Admin Users API

The Admin Users API is exposed by the Admin Node Manager. Admin users are the users used to perform management operations on the domain. RBAC is applied to all management requests in order to determine if the admin user is allowed to invoke the request. This API is used to manage admin user accounts and RBAC roles for domain management services. This API will update the contents of the Admin User Store, i.e. the VDISTDIR/conf/adminUsers.json file.The mapping of roles to permissions is performed outside of this API in the VDISTDIR/conf/acl.json file.


Resource Group Since Version Description
Admin Users API Admin User API methods allow clients to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on admin users and their roles.


Class Since Version Description
AdminUser An admin user
AdminUserRequest Request to create or update an admin user
AdminUserRole Admin user role
AdminUserStore The admin user store
AdminUsersVersion The version of the admin user
PasswordPolicy The password policy
PasswordValidationRequest Password validation request
String none