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Agile Product Lifecycle Management PLM Mobile Release Notes
Release 3.1
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Agile Product Lifecycle Management

PLM Mobile Release Notes

Release 3.1


August 2015

These Release Notes provide technical information about Oracle Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Mobile 3.1.


Install and test this release on a designated development server before applying Oracle PLM Mobile on your production environment. Your development environment should mirror your production environment as closely as possible to provide accurate testing results. It is important to validate the installation of this release and confirm your integrations are working correctly as part of your minimum due diligence. Any problems or questions noted during your development system testing should be resolved before installing this release on your production environment.

1 Server Version

Agile PLM 9.3.2, 9.3.3, or 9.3.4 (Patch for 20427868)

2 Client OS Version

iOS7 and iOS 8.x

Android 4.4.x

3 Java Home

Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the location of the JDK that was installed with Agile PLM. By default, it was installed under the Agile PLM home directory.

4 Pre-Installation Instructions

On the system where the Agile PLM application server is installed, download the Oracle PLM Mobile installation file to a temporary directory. Verify that the size of the downloaded software matches the size shown on the software download page and extract the content to the same location.

Make sure you verify the contents of the download distribution from the following list:

  •—Compressed Winzip file which contains files for Oracle PLM Mobile 3.1.

  •—Installer property file used by the Oracle PLM Mobile 3.1 installer.

  • Install.bat—Batch file needed to install Oracle PLM Mobile on Windows only.

  •—Script file needed to install Oracle PLM Mobile on UNIX (Solaris/Linux/AIX).

  • Installer—Holds installer related files for successful installation of Oracle PLM Mobile 3.1.

This section provides step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle PLM Mobile.

4.1 Standalone Environment

  1. Log in as a user with local Administrator permissions to the computer where the Agile PLM application server is located.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Agile PLM Installation Guide (found on the Oracle Technology Network web site) to stop the application server.

  3. For Windows:

    • Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded the Oracle PLM Mobile Installation files.

    • From the temporary directory, run the Install.bat file. The installation begins.

  4. For UNIX (Solaris/Linux/AIX):

    • Open a shell prompt and navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded the Oracle PLM Mobile installation files.

    • From the temporary directory, run the script. The installation begins.

  5. When the installation process is finished, the Installation Successful message appears.

  6. Press the Enter key to complete the installation and the Build Successful message appears.

4.2 Cluster Environment


Oracle PLM Mobile must be installed on the Administration Server and all Managed Servers.

  1. Log in as a user with local Administrator permissions to the computer where the Agile PLM application server is installed.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Agile PLM Installation Guide to stop the Agile PLM application server in a cluster environment. (found on the Oracle Technology Network web site)

  3. For Windows:

    • Open the Command Prompt and navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded the Oracle PLM Mobile Installation files.

    • From the temporary directory, run the Install.bat file. The installation begins.

  4. For UNIX (Solaris/Linux/AIX):

    • Open a shell prompt and navigate to the temporary directory where you downloaded the Oracle PLM Mobile installation files.

    • From the temporary directory, run the script. The installation begins.

  5. When the installation process is finished, the Installation Successful message appears.

  6. Press the Enter key to complete the installation and the Build Successful message appears.

5 SSL and Web Proxy Configuration

If the Agile PLM application server is using a web proxy or secured socket layer (SSL) for the client-server communication, validate the endpoint URLs in the connections.xml file in the following directory: <AGILE_HOME>\agileDomain\applications\application.ear\agilers.war\com.oraclecorp.internal.PLMMobile.

5.1 SSL Configuration

Change protocol from http to https and change the port number to SSL port number in the connections.xml file.

5.2 Web Proxy or Load Balancer Configuration

If you are using a web proxy or load balancer, you must update the server and port number in endpoint URLS, as applicable.

6 Oracle PLM Mobile Configuration

After installing Oracle PLM Mobile, a new folder named agilers is created in the <AGILE_HOME>\agileDomain\config directory.

This folder contains a file named This file contains the following entries:

  • USER_GROUP_ALL_OR_ANY_OPTION: This option is used when adding reviewers for PSRs or QCRs. The default value is set to ANY. Change this value to ALL if your deployment requires all users within a group to review PSRs or QCRs.

  • LOAD_TABLES_ON_EDIT_SCREEN: This option determines whether the user can view and edit the existing affected items, relationships, and attachments when editing a PSR or QCR. When the value is set to false, users only see a count of the existing content, and are only able to modify newly added content. The user is able to add new affected items, relationships, and attachments and edit them, but cannot edit anything that existed before entering edit mode.

  • Class ID/Subclass ID Section: This section captures a file name for those classes and subclasses used by the Oracle PLM Mobile client to display the General Information and Additional Information screens.If your deployment does not introduce new subclasses, the existing entries are applicable.

To add or remove attributes from the General Information and Additional Information sections for a subclass, locate the corresponding file and update it.

To add a new file to deploy a specific subclass, locate the subclass ID and provide a filename with the ID number. Use one of the existing files as a template to configure the General Information and Additional Information sections for the subclass.

