Create Administrator Account Dialog

Navigation: System > Global Settings > Administrator Accounts > Actions > Create

Creates new administrator accounts.
Login Name

Identifies the login name assigned to the administrator account. This field is limited to 20 characters.

Identifies the authorized privileges for an administrator account. Different roles are authorized to perform different functions:
admin1Administrator 1

The administrator role for a login account that provides the authority to perform all administrative tasks and all configuration tasks except for certain tasks that are reserved for the support roles.

admin2Administrator 2
The administrator role for a login account that provides the authority to perform most administrative and configuration tasks. A login account assigned to this role cannot, however, perform the following tasks:
  • Manage the administrator accounts and other global system settings such as those settings for networking, the Controller ports, system security, and the system time.
  • Perform software upgrades or use Guided Maintenance to replace hardware components.
  • Shut down the Oracle FS System system.

An administrator role for login accounts that provides the authority for those accounts to perform read‑only management tasks and to modify their own account properties.

A unique login account solely for support representatives. This login account is not authorized to modify or delete data resources, system alerts, or administrator accounts.
Important! Use this account only if you are familiar with it or instructed by Oracle Customer Support.
For the following predefined roles, you cannot assign administrators to them and you cannot delete them:
Primary system administratorprimaryadmin

A login account that has the same privileges as the primaryadminAdministrator 1 role.

Primary support administratorPrimarySupport

A login account that has the same privileges as the monitorMonitor role, as well as privileges to perform support‑related tasks.

Full Name

Identifies the first and last name associated with the administrator account.

Email Address
Identifies the email address associated with the administrator account. The email username can have up to 64 characters and the email domain can have up to 255 characters. The email server to which the Oracle FS System sends alerts must be able to receive messages at this address. The system does not validate this address.
Note: An IP address cannot be entered as the email domain.
Phone Number
Identifies the phone number associated with the administrator account. The Oracle FS System does not verify the validity of this entry.
Note: Enclose telephone numbers with spaces in quotes.

Identifies the password of the administrator account. Enter the password; follow the password rules displayed on the dialog.

Confirm Password

Confirms that the password was entered correctly.

Password Duration

Select a duration between 1 to 180 days to determine when the password expires. Set the value to 0 to disable password expiration. When password expiration is disabled, the password never expires. Refer to your company’s policy on password expiration to determine the duration you should set.

Disable Account
Indicates whether the administrative account is disabled. The Oracle FS System maintains disabled accounts but does not allow them to log in. A disabled account can be enabled later by modifying it. This setting takes effect immediately. If the administrator is logged in when you disable the account, the system logs out the administrator immediately.
Note: You cannot disable the primaryadminPrimary system administrator account.