Chapter 86: Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM)

Purpose: Use this menu option to work with errors resulting from order cancel or maintenance requests from the web storefront.

About order maintenance on the web: You can enable your customers to cancel or maintain orders on the web storefront if you use the e-commerce interface. Each maintenance request on the web storefront generates a message to CWDirect with information on how to change the related order. Occasionally, the system cannot process the request. For example, the customer might attempt to change the shipping address on an order to an invalid destination.

Fixing errors: When there is an error, you might choose to complete the requested transaction yourself; or you might need to contact the customer for further information if the desired transaction is not clear. However, you cannot edit and resubmit the maintenance requests through the Batch Order Maintenance menu option. Once you have resolved the request through research, order maintenance, or customer contact, you should delete the related error record.

Not supported: The e-commerce maintenance and cancel request integration does not support the following:

• Zone reservation rules to items you add through e-commerce order maintenance; see Shipping Zone Reservation Overview for more information

• Maintaining or cancelling pre-billable items; see Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for more information.

• Maintaining or canceling items that use special handling charge breaks; see Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for more information.

In this chapter:

E-Commerce Maintenance and Cancel Process Overview

When is an Order Eligible for Maintenance through the E-Commerce Interface?

Order Inquiry/Maintenance Message Flow

Processing the Request

E-Commerce Cancellation Transactions

E-Commerce Order Maintenance Transactions

Emails for E-Commerce Cancels and Maintenance

Order History Messages

Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen

Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header)

Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail)

Display Batch OM Detail Screen

Display Batch OM Errors Screen

Batch Order Maintenance and Cancel Errors

E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report

E-Commerce Cancel Request Message (CWCancel)

E-Commerce Maintenance Request Message (CWMaintenance)

E-Commerce Maintenance Response Message (CWMaintResp)

E-Commerce Maintenance and Cancel Process Overview

When is an Order Eligible for Maintenance through the E-Commerce Interface?

In order to be maintained through the e-commerce interface, the order must:

• have originated on the web storefront. If an order originated on the web, the Internet order field on the Order Header file is set to I.

• be in an open (O) or held (H) status

• have no pick slips printed

Also, you will not be able to complete maintenance of the order if it is in use. The system determines that an order is “in use” if the User field on the Order Header file is not blank; for example, the system populates this field when you are maintaining an order, and clears it when you are done with maintenance.

Order Inquiry/Maintenance Message Flow

The e-commerce jobs manage communication between the web storefront and CWDirect; see Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT). Order inquiry and maintenance through the e-commerce interface use the following messages:




To check status:

E-Commerce Order Status Message (CWOrderStatus)

web storefront to CWDirect

Inquires on the status of the order.

E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse)

CWDirect to web storefront

Provides information on the order header and detail. If the Allow_maint field is 1, this indicates that the order is eligible for maintenance. Also, the cancel_qty field for each order line indicates the quantity of the item that is eligible for cancellation or maintenance.

To cancel:

E-Commerce Cancel Request Message (CWCancel)

web storefront to CWDirect

Attempts to cancel:

• individual items, or reduce the quantities of selected items; or,

• the entire order ship-to (a separate cancel request is required to cancel each separate shipping address for the order)

This message also indicates the reason for the cancellation. See E-Commerce Cancellation Transactions.

To maintain:

E-Commerce Maintenance Request (Inquiry)

web storefront to CWDirect

Requests to maintain the order. The inquiry message includes only the company code, order and ship-to numbers, and a Maint_type of I.

E-Commerce Maintenance Request Response (Inquiry)

CWDirect to web storefront

Indicates all the maintainable information on the order.

E-Commerce Maintenance Request Message (CWMaintenance)

web storefront to CWDirect

Provides the specifics of the maintenance request. See E-Commerce Order Maintenance Transactions. In this case, the Maint_type field is set to M.

E-Commerce Maintenance Response Message (CWMaintResp)

CWDirect to web storefront

Confirms that the maintenance request was received.

Processing the Request

In response to a cancellation or maintenance request from the web storefront, the system:

Locks the order: The system sets the User field on the Order Header file to E-COMMERCE to prevent another user or process from attempting to update the order at the same time.

