Extract System Statistics

The statistics bundle downloaded from the Oracle FS System is a compressed .tar file containing multiple .tar and .gz archive files. You must extract these files before you can use the Oracle Flash Storage System Statistics Tools to process and format the statistics.

For Linux and Solaris, use the tar command to extract the files. For Windows, you need a .tar and .gz utility to extract the files.
  1. For Linux and Solaris, use the following command to extract the statistics gz files from the system information collection tar file:
    tar -xf Log_Bundle_Name.tar

    where Log_Bundle_Name .tar is the name of the system information collection you downloaded.

  2. To extract the individual data files from the unzip utility tool, file, use the following commands:
    tar -x ID_number.stats.tar.gz
    tar -x ID_number.chsh.xml.tar.gz
    where ID_number is the system-generated ID number of the data file.
    Note: The ID_number.stats.tar.gz file contains the raw statistical data from the statistics bundle. The ID_number.chsh.xml.tar.gz file identifies the statistics gathered from your Oracle FS System and displays these statistics using the names you have defined.
    The ID_number.chsh.xml.tar.gz file is extracted to the current directory, and a new PillarStatistics directory is created in the current directory. The contents of the ID_number.stats.tar.gz file are extracted to the new PillarStatistics directory.
  3. For Windows, extract the files in the same directory in which you downloaded the statistics file from the Oracle FS System.
Once the chsh and stats files have been extracted, process the files with the Statistics Parser tool.