  • MAX_NUMBER_OF_FLAGGED_APPROVALS: This option describes the maximum number of objects allowed to be flagged by a user on the approval screen. The default value is 50.

  • PLM_ANALYTICS_NAME: This option lists the name of the analytics product.

  • PLM_ANALYTICS_DESCRIPTION: This option informs the user that the Oracle Product Lifecycle Analytics mobile application must be installed with a valid license to view product analytics.

7 Configuring Oracle Access Manager Authentication

If Agile PLM application server authentication is enabled through the Oracle Access Manager (OAM) server, use the following steps to enable PLM Mobile OAM authentication:

  1. Open the connections.xml file, located in the <AGILE_HOME>\agileDomain\applications\application.ear\agilers.war\com.oraclecorp.internal.PLMMobile directory.

    1. Replace the server name and port number of the RestServerEndPoint, Login, and accessControl URLs with the Agile Proxy URL and port number.

    2. Copy the Logout directed URL from OAM console Webgate details data and add as logout url.

    3. Add the following lines under the logout URL:

      <loginSuccessUrl url="http://<Agile Proxy Server>:<Agile Proxy Port>/agilers/resources/session/preferences"/>
      <loginFailureUrl url="http://<Agile Proxy Server>:<Agile Proxy Port>/agilers/resources/session/preferences"/>
    4. Replace @OAM_SERVER@ with OAM host and port number.
      For example: http://OAM_HOST:OAM_PORT

    5. Replace @AGILE_PROXY_SERVER@ with Agile Proxy HOST and Agile Proxy port. For example: http://AGILE_PROXY_HOST:AGILE_PROXY_PORT

    6. Save the connections.xml file.

  2. Open the Web.xml file, located in the \application.ear\agilers.war\WEB-INF\web.xml directory and change the auth-method entry to the following:
    <auth-method>client-cert, BASIC</auth-method>

  3. Restart the Agile PLM application server.

  4. Go to the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) location: <Middleware Home>\<WebTier Home>\instances\instance1\config\OHS\ohs1 and edit the mod_wl_ohs.conf file to add the following information:

    <Location /agilers>/auth-method>
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
  5. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server.

  6. On the Webgate Resources page, add the following URL as Unprotected-Public Resource Policy:

  7. Redeploy the PLM Mobile client or update the configuration from the Settings menu.

8 Starting the Server

In a standalone environment, start the Agile PLM application server. In a clustered environment, start the Agile PLM application server on all cluster nodes, starting with the Administration server to all Managed servers.


If you start the Agile PLM application server as a Microsoft Service, you must uninstall the service by running the UninstallService.cmd file in the agileDomain\bin directory. Recreate the service by running the InstallService.cmd file which is also located in the agileDomain\bin directory.

9 Installing the Oracle PLM Mobile Client

Download and install the Oracle PLM Mobile app from the App Store for iOS devices or Google Play for Android devices. Configure the app to connect to your Agile PLM 9.3.2, 9.3.3, or 9.3.4 application server.

10 Post-Installation Verification

To verify that Oracle PLM Mobile has been successfully installed:

  1. Open the following URL to verify installation details:


  2. Start the Oracle PLM Mobile app on your mobile device.

  3. On the Configuration screen, enter your Agile PLM login ID and password in the Username and Password fields. In the Server field, enter the server URL in the following format:

    http://<AgileApplication Host Name>:<Port Number>/agilers/

11 Using the Oracle PLM Mobile App

A set of four demonstration videos are published to YouTube. YouTube - that you can review. The first video is all-inclusive and covers all of the primary use cases supported on the mobile platform. The other three videos contain information specific to the following subjects:

  • Mobile PLM Process Reviews and Approvals

  • Mobile Product Quality Issue and Complaint Management and Review

  • Mobile Product Quality Audit and Findings Management and Review.

12 Known Issue Disclaimer

This list of Known Issues consists of those found at the time of the initial release. The product may have additional issues found after the initial release and therefore this list is subject to change and is not always comprehensive. Oracle support will continue to track known issues of this product release found on My Oracle Support. Please check for updates at

The scanner supports QR and Datamatrix codes. Other codes are not recognized when the length of the scan code is large.

12.1 Known Issues



Steps to reproduce:

  1. Verify the number of approvals.

  2. Search for a specific task. The task is listed in the results list.

  3. Approve the task.

Result: Approval count is 0.

Expected result: Approval count should reflect the actual count of approvals.



Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start PLM Mobile with the OAM url configured in an Android device.

  2. Log in as an OAM admin user. Validate the number of approval objects.

  3. Log in as a different OAM user.

Actual Result: A black page appears. Once the user taps on the App Switcher, it loads all the tabs. Approval screen shows the previous user's approval objects.

Expected Result: All tabs must load fully and all objects awaiting the current user's approval must be displayed.

Workaround: To load all the tabs correctly, stop the application and log in again.



Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start PLM Mobile in an Android device.

