View Storage Profile Dialog

Navigation: System > Global Settings > Storage Profiles > Actions > View Storage Profile

Displays the properties of a Storage Profile.

Identifies the name of the Storage Profile. The name includes, in some instances, the name of the application that is associated with the profile.

RAID Level

Identifies the storage mechanism that is used to enhance the ability of the system to recover data from the loss of one or more drives.

Possible RAID levels:
Single parity

Indicates that, in addition to the actual data, one set of parity bits exists for the logical volume. This parity level protects against the loss of one drive. Single parity is implemented as a variant of the RAID 5 storage technology.

Double parity

Indicates that, in addition to the actual data, two sets of parity bits exist for the logical volume. This parity level protects against the loss of one or two drives with a slight cost to write performance. Double parity is implemented as a variant of the RAID 6 storage technology.


Indicates that no parity bits exist for the volume. Instead, the system writes the data in two different locations. This RAID level protects against the loss of at least one drive and possibly more drives with an improvement of the performance of random write operations. Mirrored RAID is implemented as a variant of the RAID 10 storage technology.

Read Ahead

Identifies the read‑ahead policy that the system uses for sequential read operations. The policy determines the amount of additional data, if any, that the system places into the Controller cache. Valid policies:

Normal and Default

Indicates that the input requests and the output requests are accessing the data mostly in a random manner or in a mixed sequential and random manner.


Indicates that the input requests and the output requests are accessing the data mostly in a sequential manner and that the workload is biased toward read operations.


Indicates that the input requests and the output requests are mostly sequential and that the workload is biased toward write operations.

Identifies the priority that the system gives to various operational aspects of a logical volume, such as the Controller processing queue. The processing-queue priority defines the percentage of the Controller CPU cycles that are dedicated to the volume. Identifies as well where the data is striped on rotating drives. Valid priority levels:

Indicates the highest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue


Indicates the next highest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue


Indicates an intermediate priority for responding to requests in the processing queue


Indicates the next to lowest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue


Indicates the lowest priority for responding to requests in the processing queue


Displays addition QoS properties of the Storage Profile.


Identifies the write‑caching rules to use for the profile.

Valid options:

Writes data to the Controller cache and to the storage arrays before the write request completes. This rule ensures that the data is safely written to the storage before the write request returns to the application. Write-through caching performs more slowly than does write-back caching because the data is being written to the storage arrays as well as to the cache.

Write-back caching
Writes data to the Controller cache, and the write request returns immediately without waiting for the write‑to‑disk to complete. During idle cycles, the system writes the data from the cache to the storage arrays. Write-back caching performs faster than does write‑through because the data only needs to be written to the cache before the write request returns.
Important! If the system goes down unexpectedly, the data in the cache that has not been written to the storage arrays could be lost.

During the shutdown process, the system writes all cached data to the storage arrays.


Indicates that the Oracle FS System selects the appropriate write‑caching rule based on the selected QoS settings.

Stripe Width

Identifies the number of drive groups over which the data is written.

Possible values:
1 through 64

Indicates the specified stripe width.


Indicates that the logical volume is striped across all of the available drive groups.


Indicates that the Oracle FS System determines the stripe width based on the Priority option that you selected.

Preferred Storage Classes

Displays the Storage Class media on which the logical volume resides and the preferred order that the Oracle FS System uses the media.

Preferred Order

Indicates the preferred order in which the Oracle FS System uses the available Storage Classes.

Storage Class

Specifies the category of physical media on which the logical volume resides.

Valid media types:
Performance SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on solid state drives (SSDs) that are optimized for the performance of balanced read and write operations.

Capacity SSD

Specifies that the data is stored on SSDs that are optimized for the performance of capacity and for read operations. The write performance for this Storage Class is sacrificed somewhat to achieve the optimizations for read performance and for capacity.

Performance Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-speed hard disk drives (HDDs). This Storage Class sacrifices some capacity to reduce the access time and the latency of the read operations and of the write operations.

Capacity Disk

Specifies that the data is stored on high-capacity, rotating HDDs. This Storage Class optimizes capacity at some sacrifice of speed. For a storage system that does not include tape storage as an option, this Storage Class always provides the lowest cost for each GB of capacity.