Order Item Specification Editor

Use the Order Item Specification editor to model the properties, applicable conditions, hierarchies, and permissions.

The order item specification that you configure in Design Studio contributes to the control data that OSM adds to the created order. The control data provides the information OSM requires to run the orchestration plan and includes information about the order items and the order components in the orchestration plan.

When modeling order items, refer to the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Order Item Specification editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the order item.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the order item.
XQuery The XQuery tab enables you to configure XQuery-based rules or elements or identify the source of the XQuery-based rules or elements. Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer for a condition for the mapping rule to be used. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

Click Properties to open the Order Item Specifications Properties view, where you can define annotations for the rule.

See "XQuery Examples" for more information.

Instances Define a Data Instance behavior to obtain data that is not included in the order data and make that data available to the XQuery expression. Click Add to add a Data Instance behavior. Select the Data Instance behavior, and click Properties to configure the Data Instance behavior.

See "Defining Data Instance Behavior Properties" for more information.

Information Describe the intended use of the XQuery expression. For example, you might describe the functionality of a complex expression or provide instructions on its use.

Related Topics

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Order Item Properties Tab

Use the Order Item Properties tab to define the properties on the order item required during the orchestration plan generation.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Order Item Properties Configure the order items required during the orchestration plan generation. Order item properties are name/value pairs. You configure an XQuery expression to extract from the source element the value of the property. Click:
  • Add to enter the name of a new property.

  • Remove to delete a property.

Note: Order Item Properties cannot be Data Structure Definitions, which means that the name of the Order Item Property cannot be the same as the name of a Data Structure Definition within ControlData/OrderItem in the order template.

Location In the Location field, you can map the corresponding property to a specific data node under ControlData/OrderItem in the order template. The node to which you map the property does not have to have the same name as the property itself.

Click Select to select a data node from the order template.

Property Expression You configure an XQuery expression to run against the order item property and extract the property value. Additionally, you can define a Data Instance behavior to obtain data that is not included in the order data and make that data available to the XQuery expression. See "Order Item Specification Editor" and "About Order Item Specification Order Item Property XQuery Expressions"for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Property References Tab

Use the Order Item Property References tab to map order item properties to map order item properties to specific functions.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Support Distributed Order Template Select this option to use the distributed order template for this order item. If you are using order transformation manager and this order item specification is going to be used for transformed order items, this option must be selected. For all other order items, it is optional. See OSM Modeling Guide for more information about the distributed order template and the order transformation manager. See "Referencing Items from a Distributed Order Template in XQuery Expressions" for more information about the format for referencing items in a distributed order template from XQuery expressions.
Fulfillment Pattern Mapping Property Select the property that contains the fulfillment pattern for the corresponding line item. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field.
Order Item Name Property Select the order item property that contains the name of the order item as it should appear in the Order Management UI. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field.

The order item name is displayed in the Order Management web client wherever the order item is displayed. For example, the order item name is displayed in the Order Info region and the Orchestration Plan tab in the Order Details page.

Requested Delivery Date Property Select the order item property that contains the date by which the line item must be fulfilled. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field. OSM uses the requested delivery date to determine processing start times and dependencies.
Order Item Recognition Property Select the order item property that identifies the PSR Entity specified by the customer order line item. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field. This property will be used to identify the order item parameter binding and add the correct parameters to the order item specification.
Order Item Action Property Select the order item property that identifies the action type of the order item. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field.
Order Item ID Property Select the order item property that specifies a unique identifier for the order item, for example, Asset Integration ID. This property should remain the same across revisions. Available options include the properties you defined in the Order Item Properties field.
Dynamic Parameter Property Select the order item property in which dynamic parameters for the order item should be stored.

Order Item Specification Editor Orchestration Conditions Tab

Use the Orchestration Conditions tab to associate with the order item specification those conditions that return true or false values. OSM uses the conditions to determine with which order components the order item is associated.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Orchestration Conditions Associate Boolean conditions with the order item specification. Click:
  • Add to enter the name of new condition. For each condition, you must configure an XQuery expression.

  • Remove to delete the condition from the order item specification.

Condition Expression Configure an XQuery expression to specify a Boolean condition that must evaluate to true. You can reference these conditions from decomposition rules and orchestration dependencies.

Additionally, you can define a Data Instance behavior to obtain data that is not included in the order data and make that data available to the XQuery expression.

See "Order Item Specification Editor" and "About Order Item Specification Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Order Item Hierarchies Tab

Use the Order Item Hierarchies tab to define the relative hierarchies among order items.