Creates batch order maintenance error records: The system uses these records, if necessary, to track any errors in the cancellation or maintenance request. See Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen.

Edit: Next, the ECOMM_MNT or ECOMM_CANC job checks whether there are any errors for the request.

If there are no errors, the ECOMM_MNT or ECOMM_CANC job:

• processes the requested update(s) to the order.

• depending on customer preference, sends the customer an email indicating that the maintenance attempt was successful. See Emails for E-Commerce Cancels and Maintenance.

• writes an order history message indicating that the order was maintained and that an email was generated. See Order History Messages.

• deletes the batch order maintenance error records.

• unlocks the order.

If there are errors, the ECOMM_MNT or ECOMM_CANC job:

• updates the batch order maintenance error record with one or more error codes. See Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

• depending on customer preference, sends the customer an email indicating that the maintenance attempt was not successful. See Emails for E-Commerce Cancels and Maintenance.

• writes an order history message indicating that the attempt to maintain the order was not successful and that an email was generated. See Order History Messages.

• places the order on hold if there is a hold reason specified in the Hold Reason for Failed E-Commerce Maintenance Transactions (H11) system control value.

• produces the E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report.

• unlocks the order.

You can use the Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen to review any maintenance or cancel requests that are in error.

Note: If there are any errors in the maintenance request, none of the requested changes will be processed until the errors are corrected and the edit resubmitted.

E-Commerce Cancellation Transactions

Required for each cancel request:

Company_code: three positions, alphanumeric; for example, company 7 is indicated by 007

Order_id: order number

Ship_to: the number identifying the shipping address on the order; for example, an order with a single shipping address has a ship-to number of 001


O = order

L = line


Whole order, single ship-to: The Cancel_type must be O and the Order_reason must specify a valid cancel reason code for the order.

Note: If there are multiple shipping addresses, the cancel request for each ship-to must be sent separately.

Single item, reducing quantity or canceling the entire order line: the Cancel_type must be L and the following information is also required:

Line_number: the order line number to be cancelled or have its quantity reduced

Qty: the total quantity to cancel

Reason: the valid cancel reason code

E-Commerce Order Maintenance Transactions

Required for each maintenance request:

Company_code: three positions, alphanumeric; for example, company 7 is indicated by 007

Order_id: order number

Ship_to: the number identifying the shipping address on the order; for an order with a single shipping address, indicated by 001


I = inquiry on maintaining the order

M = request to maintain the order

Header-level changes:

• Changing the shipping method: specify the Shipping_method. If records exist in the Item Ship Via Override file, the system verifies that the shipper is eligible to ship the items on the order. If the shipper is not defined in the Item Ship Via Override file for the item, the system places the order in an error status. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.

• Changing the shipping address: specify the complete new ship-to address. The system looks at the value defined in the Default Recipient Type for E-Commerce Orders (H33) system control value to determine the type of ship-to address to create.

• Adding or changing a gift (order-level) message: specify up to four Gift_message lines

Adding items: The maintenance request message from the web storefront to CWDirect includes:

Item_count: the total number of items to be added or changed in the request

Item_id: the CWDirect item code (Note: the request will still go through even if the item ID is incorrect, as long as all other information in the request, such as the short SKU, is correct)

Sku: the Short SKU code from the SKU file

Quantity: the total quantity of the order line

The message may also include a change to gift wrap, special handling, and pricing; see below.

Note: A message adding an item to an order should not specify the order detail line.

