PUT /api/topology/groups


This method may be used to update a group's tags, or name only.

If a new set of services is passed they will be ignored and the original services kept. A group's set of services is updated via POST /api/topology/services/{groupID} and DELETE /api/topology/groups/{groupID}.

The id cannot be updated.

Resource URL



group mandatory The group with updated name or tags. This is passed in the request body. The id must be set. Refer to Javadoc for com.vordel.api.topology.model.Group.

Response Codes

Response Code Description
200 Success. The response body contains the updated group.
400 The response contains an error e.g.:-
  • An attempt is made to update a group containing node managers.
  • An attempt was made to update a group with invalid data.
  • An attempt is made to create a group with an invalid name, illegal characters include '/', '`', '?', '*', '\', '<', '>', '
', '"', ':'.
404 The response contains an error indicating that the group does not exist.
500 The response contains an error e.g. a failure occurred when propagating this topology update to other Node Managers.

Example Request and Response

PUT https://localhost:8090/api/topology/groups

    "id": "group-2",
    "name": "GroupOne",
    "tags": {
        "country": "ie",
        "city": "Dublin"
    "services": [
            "id": "instance-1",
            "name": "APIServer1",
            "type": "gateway",
            "scheme": "https",
            "hostID": "host-1",
            "managementPort": 8085,
            "tags": {},
            "enabled": true

HTTP 1.1 200 OK

    "result": {
        "id": "group-2",
        "name": "GroupOne",
        "tags": {
            "country": "ie",
            "city": "Dublin"
        "services": [
                "id": "instance-1",
                "name": "APIServer1",
                "type": "gateway",
                "scheme": "https",
                "hostID": "host-1",
                "managementPort": 8085,
                "tags": {},
                "enabled": true