Log File

Use the contents of the fsstatsdigest.log file to troubleshoot potential issues during processing.

Table 1 Contents of the fsstatsdigest.log file
Log File Section Description
TAR Extraction This section provides the results of tar extraction of the *.stats.tar.gz file.
Parser and Formatter
  • This section provides the results of executing fsstatsparser which will combine the *.dat files from the .tar extraction to the *.sps dbase file.
  • This section provides the results of any errors executing fsstatsformatter. If there are no errors for fsstatsformatter, the execution was successful.
CSV Stat Sum This section provides any errors pertaining to the statistics summary execution. The statistics summary is the combined statistics for the following components:
  • San_Lun_Ui
  • Raid_DriveGroup_Ui
  • Raid_Drive_Ui

    Included in this component is the XOR Summary data. Specific analysis of this information requires development interaction upon processing failure only.

  • San_Lun_General
  • Bs_None_Ui
  • Raid_Port_General
CSV Individual This section provides the results of any errors encountered during the execution of individual statistics for the following components:
  • Dms_None_Ui
  • San_SanFc_Ui
  • San_SanFc_General
  • San_SanFc_Error
  • Dms_None_General
CSV-ID to FQN-NAME This section provides the results to any issues encountered during translation of the ID to the fully qualified name.
CSV to XLS This section provides the results of creating the result XLSX files for the following components:
  • SAN/Lun/UI
  • Raid/DriveGroup/UI
  • SAN/Lun/General
  • BS/None/UI
  • DMS/None/UI
  • SAN/SANFC/General
  • SAN/SANFC/Error
  • DMS/None/General
Cleanup This section provides any errors encountered when generating the report file or when moving data to the ./PillarStatisticsProcessedFiles directory.