An order item hierarchy represents a logical parenting of order items in the order. Incoming customer orders may contain multiple order item hierarchies. For example, a single order item may exist in multiple hierarchies.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Physical Hierarchy Select the hierarchy for OSM to use for the order items on the order, or delete the selection to process the order item without a hierarchy.
Composition Hierarchy Select the hierarchy for OSM to use in determining fulfillment states, or delete the selection for OSM to use only the order item's order components to determine the order item fulfillment state.
Dependency Hierarchy Select the hierarchy for OSM to use in determining dependencies between order items, or delete the selection for OSM to use only the order item's order components to determine the order item dependencies. You cannot select Use for Child Completion Dependency with the Dependency Order Item Hierarchy. Design Studio generates an error message if you do.
Order Item Hierarchies list Associate the order item with one or multiple hierarchies. Click:
  • Add to enter the name of a new hierarchy. For each hierarchy, you must configure an XQuery expression to select the key value and parent key value for the hierarchy.

  • Remove to delete the hierarchy from the order item specification.

Key Expression Specify an XQuery expression to select the key value for the corresponding order item within a specific hierarchy (for example, within a line number).

See "Order Item Specification Editor" and "About Order Item Specification Order Item Hierarchy XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Parent Key Expression Specify an XQuery expression to select the parent key value for the corresponding order item within a specific hierarchy (for example, within a parent line number).

See "Order Item Specification Editor" and "About Order Item Specification Order Item Hierarchy XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Order Template Tab

Use the Order Template tab to model the data that OSM requires for orchestration; this data is referred to as order item control data. You can drag data from the Dictionary view into the Order Template area, or you can right-click in the Order Template area to select data from the Data Dictionary dialog box.

The recommended data schema to use to model order item control data is the predefined data schema of the OracleComms_OSM_CommonDataDictionary model project. See "About the OracleComms_OSM_CommonDataDictionary Model Project" for information on creating this project in your workspace.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Order Template Add all of the data necessary to create orchestration plans that will include this order item.

There is a minimum set of control data that you must define for a cartridge to build properly. For each order item, you must create a structure called ControlData, which contains a child structure called OrderItem.

See "About Modeling Order Item Control Data" and "Modeling Order Item Control Data" for information on how to model the ControlData/OrderItem structure.

The following are examples of data nodes you can model below OrderItem:

  • itemName

  • menuItemType

  • productSpec

  • size

The data you add here contributes to the order template data (added to the order template of the order as read-only data).

Behaviors (Optional) Define behaviors for each data node in the order template. Select a data node in the Order Template area to view the behaviors defined for the node or to create new behaviors. See "Working with Behaviors" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Order Item Dependencies Tab

Use the Order Item Dependencies tab to configure order item dependencies between order items on different orders.

See "Working with Orchestration Dependencies" for more information about configuring order item dependencies that are not based on fulfillment patterns.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Order Item Dependencies Associate the order item with one or multiple dependencies with order items on different orders. Click:
  • Add to enter the name of a new dependency. For each dependency, you must configure an XQuery expression to select the order item on which the corresponding order item depends.

  • Remove to delete the dependency from the order item specification.

Order Item Selector Expression Specify an XQuery expression to select the order item on which the corresponding order item depends.

See "Order Item Specification Editor" and "About Order Item Inter-Order Dependency XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items

Order Item Specification Editor Permissions Tab

Use the Permissions tab to permit specific roles access to order item search queries in the Order Management web client and define the data set that their queries return.


See "Order Item Specification Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Order Item Specification editor tabs.
Field Use
Roles Specify which roles can query order item information in the Order Management web client. Click:
  • Select to add an existing role to the list in the Roles field.

  • New to create a new role to add to the list. See "Creating New Roles" for more information.

  • Open to review the role in the Role editor.

  • Remove to delete the role from the list.

Query Tasks Select the tasks that will generate the query view used by Order Management web client users.

At run time, the OSM server returns a specific set of data when you use the search query functionality in the Order Management web client. You determine which data set the OSM server returns by creating or selecting query tasks. The data associated with the tasks that you select here will be the data returned to you from the run-time query.

You can select tasks that you use in processes, or you can create tasks that you use only for run-time queries.

For each role you add to the list in the Roles field, you can define two types of query task views: a summary and detail view. Select a task in the Roles field, then click:

  • Add to add an existing task to the Query Tasks list.

  • New to create a new task to add to the list. See "Creating New Tasks" for more information.

  • Open to review the task in the Task editor.

  • Remove to delete the task from the list.

For each task in the list, specify whether to include the task data in the summary query view or the detail query view.

See "Working with Roles" for more information about setting up new roles.

Summary Select to display the corresponding task data set in the Order Management web client Summary tab. The Summary tab provides a selection of the most important information about the selected order, component, or item, and it is displayed when you open the Order Details page. You can include data from multiple query tasks in the Summary tab. The Order Management web client displays on the Summary tab all of the data from all of the tasks for which you specify the Summary option.
Details Select to use the task data set as a view in the Order Management web client Data tab. The tasks for which you select this option appear as choices in the Order Management web client Data tab View field. You can specify that multiple tasks appear as options in the View field; each option will present the web client user with a different view, each containing a specific set of data.

Related Topics

Working with Orchestration Dependencies

Creating New Order Item Specifications

Working with Order Items