Increasing quantity: The maintenance request message from the web storefront to CWDirect includes:

Item_count: the total number of items to be added or changed in the request

Line_nbr: the order detail line to update

Quantity: the total quantity of the order line

Other changes to order lines: In addition to the information listed above for increasing quantity, the maintenance request message includes:

• Adding or removing gift wrap: the Gift_wrap field should be set to 1 (the item must be eligible for gift wrap in this offer)

• Adding, removing, or modifying special handling:

Personalization_id: the special handling code

Personalization_cost: the special handling price

Personalization_line_counter: the number of lines of special handling information

Personalization_text: the special handling instructions

Note: Updating items that use special handling charge breaks is not supported. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

• Price override:

List_price: the unit price of the item

Price_override: a 1 in this field indicates that the price should be overridden, using the Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (G73)

E-Commerce dollar hold: If the order maintenance change causes the order amount to exceed the dollar amount defined in the Maximum Order Amount for E-Commerce Orders (H54) system control value, CWDirect places the e-commerce order on e-commerce dollar hold (EH). If this system control value is blank, CWDirect uses the dollar amount defined in the Maximum Order Amount (A92) system control value to determine if the order should go on hold automatically.

Emails for E-Commerce Cancels and Maintenance

If the customer prefers email notifications, the system generates an email advising the customer of whether the maintenance or cancel request was successful. See When Does the System Generate an Email Notification?

Email template: You can use the Working with Entities (WENT) menu option to create an entity-level email template, and the Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT) menu option to create a default company-level maintenance success or failure template. The template specifies the text to print above and below the standard maintenance success or failure information.

The system selects the email template as appropriate. See Summary of Email Notice Types. If the system sends an email, this information is noted in the order history message.

Order History Messages

The system writes the following message to order history if the maintenance request fails:

Web maintenance request failed.

Similarly, if a cancel request fails:

Web cancel request failed.

If the maintenance or cancel request is successful:

Web maintenance request processed.

If the system generates an email notification (see Emails for E-Commerce Cancels and Maintenance), it writes a message such as the following:

Ord Mnt to

You can review order history messages at the Display Order History Screen.

Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review any errors that have resulted when customers attempt to cancel or maintain orders from the web storefront. Also, you can use this screen to delete error records once you have resolved the errors, as the system does not delete them automatically.

Fixing errors: You might choose to complete the requested transaction yourself; or you might need to contact the customer for further information if the desired transaction is not clear. However, you cannot edit and resubmit the maintenance requests through this menu option.

For more information: See E-Commerce Maintenance and Cancel Process Overview.

How to display this screen: Enter WBOM in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Batch OM Transactions from a menu.

ECR0280 DISPLAY Work with Batch OM Transactions 10/27/00 13:27:38

EZK Mail Order

Opt Order# St# Activity Ship To Last Name

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 5=Display 8=Errors 10=Order Inquiry

4289 1 Line Cancel

4289 1 Line Cancel

4830 1 Change Order

4830 1 Change Order

5026 1 Line Cancel

5078 1 Change Order JONES

5078 1 Change Order

5078 1 Change Order

5227 1 Line Cancel

5392 1 Line Cancel

5409 1 Change Order +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Error List F24=Select Company



Order number

An order that a customer has attempted to maintain or cancel from the web storefront.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

St# (Ship-to number)

This number indicates the order ship-to address that the customer attempted to maintain.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The type of transaction that the customer attempted to perform. Valid values are:

• Change Order

• Cancel Order

• Line Cancel

This field is blank if the maintenance or cancel request message from the web storefront did not specify a valid cancel type or maintenance type code.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Ship to last name

The last name of the customer to receive the order. The ship-to name appears only if the maintenance request included an attempt to update the ship-to information.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete a batch order maintenance error record

Enter 4 next to an error record to delete it. The system does not delete errors automatically, so typically you will delete errors as you resolve them.

Display a maintenance or cancel request in error

Enter 5 next to an error record to display the header-level information for the maintenance or cancel request. You advance to the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header).

If the request includes serious errors, you will not be able to review the error record; instead, the system displays a message such as the following:

Order 5493-7 is invalid -- cannot display. Print list to see errors.

See E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report.

Display the error message(s) for a maintenance or cancel request

Enter 8 next to an error record to review the error message(s) for the maintenance or cancel request. You advance to the Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

Advance to order inquiry

Enter 10 next to an error record to advance to Order Inquiry Header Screen or the Order Inquiry Detail Screen for the related order, depending on the setting of the Default Version for Order Entry (A71) system control value.

Print a listing of all batch order maintenance errors in your company

Press F21 to print the E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report, including all errors in your company.

Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header)

Purpose: Use this screen to review the header-level information that was included in the maintenance or cancel request from the web storefront that was in error, so that you can determine the transaction that the customer was attempting to process. Except for the order number and activity, information appears on this screen only if it was included in the request (that is, the customer attempted to change the information). However, if any part of the cancel or maintenance request was in error, the system does not process any of the requested changes; it is possible, for example, that an error related to a single item on the order has prevented valid changes to the order header from being processed.

Note: If the request includes serious errors, you will not be able to review the error record; instead, the system displays a message such as the following:

Order 5493-7 is invalid -- cannot display. Print list to see errors.


You can use the Display Batch OM Errors Screen to review the errors.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a maintenance error at the Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen.

ECR0282 DISPLAY Display Batch OM Transactions 10/27/00 13:37:21

EZK Mail Order

Order # : 5508 - 1

Activity: Change Order

Ship To Name . : ART ALEXAKIS


Street Address : 24 PRIME PARK WAY

Postal Code . .: 01760 City: NATICK St: MA Ctry: BRZ

E-Mail Address :

Ship Via . . .: 9 Gift Flag . : Cancel Reason . : 0

Gift Message . :

F3=Exit F7=Details F8=Errors F12=Cancel F16=Order Inquiry

F21=Print Errors



Order number

An order that a customer has attempted to maintain or cancel from the web storefront. The order ship-to address is separated from the order number by a hyphen.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The type of transaction that the customer attempted to perform. Valid values are:

• Change Order

• Cancel Order

• Line Cancel

This field is blank if the maintenance or cancel request message from the web storefront did not specify a valid cancel type or maintenance type code.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

The following information relates to maintenance requests only (not cancels):

Ship to name

The name of the ship-to customer, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

First name: alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.

Last name: alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Company name

The company for the ship-to address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Street address

The street for the ship-to, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Address lines 1-4: alphanumeric, 32 positions each; display-only.

Postal code

The zip or postal code for the ship-to address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The city for the ship-to address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The state for the ship-to address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The country code for the ship-to address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

E-mail address

The ship-to customer’s email address, if it was included in the maintenance request. Ship-to information is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping address.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Ship via

The code representing the shipper to deliver the order, if it was included in the maintenance request. The ship via is not required unless the customer wants to change the shipping method.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Gift flag

This flag indicates that the order is a gift order, if this information was included in the maintenance request. This flag corresponds to the Gift flag on the order header.

Valid values are:

Y = Change to a gift order

N = Change to a non-gift order

’ ’ = Do not change gift status

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; display-only.

Cancel reason

The cancel reason code to use when cancelling the order. This information is included only for an order-level cancel request.

You can download cancel reasons to the web storefront through the Downloading E-Commerce Static Files (ESTF) menu option.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Gift message

The order-level message, if this information was included in the maintenance request. This information corresponds to the first four lines of information with a Print status of P on the Work with Order Messages Screen; message lines with any other status code are not included.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields; display-only.

Screen Option


Select a detail line transaction from the order maintenance or cancel request for review

Press F7 to advance to the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail).

Display the error message(s) for this maintenance or cancel request

Press F8 to advance to the Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

Advance to order inquiry

Press F16 to advance to Order Inquiry Header Screen or the Order Inquiry Detail Screen for the related order, depending on the setting of the Default Version for Order Entry (A71) system control value.

Print a listing of the errors for this maintenance or cancel request

Press F21 to print the E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report, including all errors for this maintenance or cancel request only.

Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail)

Purpose: Use this screen to select a detail line for review if a maintenance or cancel request in error included order line-level information. In the case of a maintenance request, line-level information could include adding a new line, increasing the quantity of an existing line, or changing information on the line, such as gift wrap or special handling. In the case of a cancellation request, line-level information would include either canceling a particular line or reducing the quantity. However, if any part of the cancel or maintenance request was in error, the system does not process any of the requested changes; it is possible, for example, that an error related to the order header has prevented a valid change to an order detail line from being processed.

If the only changes in the maintenance or cancel request were at the order header level, then there will be no detail records at this screen to select.

