About Modeling Data in the Order Template

When you model data in the Order Template tab of the Order editor, you add from the Data Dictionary data elements, including data types such as atomic actions, and organize them in a way that makes sense in the context of the order.

When you drag a data element from the Data Element view onto a data element in the order template, all selected nodes of that data element appear in the order template underneath the data element that was dropped. If a child node of a data element is selected in the Data Element view, the child node and all its parent nodes up to the root of the data schema are automatically included.

When you right-click in the order template and select Select from Dictionary, the Select Data Elements dialog box is displayed. The Select Data Elements dialog box shows all data elements available in the workspace, unlike the Data Element view, which shows only data elements and entity types based on the filters you set for the view. For example, based on the dependencies you defined in the Project editor Dependencies tab. If you add a data element from the Select Data Elements dialog box onto the order template from a project that is not defined as a dependency, Design Studio creates a problem marker. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for information on defining dependencies for a project.

The order template context menu contains actions specific to simple and structured data elements defined on the order. To access these actions, right-click in the Order Template area of the Order editor Order Template tab. See "About the Order Template Context Menu" for information about these actions.