Chapter 45: Using the QAS Address Interface

QAS Address interface allows you to retrieve address information from the QAS QuickAddress Pro©1 address management system to update a CWDirect address during order entry, catalog requests, the generic customer API, and customer maintenance. The QAS QuickAddress Pro address management system captures, cleans, maintains, and enhances address records and validates the address data against national postal authorities, such as the U.S. Postal Service.

Group 1 CODE-1 address interface: You can also perform address standardization using the Group 1 CODE-1 address interface; see Use CODE-1 Coding System (B24) for more information on the Group 1 CODE-1 address interface.

In this chapter:

QAS Address Standardization Points

QAS Address Standardization Processing

Address Examples

QAS Interactive Response Processing

Interactive Picklist Response

QAS Picklist Window

QAS Range Window

Interactive Single Address Response

QAS Address Window

Interactive Error Response

QAS Remote Response Processing

Remote Picklist Response

Remote Single Address Response

Remote Error Response

QAS Address Interface Setup

System Control Values

Country ISO Codes

Order Type

SCF Codes

Ship Via

QAS Pro TP Client/Server Installation and Configuration

QAS Server Management Tool

QAS Address Standardization Points

The system sends US and Canadian address information to the QAS address management system for standardization when you create or update an address. Note: CWDirect does not support address standardization for European countries at this time.

Order entry/maintenance: The system sends address information to the QAS address management system when you create or update the sold to address, bill to address, or ship to address on the order including:

• regular order entry, including the expanded address for foreign addresses

• batch order entry

• business-to-business order entry

• customer membership orders (including the customer membership recipient address and alternate shipping address)

• orders processed through the e-commerce interface

• orders maintained through the e-commerce interface (ship to address only)

• orders processed through the order API

• orders processed through the phone order interface

Note: For orders received through e-commerce, phone order interface, or the order API, the system will not send address information to the QAS address management system if the order contains the customer number instead of the customer name and address information, regardless if the existing customer address has never been cleansed by QAS previously.

Catalog requests: The system sends address information to the QAS address management system when you create an address on a catalog request, including:

• catalog requests created in the Work with Catalog Requests (WCAT) menu option

• catalog requests created through the phone order interface

• catalog requests created through the e-commerce interface

Creating and maintaining customers: The system sends address information to the QAS address management system when you create or update a sold to customer address in the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

Note: The system does not send address information to the QAS address management system for standardization when you create or maintain a ship to address or bill to address outside of an order.

Customer API: The system sends address information when you create or change a customer record through the Generic Customer API if the Perform Address Standardization in Customer API (I99) system control value is set to Yand you are using either CODE-1 or QAS.

QAS Address Standardization Processing

Interactive Address Standardization Processing

Batch Address Standardization Processing:

1. The system sends a CWDirect address to QAS for standardization each time you create a new address or update the following fields on an existing address:

• Street address

• Apartment

• Address lines 2-4

• Postal code

• City

• State/Province code

• Country code


2. If the address is entered on an order, the system determines if the order type is eligible for address standardization.

If the Address standardization field for the order type is set to Y, the order is eligible for address standardization; otherwise the order is not eligible for address standardization and the system retains the CWDirect address.

3. The system determines which address interface to use.

• If the Use CODE-1 Coding System (B24) system control value is set to Y, the system uses the CODE-1 Address interface.

• If the Use CODE-1 Coding System system control value is blank and the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value is set to Y, the system uses the QAS Address interface.

• If neither of the above system control values is set to Y, the system does not retrieve address information from an address management system and instead, retains the CWDirect address.

4. If using QAS, the system sends the address to the QAS address management system for standardization.

The following address fields are sent to QAS:

• Street address

• Apartment/Suite

• Zip

• City

• State/Province

• Country ISO code (required to send an address to QAS)


5. QAS looks for an exact match for the address.

To find an address match in the QAS address management system, the CWDirect address must contain:

• Street address

• Country ISO code

• Either postal code or state code


6. Once the address search completes, the QAS address management system sends a response back to CWDirect:

1 (Picklist): The QAS address management system has found multiple matches for the address.

