Customize the Display of a Statistics Graph

You can customize the appearance of any real-time statistic graph using the Properties function that is accessed from the graph.
Create a real-time statistics graph and then customize the labels, fonts, color, and plot line appearance displayed in the graph using graph’s controls from the Properties function.
  1. Choose a function where real-time statistic graphs are available:
    • System > Reporting and Statistics > Drive Group Statistics

    • System > Reporting and Statistics > CPU Statistics

    • SAN > Statistics and Trending > LUNs

    • SAN > Statistics and Trending > Controller Protocols

  2. Select one of the following actions to access the real-time graph function:
    • Actions > Controller CPU Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > Drive Group Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > LUN Real Time Statistics

    • Actions > FC Port Real Time Statistics

  3. Select a statistic and then click Draw Graph.
  4. Click inside the graph, and then click the right mouse button to modify the graph.
    A menu is displayed with choices for modifying the graph.
  5. Select Properties.
    The Chart Properties dialog is displayed.
  6. Select Title, Plot, or Other to change labels, fonts, color, and plot line appearance used in the graph.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.
    The changes are saved during the time the graph is displayed. Once you close the graph, the changes to the graph are discarded.