Recover From Expired Passwords

A scenario might arise in which the password for one of the built-in accounts (Primary Administrator, Oracle Support, or Replication) has expired. Recovering from this scenario is crucial to maintaining your Oracle FS System.

Table 1 Resolution scenarios for expired passwords
Login account Scenario Resolution
Primary Administrator Password is set to the factory default. Perform Steps 1 through 4 below.
All of the following is true:
  • Password has been changed.
  • Password is not known.
  • Email has not been configured.
Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
Oracle Support Password is set to the factory default Perform Steps 1 through 4 below.
All of the following is true:
  • Password has been changed.
  • Password is not known.
  • Email has not been configured.
Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
Replication Password is not known. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.
If the password for Primary Administrator account or the Oracle Support account has expired and the password was not changed from the factory setting, perform the steps that are described below.

If the password for the Replication account has expired and you do not know the password, contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.

Important! If however the following conditions are true, contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance:
  • The password has been changed from the factory setting.

  • You do not know the current password.

  • No email address has been configured.

In the preceding scenario, Oracle Customer Support can assist you in running a special utility that resets the Primary Administrator account or the Oracle Support account.
  1. Launch Oracle FS System Manager.
  2. In the login dialog, enter the login name.
    Enter administrator or pillar, depending on the account for which the password has expired.
  3. If you know the password for the built-in account, perform Step 3; otherwise perform Step 4.

  4. (Password is known) Enter the original password and then click Reset Password.
    Perform the steps that are described for resetting the Primary Administrator password.
  5. (Password is not known) Click Forgot Password.
    If you created an email account for the built-in account, the system sends password reset instructions to that email account. Follow the directions in that email.
The built-in account should now be reset and accessible.