2 (Address): The QAS address management system has found an exact match for the address.

-ve (Error): An error occurred during processing, for example an address match was not found or a connection could not be made with the QAS address management system.

The CWDirect processing that occurs when an address response is received from the QAS address management system differs depending on whether the address was entered interactively or remotely. See:

QAS Interactive Response Processing

QAS Remote Response Processing


7. Once a CWDirect address has been standardized by the QAS address management system within the same order, catalog or customer session, the system does not resend the address to QAS unless you update the street address, apartment, address lines 2-4, city, state, postal code, or country code on the address.

Address lines 2-4: The system does not send address lines 2-4 to the QAS address management system; however, QAS will return address lines 2-4, if they exist, to update the address.

For interactive addresses: If the address is updated to the standardized address retrieved from QAS, the system updates the address and clears any address lines that are not returned by QAS.

For remote addresses: If the address is updated to the standardized address retrieved from QAS, the system updates the street address, but retains the original address lines 2-4.

Note: If the address contains additional address lines (2-4), the system will resend the address to QAS for standardization, even if the address has already been cleansed by the QAS address management system and none of the address lines have since been updated.

Valid returned addresses: When you update a CWDirect address with an address returned from the QAS address management system, make sure the QAS address does not contain additional information, such as a company name. If the QAS address contains additional fields the system updates the customer address incorrectly. For example, the company name defaults to the street address and the street address defaults to the second address line.

Address Examples

The following examples demonstrate how the QAS address management system standardizes the CWDirect address.

CWDirect Address

Standardized Address from QAS


QAS does not find a match. You need to enter a street address and resend the address to the QAS address management system.



QAS finds an exact match:



Results: The system updates the CWDirect address to the standardized address returned from the QAS address management system. The system will not resend this address to QAS unless you update the address.



QAS finds an exact match:



Results: The system updates the CWDirect address to the standardized address returned from the QAS address management system. The system will not resend this address to QAS unless you update the address.




Note: The system does not send address line 2 to the QAS address management system.

QAS finds multiple matches:

1st match:


NATICK, MA 01760-1528 USA

2nd match:


STE 1 ... 4

NATICK MA 01760-1540 USA

3rd match:


STE 101 ... 103

NATICK MA 01760-1541 USA

4th match:


STE 104 ... 503

NATICK MA 01760-1528 USA

Results: If you select the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th match, you will need to enter an apartment number before updating the CWDirect address to the standardized address returned from the QAS address management system. The system will not resend this address to QAS unless you update the address.





Note: The system does not send address lines 2-3 to the QAS address management system.

QAS finds multiple matches:

1st match:


FITCHBURG MA 01420-2631

2nd match:



FITCHBURG MA 01420-2697


• If you select the 1st match, the system removes address line 2 (FITCHBURG STATE COLLEGE) from the address.

• If you select the 2nd match, the system updates the street address to FITCHBURG STATE COLLEGE and updates the second address line to 160 PEARL ST. Because a second address line exists, the system will resend this address to QAS for standardization. However, because FITCHBURG STATE COLLEGE now is the street address, QAS can no longer find a valid address match.

QAS Interactive Response Processing

Interactive processing includes orders entered in regular order entry, catalog requests created in the Work with Catalog Requests (WCAT) menu option, and sold to customers created in the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option.

Once an address match is found through QAS Address Standardization Processing, the QAS address management system sends a response back to CWDirect:

1 (Picklist): The QAS address management system has found multiple matches for the address. See Interactive Picklist Response.

2 (Address): The QAS address management system has found an exact match for the address. See Interactive Single Address Response.

-ve (Error): An error occurred during processing, for example invalid country or timeout. You must resend the address to QAS for verification. See Interactive Error Response.

