Download a Report

You can download generated reports to your client workstation in a variety of formats.
Only reports listed on the Generated Reports page can be downloaded.
Download reports to see their contents.
  1. From the System tab, navigate to Reporting and Statistics > Generated Reports.
  2. Select the name of the report you want to download on the Generated Reports page.
  3. Select Actions > Download.
  4. Choose a file format from the Format drop-down menu in the Download Report dialog.
    Valid formats:
    • CSV (comma-separated values)
    • Excel
    • HTML
    • PDF
    • XML
  5. Click the browse button (...) and choose the desired destination for the report.
  6. Enter a filename in the File Name field, and click Save.
    The path, filename, and extension appear in the Target Download Path field in the Download Report dialog.
  7. Click OK.
The report is downloaded in the specified format to the target location.
You must have the appropriate viewer to view the downloaded report. For example, Adobe Reader is required to view PDF reports.