POST /api/kps/{storeAlias}


Creates an object where the the object id (primary key) is auto-generated on the server side.
For client generated object id please use the PUT method.

If a secondary key is defined for the store, values must be provided for all of its constituent properties.
Other property values are optional.

Resource URL



storeAlias mandatory Alias of store to create object in.
object mandatory Object data which is passed in the request body. The object id is NOT specified in the object body. This is generated on the server side. If the object id is generated on the client then use the PUT method.


Response Code Description
201 Success. The response body contains the auto-generated id of the new object. The Location header in the HTTP response also contains this id.
404 Fail. KPS has not been configured on this node.
404 Fail. The specified store or object does not exist.
500 Fail. An internal server error occurred.

Example Request and Response

POST https://localhost:8090/api/router/service/instance-1/api/kps/employees

    "name": "fred",
    "email": "",
    "age": 35

Via CURL: curl -k -v --header "Content-Type:application/json" --user admin:changeme -X POST -d ' { "name" : "fred", "email": "", "age" : 35 } ' https://localhost:8090/api/router/service/instance-1/api/kps/employees

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /api/kps/employees/2705271d-bba2-49d9-82a9-8d71e18477b6

        "id": "2705271d-bba2-49d9-82a9-8d71e18477b6"