When does the QAS window redisplay for a customer address? For each customer address that you create or maintain, the system will display the QAS Address window, where you can compare the CWDirect address against the address match found by the QAS address management system. During one session of order entry/maintenance, catalog requests, or work with sold to customers, the system remembers up to 100 customer address variations (for the same customer or a different customer) that you have decided to bypass (keep the CWDirect address instead of the QAS address) in order to refrain from redisplaying the QAS Address window for an address that has already been matched by QAS. If you work with more than 100 customer addresses in one session, the system will redisplay the QAS Address window for each address that does not fall within the 100 addresses remembered by the system.

Interactive Picklist Response

If the QAS address management system finds multiple matches for the CWDirect address, the system displays the QAS Picklist window.

QAS Picklist Window

Use this window to review the possible address matches returned from the QAS address management system and select the best possible match to update the CWDirect address.

For each address match, the system displays a percentage, indicating how well the address matches the CWDirect address. Additionally:

• A plus sign (+) displays next to the address if the address represents a range of addresses. For example, you may need to select the street number or apartment number.

• An error message displays at the end of the address match in parentheses if the QAS address management system could not find part of the CWDirect address. For example, if the street number for the CWDirect address is not found, an error message displays: (’999 not found’). If you select this address match, the system will update the Apartment field with the unmatched information from the address; in this example, the system will update the apartment number with 999.

How to display: This window displays when:

• The QAS address management system has found multiple matches for the address.

• You press 12 on the QAS Range Window and the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to Y.


Select picklist item, press Enter. Matches : 6

1 ... 5, 02053-1007 (odd)

2 ... 98, 02053-1008 (even)

7, 02053-1025

7A, 02053-1025

9 ... 99, 02053-1006 (odd)

14, 02053


F3=Exit F8=Use Address as Entered

Window Option


Select an address match from the picklist window to standardize the CWDirect address

Enter 1 next to a picklist item and press Enter.

If you select a range of addresses (indicated by the plus sign), the system advances you to the QAS Range Window where you must specify the address number within the range you selected.

If you select a standardized address, and:

• The Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to N or blank, the system returns you to the QAS Address Window where you can compare the standardized address selected from the QAS address management system against the CWDirect address before performing any updates.

• The Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to Y, the system automatically returns you to the CWDirect screen and updates the CWDirect address with the standardized address you selected from the QAS Picklist window.

Retain the CWDirect address without any updates

Press F3 to return to the QAS Address Window, or if the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to Y, press F8 to return to the CWDirect screen.

Note: Pressing F3 advances you to the QAS Address Window, regardless of the setting of the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value.

QAS Range Window

Use this window to define the specific address number you wish to select from an address range.

The Range field displays the number range you selected at the QAS Picklist Window.

How to display: Select a range of addresses at the QAS Picklist Window.

Type within the range to enable selection:

Range: 9 ... 99 Sanford St, Medway MA 02053-1006 (odd)

Address: Sanford St, Medway MA 02053-1006

F3=Exit F8=Use Address as Entered F12=Previous

Window Option


Define the address number within the address range you selected

Enter a specific address number in the field provided to select a specific standardized address.

• If the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to N or blank, the system returns you to the QAS Address Window where you can review the standardized address selected from the QAS address management system against the CWDirect address before performing any updates.

• If the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to Y, the system automatically returns you to the CWDirect screen and updates the CWDirect address with the standardized address from the QAS address management system.

Retain the CWDirect address without any updates

Press F12 to return to the QAS Picklist Window, or if the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value is set to Y, press F8 to return to the CWDirect screen.

Note: Pressing F3 advances you to the QAS Address Window, regardless of the setting of the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) system control value.

Interactive Single Address Response

If the QAS address management system finds an exact match for the CWDirect address, the system looks at the setting of the Display QAS Address Window for Single Response (I70) system control value.

