Run Controller Diagnostics

Oracle Customer Support might request that you run diagnostics on a selected Controller to test its hardware components. The results of these tests can help you take the appropriate steps to ensure data integrity and to reduce downtime.
  • Logged in to Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) using the Oracle Support role or the Support role.

  • All of the clients that are connected to the target Controller are idle. Alternatively, ensure that the zoning and client configuration are set up to handle the condition of the Controller going offline with all data access moved to the partner Controller.

You can run hardware diagnostics in response to various conditions such as certain hardware faults, the crossing of critical statistics thresholds, and certain generated events. The goal of these diagnostics is to isolate the cause of that condition. After a hardware diagnostic is invoked, it performs a particular test and returns a Pass status or a Fail status. For a Fail status, the diagnostic test returns detailed information about the failure.
Do not initiate diagnostics on a Controller that is currently serving data. If you do, data loss could occur.
During the diagnostic period, the performance of the partner Controller is diminished because all I⁠/O is performed directly to disk.
  1. Navigate to System > Hardware > Controllers.
  2. Select Actions > Run Diagnostics.
  3. Select the Controller on which you want to run diagnostics.
  4. Read the warning on the Controller Diagnostics dialog box, then click Next.
    After the diagnostics is completed, the Success dialog appears.
  5. To display the diagnostics test results, click Next.
  6. Review the results of the diagnostics test.
  7. To close the diagnostics dialog, click Finished.