.

Click Remove to delete an existing query task data contribution from the list.

Related Topics

Contributing Task Data to a Composite Cartridge

Order and Service Management Project Editor