How to display this screen: Press F7 at the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header).

ECR0281 DISPLAY Display Batch OM Transactions 10/27/00 13:46:21

EZK Mail Order

Order # 5490 - 1

Opt Action Line# Cnr Qty Item Sku

Type options, press Enter.


Add New Line 4 0 3 AU123

Add New Line 5 0 0

F3=Exit F7=Header F8=Errors F12=Cancel F16=Order Inquiry



Order number

An order that a customer has attempted to maintain or cancel from the web storefront. The order ship-to address is separated from the order number by a hyphen.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The action that the customer has attempted to perform against the order detail line. Valid values are:

• Line cancellation = Reduce the quantity of the order detail line or cancel it entirely

• Add new line = Add a new item to the order

• Change line = Make a change to the existing order detail line, such as increasing the quantity or changing the gift wrap or special handling information

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Line number

The order detail line number to be changed, cancelled or added.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Cnr (Cancel reason code)

The cancel reason code specified in the cancel request to describe why the customer wants to cancel or reduce the quantity of the order detail line. This information is included only for a detail-level cancel request.

You can download cancel reasons to the web storefront through the Downloading E-Commerce Static Files (ESTF) menu option.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item that the customer has attempted to cancel, add, or maintain.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The item that the customer has attempted to maintain or cancel. The system determines which item the customer has selected by the order detail line (when working with an existing order detail line) or the short SKU number (when adding a new item to the order). The short SKU number is stored in the SKU file. If the maintenance request does not specify a valid short SKU, the item and SKU information that appear on this screen may be inconsistent; for example, even if the item code is valid, the SKU information may not represent a valid SKU for the item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three four-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Screen Option


Select a detail transaction in error to review

Enter 5 next to a detail line to advance to the Display Batch OM Detail Screen.

Review header information for the maintenance or cancel request

Press F7 to advance to the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header).

Display the error message(s) for the maintenance or cancel request

Press F8 to advance to the Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

Advance to order inquiry

Press F16 to advance to Order Inquiry Header Screen or the Order Inquiry Detail Screen for the related order, depending on the setting of the Default Version for Order Entry (A71) system control value.

Print a listing of the errors for this maintenance or cancel request

Press F21 to print the E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report, including all errors for this maintenance or cancel request only.

Display Batch OM Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review detail information on a change, add, or cancel line request from the web storefront that is in error. However, if any part of the cancel or maintenance request was in error, the system does not process any of the requested changes; it is possible, for example, that an error related to the order header has prevented a valid change to an order detail line from being processed.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a detail line at the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail).

ECR0285 DISPLAY Display OM Batch Detail 10/27/00 13:52:30

EZK Mail Order

Order # . . . : 5490 - 1 - 4

Activity . . : Add New Line

Item/Sku . . : AU123

Qty . . . . . : 3

Cancel Reason : 0

Gift Wrap . . :

Price . . . . : 7.89 Price Override : Y

Add'l Charge : S/H Charge . . :

S/H Input



F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Order number

The order and line number that a customer has attempted to maintain or cancel from the web storefront. The order ship-to address is separated from the order number by a hyphen, and the order line number follows:

order number - ship-to number - order line number

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Order line number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The action that the customer has attempted to perform against the order detail line. Valid values are:

• Line cancellation = Reduce the quantity of the order detail line or cancel it entirely

• Add new line = Add a new item to the order

• Change line = Make a change to the existing order detail line, such as increasing the quantity or changing the gift wrap or special handling information

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The item that the customer has attempted to maintain or cancel. The system determines which item the customer has selected by the order detail line (when working with an existing order detail line) or the short SKU number (when adding a new item to the order). The short SKU number is stored in the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item that the customer has attempted to cancel, add, or maintain.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Cancel reason

The cancel reason code specified in the cancel request to describe why the customer wants to cancel or reduce the quantity of the order detail line. This information is included only for a detail-level cancel request.

You can download cancel reasons to the web storefront through the Downloading E-Commerce Static Files (ESTF) menu option.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Gift wrap

This flag indicates that the customer wants the item to be gift wrapped. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only. Valid values are:

Y = The customer wants to gift wrap this item

’ ’ (blank) = The customer does not want to gift wrap the item

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; display-only.


