Domain Audit Events

Resource Description
GET /api/domainaudit All recorded events
GET /api/domainaudit/all/{num} Return the last {num} number of events of all types
GET /api/domainaudit/{id} Returns all recorded events for a specified event ID. You can optionally put a limit on the amount of messages returned
GET /api/domainaudit/users Returns all User related events. You can optionally put a limit on the amount of messages returned
GET /api/domainaudit/organisations Returns all Organisation related events. You can optionally put a limit on the amount of messages returned
GET /api/domainaudit/applications Returns all Application related events. You can optionally put a limit on the amount of messages returned
GET /api/domainaudit/search Querystring search for Domain Audit events. Optional parameters are count, beginId, endId, beginTimestamp, endTimestamp and ago

Note that the API can be called on each API Server instance using the Routing API

The Domain Audit API allows you to see audit event messages for the NodeManager and API Server Instances.
Each message consist is returned as a JSON string in the following format:

    "events": [
            "eventId": 112, 
            "message": "User 'admin' logged into the system", 
            "metadata": {
                "admin": "admin"
            "timestamp": 1352996174703

"events" is the main object containing an array of event objects.

Each event object consists of the folloing fields:

We will examine each of these fields in turn.


This is a unique integer representing the specific type of event. A list of the current Event IDs is:

Service Events
Description Event Id
Audit Listener Added 1
Service Started 2
Service Refresh 3
Service Unload 4
Service Clean Shutdown Failed 5
Service Stopped 6
Node Manager Client Connection 7
Node Manager Client Url Connection 8
User Specific Events
Description Event Id
User Created 100
User Modified 101
User Password Updated 102
User Password Reset Request 103
User Password Reset 104
User Disabled 105
User Deleted 106
User Logged In 107
User Logged Out 108
User Activated 109
User Registration Sent 110
User Registration Validated 111
User Admin Logged In 112
User Registration Email Failed 113
User Password Reset Email Failed 114
User Password Reset Failed 115
User Password Admin Reset 116
User Create Approval Sent 117
User Create Approval Failed 118
User Validation Email Sent 119
User Validation Email Failed 120
User Approval Required 121
User Validation Required 122
User Validation Complete 123
User Password Reset Email Sent 124
User Registration Disabled 125
User Registration Org Disabled 126
Organisation Specific Events
Description Event Id
Organization Created 300
Organization Modified 301
Organization Disabled 305
Organization Deleted 306
Organization Registration Token Created 307
Organization Registration Token Deleted 308
Application Specific Events
Description Event Id
Application Created 500
Application Modified 501
Application Disabled 505
Application Deleted 506
Application Oauth Created 510
Application Oauth Modified 511
Application Oauth Disabled 515
Application Oauth Deleted 516
Application Import 517
Application Export 518
Application Apikey Created 520
Application Apikey Modified 521
Application Apikey Disabled 525
Application Apikey Deleted 526
Application Approval Email Sent 527
Application Approval Email Failed 528
Application Quota Created 529
Application Quota Modified 530
Application Quota Deleted 531
Application Permission Created 532
Application Permission Modified 533
Application Permission Deleted 534
Api Application Approval Email Sent 535
Api Application Approval Email Failed 536
Application Approval Required 537
Api Application Approval Required 538
Api Application Approved 539
Application Approved 540
Application Apiaccess Created 541
Application Apiaccess Modified 542
Application Apiaccess Deleted 543
Application Oauth Resource Created 544
Application Oauth Resource Modified 545
Application Oauth Resource Deleted 546
Application Passport Connection Pass 547
Application Passport Connection Fail 548
API Manager Admin Events
Description Event Id
Abstract Controller Webserver Error 1 700
Abstract Controller Webserver Error 2 701
Abstract Controller Webserver Error 3 702
Portal Config Updated 703
Portal Sysconfig Updated 704
Configuration Events
Description Event Id
Config Replication Started 1000
Config Writing 1001
Config Replication Complete 1002
Config Deployment Starting 1003
Config Deployment Complete 1004
Config Deployment Failed 1005
Config Deployment Purge Failed 1006
Config Deployment Purge Success 1007
Config Deployment Purge Started 1008
Config Deployment Purge Finished 1009
Config Write Policy Archive 1010
Config Replication Failed Streaming 1011
Config Create Deployment Arc Success 1012
Config Create Deployment Arc Failed 1013
Config Deployment Saved 1014
Config Deployment Save Fail 1015
Config Group Passphrase Update 1016
Config Group Passphrase Update Fail 1017
Config Update Archive Passphrase Trigger 1018
Config Update Archive Passphrase Pass 1019
Config Update Archive Passphrase Fail 1020
Config Update Service Passphrase Trigger 1021
Config Update Service Passphrase Pass 1022
Config Update Service Passphrase Fail 1023
Config Update Nm Passphrase Trigger 1024
Config Update Nm Passphrase Pass 1025
Config Update Nm Passphrase Fail 1026
Config Update Deployment Archive Trigger 1027
Config Update Deployment Archive Pass 1028
Config Update Deployment Archive Fail 1029
Config Load Success 1030
Config Load Fail 1031
Config Load Rollback Success 1032
Config Load Rollback Fail 1033
Config Update Inmem Passphrase Trigger 1034
Config Update Inmem Passphrase Pass 1035
Config Update Inmem Passphrase Fail 1036
Config Domain Deployments Read 1037
Config Policy Archive Read 1038
Config Environment Archive Read 1039
Config Deployment Archive Read 1040
Config Domain Deployments With Pending Read 1041
Config Local Deployments Read 1042
Config Env Settings Read 1043
Config Group File Read 1044
KPS Events
Description Event Id
Kps Object Read 1200
Kps Object Write 1201
Kps Object Update 1202
Kps Object Delete 1203
Kps Iterator Start 1204
Kps Iterator Next 1205
Kps Query Read 1206
Topology Events
Description Event Id
Topology Host Added 1400
Topology Host Removed 1401
Topology Host Modified 1402
Topology Group Added 1403
Topology Group Removed 1404
Topology Group Modified 1405
Topology Server Added 1406
Topology Server Removed 1407
Topology Server Modified 1408
User Store Events
Description Event Id
Userstore Admin Created 1600
Userstore Admin Modified 1601
Userstore Admin Password Modified 1602
Userstore Admin Removed 1603
Userstore Admin Role Removed 1604
Userstore User Created 1605
Userstore User Modified 1606
Userstore User Password Modified 1607
Userstore User Removed 1608


This is a timestamp in format of number of milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1st 1970)


The message component of the Domain Audit event


Optional extra data related to the event, userID perhaps or a given configuration ID.