1 Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Network Integrity TL1 cartridge and the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET TL1 reference cartridge.

TL1 Cartridge Overview

The TL1 cartridge allows you to build deployable cartridges that interact with transaction language 1 (TL1) devices or systems.

The TL1 cartridge provides the following key features:

  • Transmission control protocol (TCP), Telnet protocol, and secure shell (SSH) communication with TL1 enabled devices, gateways, and element management systems (EMSs)

  • Gateway discovery

  • Extensible command dictionary in Oracle Communications Design Studio for defining TL1 requests and responses

  • Extensible discovery results model using Design Studio

  • Record and playback of TL1 communication

The TL1 cartridge is an abstract cartridge, meaning that Design Studio is used to configure and assemble the run time cartridge against target systems or devices before deploying it into Network Integrity. Because there are no globally common commands among all TL1 devices or agents, you must build a specific extension to the TL1 cartridge to communicate to specific device or agent families. See Network Integrity Concepts for guidelines and best practices for extending cartridges.

The TL1 cartridge uses the WebNMS TL1 library (a set of Java-based APIs) to provide complete support for building TL1 management applications.

The TL1 cartridge ZIP file contains a reference implementation cartridge for discovering Cisco ONS 15454 SONET TL1 devices. See "Cisco 15454 TL1 Reference Cartridge Overview" for more information.

The TL1 cartridge connects to TL1 agents using TCP, Telnet, or SSH. Use SSH over TCP and Telnet as much as possible for security reasons. Reserve TCP and Telnet communication for devices that do not support SSH. The TL1 cartridge uses a Java secure channel (JSCH) library (a set of Java-based APIs) to provide SSH support.

The TL1 cartridge formats and parses TL1 requests and responses with the command dictionary. The command dictionary is a Design Studio cartridge development framework for defining command requests and responses. The command dictionary provides utilities that convert populated request types into command strings and convert device responses into structured data holders. For example, Design Studio is used to map the TL1 responses to the Oracle Communications Information Model to support discrepancy detection and resolution.

The TL1 cartridge does not provide Discrepancy Detection or Discrepancy Resolution actions. However, the discovery results from the TL1 cartridge can be used as input for a Discrepancy Detection or Discrepancy Resolution action run by another cartridge.

See "About the TL1 Cartridge" for more information about the TL1 cartridge and its components.

Cisco 15454 TL1 Reference Cartridge Overview

The Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge shows you how to develop a cartridge that extends the TL1 cartridge to support the discovery of a specific TL1 device, gateway, or EMS. Use the Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge as a model to develop your own discovery cartridge that extends the TL1 cartridge.

The Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge extends the TL1 cartridge to support the collection and modeling of physical equipment data from a Cisco ONS 15454 SONET device using the TL1 protocol.

See "About the Cisco ONS 15454 TL1 Reference Cartridge" for more information about the Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge and its components.

About the Cartridge Dependencies

This section provides information about dependencies that the TL1 cartridge and Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge have on other entities.

Run-Time Dependencies

The TL1 cartridge and Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge require that the Address_Handlers cartridge be deployed to Network Integrity.

Design-Time Dependencies

The TL1 cartridge has the following dependencies:

  • Address_Handlers

  • Network Integrity SDK

  • ora_uim_model

The Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge has the following dependencies:

  • Address_Handler

  • NetworkIntegritySDK

  • ora_uim_model

  • TL1 cartridge

Downloading and Opening the Cartridge Files in Design Studio

To review and extend the TL1 cartridge and the Cisco 15454 TL1 reference cartridge, download the TL1 cartridge ZIP file from the Oracle software delivery web site:


The TL1 cartridge ZIP file has the following structure:

  • Cisco_TL1_Cartridge

  • TL1_Cartridge

  • Address_Handlers

The Cisco_TL1_Cartridge project and the TL1_Cartridge project contain the extendable Design Studio files.

See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for information about opening files in Design Studio.

Building and Deploying the Cartridge

See Design Studio Help for information about building and deploying cartridges.