Modify Network Settings, Notification Tab

Navigation: System > Global Settings > Networking > Actions > Modify > Notification

Updates the email server that receives email and Call‑Home notifications from the Oracle FS System and sends the email messages to the designated recipients.

Email Notifications

Specifies the email server details necessary to send notification from the Oracle FS System.

Enable Email Notifications
Identifies whether email is enabled.
  • Enable email if you intend to define alerts to send email notifications.
  • Disable email if you do not want to send email notifications from the Oracle FS System.
SMTP Server IP Address
Identifies the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server to use for sending any emails. Valid options:
  • IP: The IP address for the SNMP server

  • DNS: The Domain Name Service (DNS) for the SNMP server

SMTP Server Port

Specifies the port to which the SMTP server listens for incoming email.

Email Domain

Specifies the sending domain identifier other than the Oracle FS System.

Email Flood Prevention

Identifies the time interval in which the system is permitted to send two subsequent emails when an event occurs on the Oracle FS System. The smaller the number, the more frequent the system sends event notification emails. The default time is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Call-Home Triggering

Allows you to specify when events logs and messages are sent to the Call‑Home server.

Enable event triggered Call-Home

Enables Call‑Home support, which enables the Oracle FS System to send status messages to the designated server.

Enable standard periodic Call-Home

Enables the periodic sending of the Oracle FS System event logs to the Call‑Home server.

Start Date

Indicates the time and date when to begin the periodic transfers.

Indicates the unit of occurrence at which the system performs the scheduled transfer. Valid options:

Performs the scheduled task on a daily basis.


Performs the scheduled task on a weekly basis.


Performs the scheduled task on a monthly basis.


Indicates the number of intervals to wait before starting the next scheduled Call‑Home operation. Enter or select a value from 1 to 100.

The default interval is weekly.

Enable larger periodic Call-Home

Enables large files to be sent to the Call‑Home server so that trace logs and performance statistics are automatically included in the Call‑Home logs.

Start Date

Indicates the time and date when to begin the periodic transfers.

Indicates the unit of occurrence at which the system performs the scheduled transfer. Valid options:

Performs the scheduled task on a daily basis.


Performs the scheduled task on a weekly basis.


Performs the scheduled task on a monthly basis.


Indicates the number of intervals to wait before starting the next scheduled Call‑Home operation. Enter or select a value from 1 to 100.

The default interval is weekly.

Call-Home Configuration

Specifies the Call‑Home server settings. You can configure an Oracle server or a local server to receive the event logs and messages.

Use Oracle Server
Specifies that Call‑Home logs and messages should be sent to Oracle.
‑serverServer Address
Identifies the IP address or the domain name of the Call‑Home server, Valid options:
  • IP: The IP address for the SNMP server

  • DNS: The Domain Name Service (DNS) for the SNMP server

‑scpConnect via SCP

Specifies the use of secure copy (SCP) with 1024‑bit encryption and secure keys to transfer files directly over the Internet to Oracle Customer Support.

‑httpsConnect via HTTPS

Sends files either directly to the Oracle server through a secure Internet connection or to a proxy server.

‑enableProxyUse Proxy

Sends Call‑Home logs through a proxy server for security purposes or when the Oracle FS System does not have direct access to the Internet.

Sends Call‑Home logs without using a proxy server.
‑proxyIpProxy Server Address

Identifies the DNS server name or IP address of the proxy server.

‑proxyPortProxy Server Port

Identifies the port that the proxy server uses to send the Call‑Home log files.

Identifies the type of protocol that Call‑Home uses to access the proxy server. Valid options:
  • HTTP
  • SOCKS4
  • SOCKS5
  • Unknown
Use Local Server

Specifies that Call‑Home status messages should be sent to a local server by providing the IP address or domain name of the local server.

SCP Server

Specifies the use of secure copy (SCP) with 1024‑bit encryption and secure keys to transfer files directly over the Internet to Oracle Customer Support.

Remote Directory

Identifies the full directory path on the target server in which to store the Call‑Home log files.

Password Authentication
Specifies that authentication is required to access the local server. Use login credentials or a customer‑supplied certificate to authenticate access to the local server. If you specify the ‑certificate option, the customer certificate is used for authentication. If you do not specify the ‑certificate option, then specify the ‑userName and ‑password options to provide the proper credentials for authentication.
Note: The ‑pillarDestination and ‑localDestination options are mutually exclusive.

Specifies the name of the user.


Specifies the password associated with the username.

Enable large file transfers
Identifies whether trace logs and performance statistics are included in Call‑Home data transfers. The size of the log file is not limited and can become large.
  • Enable this option to allow large files so that trace logs and performance statistics are automatically included in the messages that are sent to Oracle Customer Support.
  • Disable this option to exclude trace logs and performance statistics from the Call‑Home messages that are sent to Oracle Customer Support. You can collect, download, and transmit the trace logs separately if they are needed.
Number of recent events to send in header

Specifies the maximum number of system events to include in the Call‑Home status messages. The number of system events should be greater than or equal to zero.