The unit price of the item. The system ignores this information unless the maintenance request specifies a price override. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Price override

A Y in this field indicates that a price override was specified in the request. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Additional charge

The additional charge code associated with the special handling for the for the order detail line, if any. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only.

Note: Updating an order line that uses special handling charge breaks is not supported. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Special handling charge

The charge for special handling of the item, if any. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only.

Note: Updating an order line that uses special handling charge breaks is not supported. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

S/H input

The instructions on how to personalize the item, such as engraving, monogramming, etc. This information would be included in a maintenance request (change or add) only.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions each line; display-only.

Display Batch OM Errors Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the errors that have prevented a maintenance or cancel request from being processed.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to an error record at the Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen, or Press F8 at the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header) or the Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail).

ECR0284 DISPLAY Display Batch OM Errors 10/27/00 13:55:06

EZK Mail Order

Order # 5493 - 1

Ln# Error Description

Dtl Errs Prevent Hdr Edit

1 Invalid New Order Qty

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print



Oder number

An order that a customer has attempted to maintain or cancel from the web storefront. The order ship-to number is separated from the order number by a hyphen.

Order number: numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship-to number: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Line number

The order detail number associated with the error. This field will be blank if the error is associated with header-level information, or if the system could not determine which line number was involved.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Error description

The description of the error that prevented the maintenance or cancel request from being processed. See Batch Order Maintenance and Cancel Errors.

If the error is the result of an item on the order that already existed and was not part of the maintenance or cancel request, the following message appears:

Error from a line that was not maintained.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Print a listing of the errors for this maintenance or cancel request

Press F21 to print the E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report, including all errors for this maintenance or cancel request only.

Batch Order Maintenance and Cancel Errors

Error Message

Occurs When:

Maintenance or Cancel?

Detail Errors

Item Ctry/St Restriction

The item is restricted from shipment to that country or state, as defined through the Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.


Base item does not exist

The item does not exist in your company. The SKU code specified in the maintenance request must match the short SKU code, as defined in the SKU file.


Gift wrap not allowed

The maintenance request specifies gift wrap, but the Gift wrap flag for the item/offer is not selected.


SKU does not exist

The short SKU in the message is not associated with a valid SKU of an item.


Item/City Restriction

The item’s class is restricted from shipment to that city, as defined through the Work with Item Restrictions by City Screen (Defining City/State Restrictions).


Invalid offer

The item specified in the maintenance request is associated with an invalid offer.


Item/Cust cls restriction

The customer’s class is restricted from shipment of items of this item class, as defined through the Item Class Restrictions by Customer Class Screen (Working with Restrictions).


Missing Membership

The item is a membership item, but there is not a membership program with the same name as the item, as defined through Working with Membership Programs (WWMP).


Entered Price Exceeds Lim

The requested price of a new or existing item is below the maximum discount percentage, as specified in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value. For example, if this system control value specifies a limit of 10%, and the requested price of an item was 15% below the regular price, this would produce an error.


Invalid price ovr reason

The item has an invalid price override reason code, as defined through Establishing Price Override Reason Codes (WPOR).


Line $value > max allowed

The extended price of the order detail line exceeds the limit specified in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98).


Missing price ovr reason

The Price_override field in the maintenance request was 1, and no price override reason code is specified in the Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (G73) system control value.


Price can not be negative

The item has a price that is negative and the Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value is not selected.


Price is zero

No price was found for the item/offer, but the item is not eligible for a price override to zero. To override the price, the Price_override field in the maintenance request must be 1, and the Price Override Reason for E-Commerce (G73) must specify a valid price override reason code.


Discount limit exceeded

The discount on the order ship to exceeds the limit defined in the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value.


Invalid New Order Qty

The new quantity specified in a maintenance request for an existing line is lower than the current quantity. To reduce the quantity of an existing order line, you must use a cancel request rather than a maintenance request.


Multiples error

The quantity of the item is not divisible by the Sell qty (Sell quantity) for the item.


