Upload Storage Class Mapping File

When you add a new type of drive to an Oracle FS System, the system must be able to determine the Storage Class to which the drive type belongs. Uploading the Oracle-provided XML file that maps all supported drive types to appropriate Storage Classes enables the addition of the type of drive to succeed.

Prerequisite: An Oracle-supplied Storage Class mapping file.

When you replace or add a Drive Enclosure that contains a new type of drive, the Oracle FS System rejects the drives unless the new drive type is already known to the system and is mapped to a specific Storage Class.

To prevent the new type of drives from being rejected, obtain from Oracle the latest XML file that maps this new drive type to an appropriate Storage Class and then upload the file into the system. An alternative is to perform a software update using a software package that contains the new mapping file.

Note: An Oracle FS System ships with a pre-installed XML file that maps all of the drive types to the appropriate Storage Classes. This file contains mappings for all of the drive types that are supported at the time that the system was manufactured. Oracle updates this file when a new type of drive becomes available. Each software update package always has the latest mapping file.
  1. Navigate to Support > Software and Firmware.
  2. Select Actions > Upload Storage Class Mappings File.
  3. In the Upload Storage Class Mappings File dialog, browse to the Oracle-provided XML file that contains the mappings.
  4. Select the XML file and click OK.
After uploading the Storage Class mapping file, you can add to the system a Drive Enclosure that contains the new types of drives.