Importing Prerequisite Network Integrity Projects

All Network Integrity cartridge projects have dependencies on the following model projects:

  • ora_uim_model

  • ora_uim_mds

  • ora_ni_uim_ocim

  • NetworkIntegritySDK: this project contains common software components and libraries required for creating and extending Network Integrity cartridges.

Before creating or importing Network Integrity cartridge projects, import the prerequisite model projects into Design Studio.


Network Integrity cartridge projects must be defined with the same target version as the required model projects in a workspace. Ensure that you import the correct version of the required model projects into a workspace. See "Defining Cartridge Project Target Versions" for more information.

See the UIM Cartridge Guide for more information about the ora_uim_model project and the ora_uim_mds project.

To import prerequisite Network Integrity model projects:

  1. Go to the Oracle software delivery website:

  2. Open the Network Integrity Software media pack.

  3. Download a cartridge media pack.

    All cartridge media packs contain the prerequisite projects.

  4. Import the prerequisite projects into Design Studio.

    See the "Importing Projects" for more information.