Create Storage Domain Dialog

Navigation: System > Storage Domains > Actions > Create Storage Domains

Creates and configures properties for a new Storage Domain.

Specifies the name of this Storage Domain. This name must be unique within the Oracle FS System.

Storage Domain names can consist of up to 82 UTF-8 printable characters. The name cannot include the following characters:
  • / (forward slash)
  • \ (backward slash)
  • . (dot)
  • .. (dot dot)
  • tab
Background Process Priority
System Chooses

(Default) Specifies that the system balances the resources that are needed for background data movement with the resources that are needed to service the incoming client I/⁠O.

Minimize Impact

Specifies that the system restricts the amount of system resources that are given to the background data movement operation. This option minimizes the impact on client I/⁠O. Recommended for highly‑loaded Storage Domains.

Maximize Speed

Specifies that the system grants resource priority to the background data movement operation. This option reduces the amount of system resources that are available for client I/⁠O. Recommended for lightly‑loaded Storage Domains.

Enable Automatic QoS Rebalancing

Specifies that the system balances the existing volumes across the drive groups when you add drive groups to the Storage Domain. When enabled, the system distributes the data of the existing volumes to all of the drive groups in the Storage Domain. Not selecting the option retains the data distribution across the existing drive groups in the Storage Domain.

Enable Tier Reallocation

Specifies that any tiered data that resides in this Storage Domain has data progression enabled. Individual objects might have tier reallocation disabled. Enabling tier reallocation at the Storage Domain level does not override any objects that have tier reallocation disabled. The default value is enabled.

Enable Tier Reallocation Statistics Collection

Specifies that the Oracle FS System internally collects data usage patterns for the Storage Domain. The patterns are analyzed to determine the optimum Storage Classes for the data. The default value is enabled. Do not change this setting unless you need to test different profiles.

Disable this setting if you are modifying your Storage Profile for testing purposes and did not want to collect statistics during the test. You do not want to collect tier reallocation statistics during the test as this might distort future tier reallocation. After you complete testing, enable tier reallocation statistics collection.

Note: Enabling or disabling the tier reallocation statistics collection has no effect on statistics you can view for CPU, drive groups, LUNs. (Those are a different set of statistics.)

Auto‑Tier Scan Options (Advanced)

Optimizes the auto‑tier algorithm for moving data to different Storage Classes. You can specify the interval for when auto‑tier moves frequently accessed data blocks and infrequently accessed data blocks to match your application activity.
Note: To unlock the auto‑tier scan options, select the lock icon. Selecting the lock icon again resets the values to the state when the fields were unlocked.
Performance-Optimizing Scan Cycle

Specifies the frequency, in hours, that auto‑tier scans to move frequently accessed data blocks to a high performance Storage Class.

For example, a value of 32 means that every 32 hours auto‑tier scans the system to move frequently accessed data blocks to a high performance Storage Class.

Updates to this field affect the label of the Number of n‑hour Scan Cycles field. For example, a value of 32 changes the label for the Number of n‑hour Scan Cycles to Number of 32‑hour Scan Cycles.

Enter a value from 1 through 168.

Number of n‑hour Scan Cycles

Specifies the frequency that auto‑tier runs the performance‑optimizing scan cycles before auto‑tier runs the cost-optimizing scan cycle. The value entered in the Number of n‑hour Scan Cycles field is multiplied by the value entered in the Performance-Optimizing Scan Cycle field to obtain the value set in the Cost-Optimizing Scan Cycle field.

For example, a value of 5 means that every fifth time that auto‑tier runs the performance-optimizing scan cycle, auto‑tier then runs the cost-optimizing scan cycle to move infrequently accessed data to a less expensive storage class.

Enter a value from 2 through 31.

Cost-Optimizing Scan Cycle

(Read‑only) Displays the frequency, in hours, that auto‑tier scans to move infrequently accessed data blocks to a less expensive Storage Class.

The value displayed in this field is calculated as the product of the value you entered in the Performance-Optimizing Scan Cycle field and the value you entered in the Number of n-hour Scan Cycles field.

For example, to set auto‑tier to move infrequently accessed data blocks to a less expensive Storage Class every 200 hours, enter the following values:
  • Performance Optimizing Scan Cycle: 25

  • Number of 25‑hour Scan Cycles: 8

The system displays 200 in the Cost-Optimizing Scan Cycle field. In this example, the values that you enter instruct auto‑tier to run the performance‑optimizing scan every 25 hours. Then, during every eighth scan cycle (or every 200 hours), auto-tier runs a cost-optimizing scan to move infrequently accessed data blocks to a less expensive Storage Class.

Allowable Storage Capacity for Auto‑Tiered LUNs

Indicates the maximum percentage of storage capacity to dedicate to auto-tier reallocation for each Storage Class of the Storage Domain. Enter a percentage for each available Storage Class.

The default value is 100%.