Modify Host, Oracle FS Path Manager Tab

Navigation: SAN > Storage > Hosts > Actions > Modify Host > Oracle FS Path Manager

Modifies the configuration settings for Oracle FS Path Manager (FSPM).

You can configure the load balancing settings of LUNs. You can also view the optimized (fastest paths) available to a LUN.

Host Information

Host Name

Identifies the name of the SAN host that has access to the Oracle FS System.

Management IP Address

Identifies the IP address of the SAN host. The system uses this address to exchange management requests and responses with the FSPM that is installed on the host. If FSPM is not installed, this field displays N/A.

Operating System

Identifies the operating system that is associated with the SAN host, when Oracle FS Path Manager is installed on that host; otherwise, this field displays N/A.

Oracle FS Path Manager Version

Identifies the version of the FSPM that is installed and running on the SAN host.

Path Manager Settings

LUN Name

Identifies the name of the LUN or Clone LUN on the Oracle FS System.

Name on Host

Identifies the name used by the SAN host to identify the LUN.

Load Balancing
Identifies the type of load balancing that the storage area network (SAN) hosts performs to access Oracle FS System LUNs.
Note: If the Load Balancing option is not selectable, then the version of FSPM does not allow load balancing on the host.
Valid types:

Indicates load balancing across multiple paths to the configured LUNs.

The software selects the best available path, and all commands are sent over that path until the path is no longer operational, in which case the failed path fails over to another appropriate path.

Round Robin

Indicates load balancing across multiple paths to the configured LUNs.

The system sends the commands one by one using the best available paths, which ensures that LUN commands are evenly distributed over any path that is available to access the LUNs.

Optimized Paths

Identifies the number of optimized (fastest path available) access paths to the LUN.

Non‑Optimized Paths

Identifies the number of non‑optimized access paths to the LUN.