Status Bar Description

Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) displays information about the operation of the Oracle FS System in the status bar at the bottom of each overview window.

Figure 1: Oracle FS System Manager status bar

Oracle FS System Manager status bar

1  System status 6  Account that is currently logged in
2  Hardware status 7  Number of accounts that are currently logged in
3  System alert 8  Displays all accounts that are currently logged in
4  Last system alert 9  Progress of current background task
5  System name 10  Displays all background tasks

The following table describes each status bar component.

Table 1 Status bar details
Status bar component Description
System status Displays the overall system status. A status of Normal (green) requires no action. If, however, the status is Warning (yellow) or Critical (red), click the icon to view the System Summary page to identify the cause of the status.
Hardware status Displays the overall system status of the hardware components. A status of Normal (uncolored) requires no action. If, however, the status is Warning (yellow) or Critical (red), click the icon to view the Hardware overview page so the cause of the status can be identified.
System alert To open the System Alerts overview page and to respond to any events that require intervention, click this icon. The icon displays only when an active system alert is present on the Oracle FS System.
Last system alert If an alert exists, displays the date and time of the last system alert. This information lets you know, especially when multiple events exist, whether a new system alert has been generated. The date and time displays when an active system alert is present on the Oracle FS System.
System name If a system name has been configured, displays the system name. If no system name has been configured, displays the serial number.
Account that is currently logged in Displays the name of the account that is currently logged in to the system.
Number of accounts that are currently logged in Displays the number of accounts currently logged in to the system.
Displays all accounts that are currently logged in Click this icon to open the Current User Session dialog and to view details of the accounts that are currently logged in to the system.
Progress of current background tasks Displays the progress of the currently running tasks.
Displays all background tasks Click this icon to open the Background Processes dialog.