• If this system control value is set to Y, the system displays the QAS Address Window, where you can compare the CWDirect address with the standardized address returned from the QAS address management system.

• If this system control value is set to N or blank, the system automatically updates the CWDirect address with the standardized address from the QAS address management system.

QAS Address Window

Use this window to compare the CWDirect address against the address match found by the QAS address management system.

• The CWDirect address displays in the upper half of the window. Note: The system does not display the Company field in the upper half of the window.

• The standardized address retrieved from the QAS address management system displays in the bottom half of the window.

Note: The system displays the entire entered CWDirect address in the upper half of the window; however, only the street address, apartment/suite, zip, city, state/province, and country ISO code are sent to the QAS address management system.

If you press Enter at this window, the system resends the address to the QAS address management system for standardization.

How to display: This window displays when:

• The Display QAS Address Window for Single Response (I70) system control value is set to Y and the QAS address management system finds an exact match for the CWDirect address.

• You select an address match from the picklist window and the Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01) is set to N or blank.

• You press 3 on the QAS Picklist Window or QAS Range Window.

QAS Address


Company . :

Address . . PO BOX 500 PO Box? Y (Y/N)



Del . B

City/St/Zip TORONTO ON M5W 1E6 Ctry . CAN



Address . : Canadian Broadcasting Corporatio PO Box? Y (Y/N)

PO Box 500 Stn A Apt .

Del : B

City . . : TORONTO ON M5W 1E6 Ctry . CAN

F7=Use QAS Address F8=Use Address as Entered

Window Option


Update the CWDirect address to the standardized address retrieved from the QAS address management system

Press F7.

The system will not resend this address to QAS for standardization unless:

• You change the address.

• Additional address lines (2-4) exist for the address.

Retain the CWDirect address without any updates

Press F8.

The system does not update the CWDirect address; because of this, the system will continue to resend the address to the QAS address management system until you update the address to the standardized address from QAS.

Interactive Error Response

If an error occurs during processing, for example a connection cannot be made with the QAS address management system or an address match was not found, the system displays the QAS Address Window with the message QAS Address Verification could not find a match. You will need to correct any errors, for example provide more address information, and resend the address to the QAS address management system for standardization or retain the CWDirect address and resend the address to QAS at a later time.

QAS Remote Response Processing

Remote address processing includes orders from the phone order interface, e-commerce, order API, customer API, and catalog requests created through the phone order interface and e-commerce.

Once an address match is found through QAS Address Standardization Processing, the QAS address management system sends a response back to CWDirect:

1 (Picklist): The QAS address management system has found multiple matches for the address. See Remote Picklist Response.

2 (Address): The QAS address management system has found an exact match for the address. See Remote Single Address Response.

-ve (Error): An error occurred during processing, for example invalid country or timeout. You must resend the address to the QAS address management system for standardization. See Remote Error Response.

Remote Picklist Response

Remote picklist processing differs depending on whether the remote order contains errors.

Remote order without errors: If the QAS address management system finds multiple matches for the CWDirect address, the system places the associated order on hold using the hold reason in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value. You will need to release the order from hold in order maintenance. Remember, the order may have been placed on hold because of the sold to, bill to, and/or ship to address on the order. Once you press Enter at the screen where the address is defined, the system resends the address to the QAS address management system so that you can select an address from the QAS Picklist Window. Note: Do not release the order from hold using the Release Held Orders (ERHO) menu option unless you do not want the system to resend the address to QAS for verification.

Remote order with errors: If the QAS address management system finds multiple matches for the CWDirect address and the remote order contains errors, the system places the order on hold using the hold reason in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value and places the order in an order batch with an error status. Remember, the order may have been placed on hold because of the sold to, bill to, and/or ship to address on the order. You will need to work with the order in batch order entry to remove the hold reason, correct the errors on the order, resend the address to the QAS address management system, and accept the order batch.

