Extract the Oracle MaxMan Software Archive

After you download the Oracle MaxMan application archive for your operating system, extract the files to a workstation before using the software. The archive contains JAR (Java archive) files and scripts needed to run the Oracle MaxMan application. The archive file also contains these folders: data, gui, logs, and tomcat.

  1. Locate the client software archive file on your workstation where you downloaded the archive file.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive file to a directory of your choosing on the client host on which you expect to be use the application.
    • Windows: for the zip file, use a zip utility to extract the files.

    • Other operating systems: for tar file, use tar or a similar utility to extract the files.

  3. (Optional) Add the directory where you extracted the contents of the archive files to your PATH environment variable.
    Adding the directory to the PATH environment enables you to run the executable from any directory on your system.
    Mac OS, Oracle Linux, or Solaris

    Edit your login shell to add the directory to your PATH statement.


    Edit the PATH variable by navigating to My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables.

This task creates the following objects for Oracle FS System Manager:

The folder containing the jar files for the Oracle MaxMan application.


(Windows only) The client batch file to run the Oracle MaxMan application.


The client shell file to run the Oracle MaxMan application.


(Mac OS only) The client shell file to run the Oracle MaxMan application.