  2. Log in as admin. Validate the number of approval objects.

  3. Log in as a different user.

Actual Result: A blank screen appears and the user is not able to see the approval objects.

Expected Result: All tabs must load fully and all objects awaiting the current user's approval must be displayed.

Workaround: To load the tabs correctly, stop the application and log in again.

13 Resolved Issues



Verification Steps:

  1. Install SSL enabled Agile PLM 9.3.3/9.3.4 with SHA-2 certificate.

  2. Install Agile PLM Mobile 3.1 patch on A9.

  3. Download the Mobile client to iOS/Android Device.

  4. Connect to the A9 server.

Result: The user is able to connect to the A9 server without any errors.



Verification Steps:

  1. Install Agile PLM 9.3.3 along with any 9.3.3 patch.

  2. Install PLM Mobile 2.0/3.0 on A9.

  3. Apply another 9.3.3 patch, (as per user requirement), on the Mobile patch.

Result: The patch installation is successful and without any errors.

14 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why can't I flag approval routings?

A: If you are having trouble flagging approval routings, tap Synchronize with A9 server to initiate a sync with the Agile PLM server to clear out any flags against routings that have already been moved out of your queue.

Q: If my system is behind a firewall, do I need to have VPN to access the server?

A: Yes, if you normally use VPN to access the environment remotely, then you will need to have VPN installed on your device.

Q: Do I have to upgrade my client and server side installation together?

A: No. Your client should still work regardless of whether the server side install is on a newer or older version. However, certain functionality and features may be unavailable.

Q: How do I change the server that my client is pointing to?

A: Go to Settings and tap Reset Login Server Information. Enter in the new server's location and login information, and then tap Connect.

Q: How do I validate that the mobile patch was installed successfully?

A: Open a web browser on the machine where you installed the patch and enter the URL, http://<HOST>:<PORT>/agilers/PLMMobileInfo. Enter your Agile PLM username and password, when prompted. A page displays PLM Mobile patch related information. Click the Validation URL to verify that the mobile server patch was installed successfully.

Q: How do I ensure that the Agile app on a mobile device can access the Agile PLM server in my environment?

A: Open a browser on your mobile device and enter the URL, http://<HOST>:<PORT>/Agile. If the Agile PLM web application web page displays, the app can access the Agile PLM server.

Q: I'm not able to log in to my PLM mobile app. I checked and found that on my mobile device I cannot access the Agile PLM web application with the host name, but I'm able to access the web application with the IP address of the Agile PLM server.

A: In this scenario, you should request your Agile administrator to register the Agile PLM server host name with a DNS. If that is not possible and you are required to access the Agile application with the Agile server's IP address on mobile devices, perform the following steps on the server where the Agile application and the mobile patch have been installed:

  1. Unpack the application.ear file, located in the agileDomain\applications folder on the computer where you installed the Agile PLM application server. Make a copy of this file before you start the process.

  2. From the extracted package, unpack the agilers.war file, and then open the connections.xml file in edit mode. This file is located in the agilers.war\\ directory.

  3. Change the following entries in the connections.xml file from host name to IP address:

  4. Repack the agilers.war file with the updated connections.xml file.

  5. Repack the application.ear file with the updated agilers.war file.

  6. Restart the Agile PLM application server.

  7. On the machine where the Agile PLM application server is installed, enter the URL, http://<IP address or HOST>:<PORT>/agilers/ to verify that the host name in the connections.xml file has been changed to the correct IP address.

  8. Delete the PLM Mobile app from your mobile device and reinstall it.

  9. On the PLM Mobile app, add http://<HOST>:<PORT>/agilers as the Restful Webservice URL attribute. You should now be able to log in with your Agile PLM username and password.

If the previous steps do not resolve the issue, contact Oracle Support.

Q: What authentication methods does the PLM Mobile app support?

A: The PLM Mobile app supports BASIC authentication and OAM's CLIENT-CERT authentication methods. It also supports BASIC authentication over SSL.

15 Basic Security Considerations

The following principles are fundamental to using any application securely.

15.1 Keep Software Up-To-Date

One principle for good security practice is to keep all software versions and patches up-to-date. To ensure that you have the most current and updated Agile PLM software for the latest version, regularly check the updates page.

15.2 Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege states that users must be given the least amount of privilege to perform their jobs. Over-ambitious granting of responsibilities, roles, grants, etc., especially early on in an organization's life cycle when people are few and work needs to be done quickly, often leaves a system wide open for abuse. User privileges must be reviewed periodically to determine relevance to current job responsibilities.

15.3 Monitor System Activity

System security stands on three legs: good security protocols, proper system configuration and system monitoring. Auditing and reviewing audit records address this third requirement. Each component within a system has some degree of monitoring capability. Follow audit advice in this document and regularly monitor audit records.

15.4 Keep Up To Date on Latest Security Information

Oracle continually improves its software and documentation. Check this note yearly for revisions.

16 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Agile Product Lifecycle Management Mobile Release Notes, Release 3.1


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