Remote catalog request or customer API message: If the QAS address management system finds multiple matches for the CWDirect address on a remote catalog request or in a customer API add or change request, the system creates the catalog request or processes the customer API add or change without performing address standardization.

Remote Single Address Response

If the QAS system finds an exact match for the CWDirect address, the system automatically updates the customer address to the standardized address retrieved by the QAS address management system.

Remote Error Response

If an error occurs during address processing, for example a connection cannot be made with the QAS address management system, the system:

For remote orders: Places the associated order on hold using the hold reason in the Address Interface User Hold Code (I68) system control value.

For remote catalog requests: Creates the catalog request without performing address standardization.

For customer API: Processes the add or change without performing address standardization.

You can correct any errors, such as providing more address information, and resend the address to the QAS address management system for standardization; or you can retain the CWDirect address and resend the address to QAS at a later time.

QAS Address Interface Setup

Purpose: Before you can use the QAS Address interface, you must perform the necessary setup.

Required setup includes:

System Control Values

Country ISO Codes

Order Type

SCF Codes

Ship Via

QAS Pro TP Client/Server Installation and Configuration

QAS Server Management Tool

Important: The QAS Address Interface is licensed separately. To use this feature, you must receive a new security authorization code. If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about this module, please contact your MICROS representative.

System Control Values

System Control Value


Use QAS Address Interface (I67)

Enter Y in this field if you wish to use the QAS Address interface; the system will retrieve address information from the QAS system.

Before you can use the QAS Address interface, you must purchase QAS QuickAddress Pro; contact your MICROS representative for more information.

Note: If the Use QAS Address Interface system control value is set to Y and the Use CODE-1 Coding System (B24) system control value is also set to Y, the system uses the CODE-1 Address interface instead of the QAS Address interface.

Address Interface User Hold Code (I68)

Enter a valid hold reason code in this field that the system can assign to a remote order at the user level when the remote order fails address verification.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system to place a remote order on hold when it fails address verification. If the remote order does not contain any errors, the system creates the order in an open status; if the remote order contains errors, the system places the order in an order batch with an error status.

Display QAS Address Window for Single Response (I70)

Enter Y in this field if you wish the system to display the QAS Address Window during interactive address processing when the system finds an exact match for the CWDirect address in the QAS address management system.

Enter N or leave this field blank if you do not wish the system to display the QAS Address window during interactive address processing when the system finds an exact match for the CWDirect address in the QAS address management system.

Note: The system will still display the QAS Address Window during interactive address processing if you receive an error during address retrieval from QAS.

Perform Address Standardization in Customer API (I99)

Enter Y in this field if you use QAS and you would like to use the interface to verify customer addresses that you add or change through the Generic Customer API. In the case of an Add request, the address standardization takes place before any duplicate checking.

Suppress Confirmation after QAS Picklist Selection (J01)

Enter Y in this field if you wish to suppress the QAS Address Window from displaying after you select an address from the QAS Picklist Window or QAS Range Window.

Enter N or leave this field blank if you wish to display the QAS Address window after you select an address from the QAS Picklist window or QAS Range window.

Note: The system will still display the QAS Address Window during interactive address processing if you receive an error during address retrieval from QAS.

Address Verification Data Library (B66)

Enter the name of the library that contains the data objects used for the Address Verification interface. The library name supplied by QAS is TPSCLT_QAS.

Address Verification Program Library (B67)

Enter the name of the library that contains the programs used for the Address Verification interface. The library name supplied by QAS is TPSSRV_QAS.

Use Zip/City/State Defaulting? (B13)

If this system control value is set to Y, when you enter a postal code for an address, the system defaults the associated city and state (as defined in the Postal Code/City/State file) before sending the address to QAS.

Default Country for Customer Address (B17)

If you do not define a country code for an address, the system defaults the country code defined in this system control value to the address.

