3 Using the Cartridge

This chapter provides instructions for using the Oracle Communications Network Integrity UIM Integration cartridge in Network Integrity and Oracle Communications Design Studio.

About Wild Card Searching

Network Integrity UI search and Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) UI search support wildcards and all searches are case-insensitive.

Table 3-1 shows the special search characters supported in the Network Integrity search panels.

Table 3-1 Supported Special Search Characters

Special Character Meaning Example


Match 0 or more characters

abc% is equivalent to "Starts With abc"

%xyz is equivalent to "Ends With xyz"

%lmn% is equivalent to "Contains lmn"


same as %

abc* is equivalent to "Starts With abc"

*xyz is equivalent to "Ends With xyz"

*lmn* is equivalent to "Contains lmn"


Match a single character

Among other things, a_c will match a2c and abc


Used to match special characters

\& matches &

\* matches *

\_ matches _

\\ matches \

A % or * wildcard at the start and/or end of a search string is always used to map the remaining string with the appropriate qualifier (Begins With, Ends With, and Contains).

The * wildcard is always mapped to the % wild card for use by UIM. Similarly \* is mapped to * for use by UIM.

Embedded wildcards (for example, A%Z) are passed directly to the UIM search operations. The result is the same as when performing the equivalent search from the UIM UI. In particular, wildcard matches are not supported for equals (A%Z will not match A2Z) but are supported for other qualifiers (A%Z% will match A2Z, AtoZ!, etc.).

Wildcards at start and/or end of value are mapped to one of the existing search qualifiers as described in the following table. In all cases, any leading or trailing wildcard is removed leaving "Something" as the value for search.

Table 3-2 shows the qualifiers for the wildcard pattern.

Table 3-2 Wildcard Pattern Qualifiers

Wildcard Pattern Qualifier









Multi-valued fields result in multiple searches. For example, if logicalDeviceName is Device1, Device2 and networkLocationEntityCode is Place1*, Place2* then 4 searches are performed (Device1/Place1*, Device1/Place2*, Device2/Place1*, and Device2/Place2*).

The comma can be escaped. A value 'a,b' searches for a, then b while a value 'a\,b' searches once for 'a,b'.

Creating an Import from UIM Scan

The Import from UIM scan imports devices from UIM and models them into physical device and logical device models.

To create an Import from UIM import scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab, do the following:

    • From the Scan Action list, select Import From UIM.

      The Scan Type field displays Import.

    • In the Scan Action Parameters section, enter filter values.

  3. Make any other required configurations.

  4. Save and run the scan.

Creating a Reconciliation Solution

This section describes how to build a deployable cartridge that includes discovery, discrepancy detection, and reconciliation actions for integration with UIM.

Before you perform this procedure, ensure that the Network Integrity UIM Integration cartridge and its dependencies are imported into Design Studio.

To create a reconciliation solution:

  1. In Design Studio, create a new UIM Model cartridge project and add Logical Device and Physical Device specifications.

  2. Create a new Network Integrity cartridge project.

  3. In the Network Integrity cartridge project, create a new discovery action.

  4. Make the Network Integrity cartridge project dependent on the UIM cartridge project.

  5. Add the logical and physical devices specifications from the UIM Model cartridge project to the model collection in the Network Integrity cartridge project.

  6. Add the model collection to the discovery action.

  7. Create a discovery processor to model the new specifications.

  8. Create a new discrepancy detection action.

  9. Extend the Abstract Detect UIM Discrepancies action.

  10. Set the result source to the new discovery action.

  11. Create a new discrepancy resolution action.

  12. Extend the Abstract Resolve in UIM action.

  13. Set the result source to the new discovery action.

  14. Set the Resolution Action label to Correct in UIM.

Populating UIM with Discovered Data

To populate UIM with discovered network data:

  1. In Network Integrity, configure a discovery scan with the Discrepancy Detection option enabled.

  2. Run the discovery scan.

    The scan generates discrepancies for each missing logical and physical entity.

  3. Submit the discrepancy resolutions for the entities you want to import to UIM.

  4. Verify that UIM is populated with the submitted data.

  5. In Network Integrity, configure and run an import scan.

    The import scan imports data from UIM.

  6. Rerun the discovery scan with the Discrepancy Detection option enabled.

    The scan does not detect any discrepancies as UIM contains the discovered data.

Performing Ongoing Reconciliation with UIM

Before you perform this procedure, ensure that:

  • UIM is running

  • UIM Integration and Network Integrity discovery cartridges are deployed

  • The Import Systems tab is configured for UIM

  • Import scans are configured

  • Discovery scans are configured with Discrepancy Detection enabled

To perform ongoing reconciliation with UIM:

  1. In Network Integrity, run the import scan.

  2. Run the discovery scan.

  3. Select the discrepancies that are found during the discovery scan and correct them in UIM.

  4. Submit the discrepancies for resolution.

  5. Run the import scan.

    The import scan imports data from UIM.

  6. Run the discovery scan.

    The scan does not detect any discrepancies.

About UIM Auto-Termination

UIM supports auto-termination of connectivity to device interfaces. For this feature, UIM expects a complete subinterface hierarchy under a STM interface.

To create STM interfaces in UIM for the purpose of auto-termination, you must ensure that the discovered interface hierarchy is complete before performing the Correct in UIM action for entity- discrepancies of logical devices or STM device interfaces.

To discover the complete interface hierarchy, configure the discovery scan with the Collect CTP scan parameter set to Potential.


If you run a discovery scan with the Collect CTP scan parameter value set to Potential and upload discrepancies to UIM, all future discovery scans with a different Collect CTP parameter value generate entity- discrepancies. You can ignore these discrepancies.