system restart

Stops the data paths, writes the data from the Controller memory to permanent storage, and then returns the Oracle FS System to its normal operational state.


system ‑restart 
   { [‑overridePinnedData]
     [‑serviceType {san}]
   | [‑emergencyClearFbm] [{‑backupPersistence | ‑noBackupPersistence}]
   | [‑emergencyPreserveFbm] [{‑backupPersistence | ‑noBackupPersistence}]

   [{‑sessionKey | ‑u admin‑user ‑oracleFS oracle‑fs‑system}]
   [{‑outputformat | ‑o} { text | xml }]
   [{‑timeout timeout‑in‑seconds | ‑verify | ‑usage | ‑example | ‑help}] 


Important! Before issuing a restart command, halt all I/O operations to avoid the possibility that data is written to cache but not to disk (pinned data) when the Oracle FS System shuts down and restarts. To flush all data to storage before issuing a restart command, run the system ‑conservativeMode command.
During a system restart, the Oracle FS System stops servicing protocols and proceeds to a shutdown state where it continues to monitor system status and issues system alerts, and performs Call‑Home if required. As soon as the shutdown completes successfully, the system begins a complete system startup sequence.

If the shutdown portion of the restart process fails for any reason, the system is placed in a shutdown failed status and will not restart. Data access might be available depending on the failure. If assistance is required, contact Oracle Customer Support.


The system ‑restart ‑overridePinnedData command may be used to restart a system that has a Pinned Data condition. However, running this command discards all Pinned Data, which might result in data integrity issues for LUNs. This option should not be used without first attempting to clear the Pinned Data condition. Unless the Pinned Data is on volumes where the data can be recreated quickly and easily, do not use this option before attempting to resolve the cause. If you have Pinned Data, you should attempt to resolve the internal PI fabric or storage subsystem condition before you ever use this override option. If the resolution of the PI/Storage is successful, the system flushes the Pinned Data to storage and remove the related Alerts. If assistance is needed, contact Oracle Customer Support.

The system ‑restart ‑serviceType command may be used to change the service type of your system. The service type is specified on your Sales Order and System Information Documents. Do not attempt to change the service type to one that is NOT specified on your System Information Documents.

If you have a disabled Controller, run the system ‑restart ‑overrideDisabledController command to force the Oracle FS System to restart in a single Controller configuration.

Note: Only administrators with primary administrator, admin1, or support roles are authorized to run the system -restart command. Only administrators with support roles are authorized to run the emergencyClearFbm or emergencyPreserveFbm options of the system -restart command.



Indicates that the Oracle FS System will configure persistence from the most recently completed backup copy of persistence. The persistence is configured after the system restarts.


Indicates that the Oracle FS System will restart without attempting to recover cached data. This option discards all data in the Flash Memory on the controller. Use only if instructed to do so by an Oracle Customer Support representative.

Note: Only administrators with support roles are authorized to run the emergencyClearFbm option of the system -restart command.

Specifies that the Oracle FS System retain all data and configuration information in the Flash Memory on the controllers, but will force an immediate shutdown and restart. Use only as instructed to do so by an Oracle Customer Support representative.

Note: Only administrators with support roles are authorized to run the emergencyPreserveFbm option of the system -restart command.

Indicates that the Oracle FS System will not configure persistence from the most recently completed backup copy of persistence.


If there is a disabled Controller the system does not perform a normal shutdown. This option allows the system to be restarted. The status of the disabled Controller may or may not change on the resulting restart.


Restarts the Oracle FS System without completing any pending management operations.

If there is pinned data, it does not stop the process of restarting the system. The pinned data that cannot be written to physical storage is discarded.
Important! Contact Oracle Customer Support to resolve any issues with the Backend SAS Interconnect, a storage condition, or both, which might be causing the pinned data. Clearing pinned data guarantees that host data is deleted permanently.

Ignore the state of the system and continue with the restart operation.

Requests that the mode pages be reloaded on all of the drives. If an administrator has disabled the reload mode pages flag, the system ignores the resetModePages option.
Note: A drive mode page contains changeable values that are stored on a drive as part of the drive firmware. Do not reload or reset drive mode pages unless you are instructed to do so by Oracle Customer Support. Reloading or resetting drive mode pages increases the time that is needed to restart or to shut down the system.

Specifies the type of protocol that the Oracle FS System supports: san. The correct service type for your system is specified on the Sales Order and the System Customer Information Documents and should not be changed. If the installed hardware in the Controllers does not allow the changed service type, the system will not boot. Modify the service type only as instructed by Oracle Customer Support.


The following global options can be used for fscli command-subcommand pairs that do not include other command-line options:

Returns the context-sensitive help for the specified subcommand.


Returns the subcommand syntax for the given command, including all of the options that are available for the command-subcommand pair.


The following global options can be used for fully formed fscli commands:

Returns sample output from the specified command.
Note: To see the output in XML format, include the ‑o xml option.
timeout timeout-in-seconds
Specifies the length of time (timeout-in-seconds) that the command line interface waits before another command is allowed to run. If the command takes longer to run than the specified time limit, the system continues processing the command, but the command prompt is made available so that you can issue another command. If the -timeout option is omitted, the command line interface blocks until the one of the following conditions is met:
  • The command completes successfully.

  • The command returns with an error.

  • The session times out.

Note: Be sure to check the state of the system after initiating a long running command with the ‑timeout option. Many fscli commands run a series of underlying commands in sequence. When the timeout value is reached before all of the underlying commands have completed, the fscli command does not complete with the outstanding tasks reporting a failure status.
outputformat | ‑o { text | xml }
Controls the type of the output the system returns from a command. If the ‑outputformat option is not included, the format of the output defaults to simple text. If xml is provided, the output is a collection of XML elements.
Note: For XML output, if internal errors occur during command execution, each error is included in a separate <ErrorList> tag.

Inspects the validity of the command syntax, not the semantics. Used to test the structure of a command without running the command. Does not determine whether errors would be produced if you issue a structurally correct command with the input provided.


Directs the CLI to prompt you to supply a session key when you issue the command. The CLI displays Sessionkey: as the prompt. To obtain a session key, log in with the ‑returnKey option specified. After the session is established, the session key is displayed in STDOUT. If you request a session key, the ‑sessionkey option is required syntax for all commands that are issued in a given session. In environments with more than one Oracle FS System, the session key is used to determine to which Oracle FS System to direct the command for validation. Session keys are also used to establish two or more CLI sessions when using a shared administrator account.

u admin-useroracleFS oracle‑fs-system
Routes the command to a particular Oracle FS System for execution. This option passes the name of the administrator account to use when opening the session on the specified system. Identify a specific Oracle FS System by its IP address or by the name that is recorded in the domain name system (DNS). When logging in to the Oracle FS System using the ‑u option and the ‑oracleFS option, the fscli application prompts you for a password on the command line interface for access. The Oracle FS System and the account login information are used to authenticate the current session. Establishing a login session by specifying an Oracle FS System and an account does not change the credentials that are associated with the active sessions that are running on other clients.
Oracle recommends that you not use the Cygwin command line interface to run the fscli application on Windows platforms. If you are running the Cygwin interface and include the ‑u option as a part of the ‑list subcommand, the password for the specified account is included in the results. Exposing the password can cause a breach in security.



Restart the Oracle FS System.

  • None

$ fscli system -restart