Order qty > max allowed

The item quantity exceeds the maximum specified in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.


Required Input missing

Required information for the special handling instructions is missing.


Exceeds maximum character

The number of characters for a field in the special handling instructions exceeds the Max # characters defined for the special handling format.


Item/SpclH restriction

The maintenance request includes special handling for an item that is restricted from special handling, as defined through the Special Handling Restrictions by Item Class Screen.


S/H code is invalid

The S/H code (Special handling code) specified for the item in the maintenance request is invalid.


S/H code not allowed

Special handling is not allowed for the item, as defined at the Create Item Offer Screen or the Create SKU Offer Screen.


Invalid Order Detail

The order line number specified in the maintenance or cancel request does not exist on the order. You might receive this error if you specify an order detail line when attempting to add an item to an order.

maintenance or cancel

Line is not Open

The order line has a status of X (closed).

maintenance or cancel

Pick Exists for Line

There is currently a printed pick slip for the order line.

maintenance or cancel

Ship Via invalid for Item

The shipper is not eligible to ship the item to its destination, based on the Item Ship Via Override file. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides.


Cpn Item Required

The order line specified for cancellation is required for an order-level coupon. See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for more information on coupons.

Note: Although the error is retained for review, the system does cancel the order line and does not automatically remove the coupon from the order.


Cpn Not Active

A coupon applied to the order selected for maintenance has expired. See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for more information on coupons.

Note: Although the error is retained for review, the system does not automatically remove the coupon from the order.

maintenance or cancel

Order Tot < Cpn Requires

The cancel request has reduced the order total below the minimum required for a coupon on the order. See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for more information on coupons.


• Although the error is retained for review, the system does not automatically remove the coupon from the order.

• This error is listed on the Display Batch OM Errors Screen for each order detail line on the order.


Header Errors


City Blank

No city is specified for the shipping address.


Country Not Found

The country code specified is not valid.


Invalid Ship to Address

Any of the changes to the shipping address are invalid. This error appears with one or more other error messages describing the fields that are invalid.


Invalid State for Zip

The state is not valid for the postal code, as defined through Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP).


Last Name & Comp Blank

Both the last name and the company field are blank; at least one is required.


SCF not Found

The SCF is not valid for the country, as defined through Working with SCF Codes (WSCF).


State Blank

No state is specified.


State not found

The state is not valid for the country, as defined through Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).


Street Address Blank

No street address is specified.


Zip Code Blank

No postal code is specified.


Invalid City(VERTEX)

The city/state/zip code is invalid, if you are using the CWDirect/Vertex Interface.


Duplicate PO#

The order has the same purchase order number as another order for the same sold-to customer, if the Verify Duplicate PO Numbers for A/R Orders (D80) system control value is set to Y.


Originator Invalid

The order does not have a valid originator, if the Individuals Required in Order Entry (E01) system control value is set to Y and the Originator unknown field is set to N.


Placer Invalid

The order does not have a valid placer, if the Individuals Required in Order Entry (E01) system control value is set to Y.


Invalid Salesman Number

The order does not have a valid sales rep, if the Require Salesrep Number in Order Entry/Order Maintenance (E87) system control value is set to Y


Order Has Picks Open

Any order detail lines on the order have pick slips printed.

maintenance or cancel

Order In Use

The order is locked from update because a user is maintaining it, or another process on the system is updating it. Use Unlocking a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) to unlock the order.

maintenance or cancel

Order Not Open or Held

The order status is not open (blank) or held (H).

maintenance or cancel

Invalid Source Code

The source code specified is not valid, or no source code is specified.


Invalid Ship Via for POB

The ship via for the order does not deliver to P.O. boxes, as specified by the PO box delivery field for the ship via.


Invalid Ship Via for SCF

Either the ship via, the SCF, or the ship via/SCF combination is not valid.


Invalid Cancel Quantity

The quantity specified in the cancel request exceeds the quantity eligible for cancellation for the order detail line.


Invalid Cancel Reason

The cancel reason is not valid, as defined through Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR).


SO10_10 CWDirect 18.0 August 2015 OTN