PUT /api/deployment/passphrase/group/{groupID}


This method updates the passphrase for a group's Deployment Archives.

This method is called on the Admin Node Manager which ensures that the passphrase is updated for all archives for the group on all hosts. It ensures that the group.xml secret is updated on all hosts. It also ensures that the certs.xml is encrypted with the new passphrase for all API Server instances.

Resource URL



groupID mandatory The id of the group whose Deployment Archive passphrase we wish to update.
oldPassphrase mandatory The old passphrase.
newPassphrase mandatory The new passphrase.

Response Codes

Response Code Description
204 Success.
500 The response contains a server-side error.

Example Request and Response

PUT https://localhost:8090//api/deployment/passphrase/group/group-2

    "oldPassphrase" : "pass1"
    "newPassphrase": "pass2"

HTTP 1.1 204 No Content