Pilot Cabling

External cabling of the Pilot nodes connects the Oracle FS System to the customer management network. Internal cabling provides the private management interface (PMI) to support the internal private management protocol used for the internal functioning of the system.

Pilot Port for External Cabling

The following figure shows the external Ethernet port.

Figure: 1 Pilot port for external cabling

 Pilot port for external cabling 
1 NET 3 port connects the Pilot nodes to the customer management network (Ethernet).

Pilot Ports for Internal Cabling

The following figure shows the internal Ethernet ports and the serial port.

Figure: 2 Pilot ports for internal cabling

 Pilot ports for internal cabling 
1 NET MGT port connects to the NET 2 port on the partner Pilot node (Ethernet). 4 NET 1 port connects to the NET 3 port on the Controller node (Ethernet).
2 SER MGT port connects the SER MGT port on the partner Pilot node (serial). 5 NET 0 port connects to the NET 0 port on the partner Pilot node (Ethernet).
3 NET 2 port connects to the NET MGT port on the partner Pilot node (Ethernet).