Country ISO Codes

Country ISO codes are codes representing the international standard code used to identify a country. When the system sends address information to QAS for validation and standardization, the system sends the Country ISO code defined for the country instead of the Country code as the country code defined for the address. For example, the country code for the United States may be US and the country ISO code may be USA.

The country ISO codes supplied by the QAS address management system are listed below.

ISO Code



















United Kingdom












United States of America

Note: CWDirect does not support address standardization for European countries at this time. You can only send US and Canadian addresses to the QAS address management system for standardization.

Remote orders: To use QAS with remote orders (orders processed through the phone order interface, e-commerce, and the order API), you must set up state/province codes for each country whose addresses you wish to verify.

Order Type

The Address standardization field defined for an order type controls whether orders with this order type are eligible for address standardization using the Address Interface.

• If the Address standardization field for the order type on the order is set to Y, the order is eligible for address standardization using the QAS interface.

• If the Address standardization field for the order type on the order is set to N, the order is not eligible for address standardization using the QAS interface.

SCF Codes

The system uses the SCF file to validate that a customer’s postal code and state are consistent. Regardless if you use the QAS address interface to validate addresses, you must still use the Working with SCF Codes (WSCF) menu option to create SCF codes and tax rates that apply to orders shipped to the SCF.

Ship Via

Regardless of whether you use the QAS address interface to validate addresses, you must define the eligible shippers for a specific postal code. You can define eligible shippers for a postal code using either:

• the Working with Zip/Ship Via (WZSV) menu option to create a zip code/ship via cross reference for each postal code.

• the Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV) menu option to create an SCF/ship via cross reference for each SCF code.

QAS Pro TP Client/Server Installation and Configuration

The Pro TP Client/Server is a stateless version of the QuickAddress Pro addressing software.

• The client is the “front-end” of the Pro TP Client/Server which sends a request, such as an address search, to the server.

• The server is the “back-end” of the Pro TP Client/Server which receives address requests from the client, retrieves addresses from the QuickAddress country database based on the request, and sends the retrieved address) to the client.

Important: To standardize addresses using the QAS address interface, you must use QAS v2.3 or v3.7 of the Text Protocol Server which operates on the iSeries.

For more information: See:

QuickAddress Pro World Version AS/400 RPC Client reference provided by QAS Limited for more information on installing and configuring the QAS Pro TP Client.

QuickAddress Pro World Version AS/400 Server reference provided by QAS Limited for more information on installing and configuring the QAS Pro Server.

QAS Server Management Tool

Use the QAS Server Menu screen to access the QAS server management tools from within CWDirect, including:

• Setting the subsystem in which the server runs.

• Setting the TPC/IP port number.

• Starting the server running in the specified subsystem.

• Ending the server job.

• Viewing the server tasks.

• Viewing the server options.

• Viewing the server country data.

• Installing data.

To advance to the QAS Server Menu screen: Perform the following steps at a command line outside of CWDirect.

1. Add the TPSSRV_QAS library to your library list. To do this, enter ADDLIBLE LIB(TPSSRV_QAS) at a command line.

2. Enter STRTPSMENU at a command line to advance to the QAS Server Menu.

To start the server: Enter option 3 in the Select field. Verify the TPSSRV_QAS job displays on the Work with Submitted Jobs screen.

Note: The QAS Server Menu is not environment specific. If you start the server, QAS is running in all environments.

To stop the server: Enter option 4 in the Select field.

WQAS menu option: If you are using QAS v3.7 of the Text Protocol Server, you cannot use the QAS Server Management Tool (WQAS) menu option to advance to the QAS Server Menu screen. You must use the STRTPSMENU command to advance to the QAS Server Menu screen.

For more information: The QAS Server Management Tool is part of the QAS address management application. See the QuickAddress Pro World Version AS/400 TP Server reference for more information on using the functions in this menu option.

  1. QAS QuickAddress Pro is the property of QAS Limited in the United Sates and/or other countries.

OE_APP_E CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN